


Page 3Welcome

Page 4Meet The Team

Page 6Dates For Your Diary

Page 8Volunteering and Community Engagement

Page 11Food and Drink on Campus

Page 12 Tips for being a Committee Member

Page 13 Committee Role Descriptions

Page 16Clubs & Societies Reward Scheme

Page 21Terms of Affiliation

Page 23Finance

Page 29Meetings

Page 30Electing a New Committee

Page 31 How To Hold An AGM (Annual General Meeting)

Page 33Room Booking Procedure

Page 35Organising Events

Page 37Organising Trips

Page 38Guest Speakers

Page 40Sustainability and the Environment

Page 41Communication & Marketing

Page 43Social Media and Your Role

Page 44Defamation Guidelines


Before we begin we would like to welcome and thank you for wanting to set up a club or society here at ARU.

Here at the Union we pride ourselves on helping and supporting you to bring your idea to fruition. We are here to help and to make sure running your club or society is as easy as possible.

This booklet is designed to give you, a club or society committee member, all the information you need to run your society successfully.

If at any point you need help, don’t hesitate to contact us at the Students’ Union via email, phone or just pop in and have a chat with us.

Congratulations on taking the first step and we look forward to working with you!

Meet your Activities Officers:

Jamie Louise Smith, Activities Officer (Cambridgeshire)

Clubs and Societies are an integral part of the University Experience, and being acommittee member is both a responsibility and a great opportunity! I’m here to support you as a member and to support the society as a whole – so make sure you contact me if you have any questions, or even if you just want to chat about how it’s going!


Cambridge Phone: 01223 460 008

Precious Nwanze, Activities Officer (Essex)

My priorities for office are to make the Chelmsford campus the most desirable place to be (studying and socialising) by raising the community spirit through campaigns and projects (watch this space) and to ensure the voices of students on the Chelmsford campus are heard LOUD and CLEAR. Feel free to get in contact with me to help with any problems your may have. Also any ideas you may have regarding campaigns, days/nights out or even trips is what I want to hear! It’s your university experience so let’s make it good!


Chelmsford Phone: 01245 258 178

Meet the Team

Jo Harbrow

Activities and Operations Director

Cambridge Phone: 01223 460 008

Chelmsford Phone: 01245 258 178

Katie Pether

Student Activities Coordinator (Chelmsford)

Chelmsford Phone: 01245 258 178

Dan Fow

Student Activities Coordinator (Cambridge)

Cambridge Office: 01233 460 008

Remember: Help is only a phone call or email away, so feel free to contact us with any problems or questions you may have.

Get to know your SU better…

Dates for Your Diary

Throughout the year there are numerous deadlines, meetings, training sessions and events that you need to know about and they are all below:

Event / Date / Time / Venue
Chelmsford C&S Committee training / 20nd September / 3-5pm / Student Lounge
Cambridge C&S Committee training / 22th September / 4-6pm / LAB 002
Chelmsford Freshers Fair / 21st September / 10-3pm / Mediterranean Garden
Peterborough Freshers Fair / 20th September / 10-3pm
Cambridge Freshers Fair / 23rd September / 10-3pm / Kelsey Kerridge
Clubs and Societies 1-1's / 26th September – 14th October / 10-5pm / Email Activities Off.
Chelmsford Minibus Test / 12th September / 10– 3pm / MAB 115
Cambridge Minibus Test / 13th September / 10-3pm / LAB 203
Cambridge Societies Forum
Clubs & Societies Grant Deadline – Round 1 / 4th October / 5pm / Email/Drop into office
Chelmsford First Aid / 13TH September / 10-4pm
Chelmsford Societies Forum / 13th October / 4-6pm / Student Lounge
Chelmsford Minibus Test / 4th October / 9-3pm
Cambridge Minibus Test / 4th October / 9-3pm
Chelmsford Societies Forum / 8thNovember / 4-6pm / Student Lounge
Cambridge Societies Forum / 4th October / 5-6pm / LAB 207
1st Student Council
Cambridge Societies Forum / 10th November / 5-6pm / LAB 207
Chelmsford Societies Forum / 8th December / 4-6pm / Student Lounge
Christmas Holidays / 19th Dec – 30th January
Clubs & Societies Grant Deadline – Round 2 / 27th January / 5pm / Email/Drop in
Chelmsford Societies Forum / 31stJanuary / 4-6pm / Student Lounge
2nd Student Council
Cambridge Societies Forum / 2nd February / 5-6pm / LAB 207
AO Challenge / 30th Jan –3rd Feb / All Week / Various Locations
National Student Volunteer Week / 6TH – 10TH February / All Week / Various Locations
Chelmsford Societies Forum / 2nd March / 4-6pm / Student Lounge
BUCS Big Wednesday
Cambridge Societies Forum / 28th February / 5-6pm / LAB 207
Easter Holidays
Clubs & Societies Grant Deadline – Round 3 / 14th April / 5pm / Email/Drop in
Chelmsford Societies Forum / 2nd May / 4-6pm / Student Lounge
Cambridge Societies Forum / 27th April / 5-6pm / LAB 207
3rd Student Council
Clubs and Societies Farewell Party / TBC / TBC / TBC
Deadline to log volunteering hours / 31 July / N/A / N/A
All Clubs & Societies
Cambridge Clubs & Societies
Chelmsford Clubs & Societies
Peterborough Clubs & Societies

Volunteering & Community Engagement

As a committee member, you are automatically classified as a volunteer and so you are able to log your hours and skills online. By logging your skills and hours at you can gain volunteering certificates, become eligible for numerous SU Awards and the Vice Chancellor Student Leader Award.You can download an official headed Skills Transcript for your volunteering that can greatly help you to stand out in interviews with potential employers.

As a committee member, you can log the hours that you spend volunteering to help your society. This could be meetings, planning sessions, training days or time spent running a fundraising or Fresher’s stall. If you are giving up your time to support and run a society with the aim of benefiting your fellow students, make sure to log your hours and skills!

Outside of university, clubs and societies are greatly encouraged to engage and/or volunteer in the local community. The aim of this relationship should be to benefit both your own group and the community group that you are volunteering with. Your project in the community can be as short or long-term as your group wishes, you could set up a one off fundraising event with a local charity or volunteer in a local shelter for an afternoon. Alternatively, you could set up a more long-term project, such as a weekly homework club in a local school. Either way, the Volunteering Service is always available to offer your group advice and support.

If you have an idea for a project or there is a particular charity your club or society would like to volunteer with, the best option is to speak to your Volunteering Coordinators first as they may already have a project or a contact that you could use.

Contact Details

For Chelmsford:

Emma Hughes:

Tracey Hall:

For Cambridge:

The Volunteering Service is based in Helmore123 on the Cambridge Campus and in the Volunteering Office on the Ground Floor of the Tindal Building on the Chelmsford Campus.

How do you create a Student Impact Project?

Student Impact Project Development Pack

Clubs and Societies are encouraged to engage and/or volunteer in the community. The aim of the relationship should be to benefit the club or society and the community group you are working with. Community engagement does not have to be a long standing relationship. Some are one off events such as the Cheerleading squad performing at a local community day; The Literary Society reading to people at a nursing home. Other relationships would be longer term and would involve more work such as the rugby team using the local town pitches and lighting in exchange for some of the students playing for the town club at the weekends.

Some community relationships are already in place so please seek assistance from the Student Activities team in the first instance. They will also be able to ensure that the relationship will not contravene the Students’ Union constitution or Equal Opportunities policy and will provide benefit for those involved. Clubs/Societies should think the relationship through thoroughly and a discussion with the Student Activities team can help with this.

All clubs and societies members are officially recognised by the Students’ Union as volunteers. This means you are automatically registered with the Volunteering Service.

At the end of the academic year, you can gain recognition for all your hard work by applying to the Volunteering accreditation process. This is a great asset to your C.V. Your hours and skills gained need to be recorded (via the Students’ Union website) and you can print off your Skills Transcript from the website at any point during the year. You will be contacted when it is time to do this. Please contact the Volunteering team for more information.

Training & Skills Development

To help you do the job you’ve been elected to do the Students’ Union will run training sessions that you can attend in order to improve your knowledge of the role and also help you develop skills that can help you in the future. You can add the skills gained to your volunteering profile on the Students’ Union website.

What skills are you going to gain from being a committee member?

Food and Drink

Everyone who prepares food needs to make sure they follow good food hygiene guidelines to ensure that the food they serve is safe to eat. This is important to your student group as you have a Duty of Care for your members and others who may be consuming the food that you prepare. It should be noted that if you give or sell food that causes people to become ill, you could be personally liable.

The information in this section is relevant to any student group wishing to provide food at an event. It is important to note the following when you intend to serve food at an event:

Cake Sales/Low Risk Foods

Lots of societies like to organise sales of cakes and biscuits to raise fund for their group or as part of a group meeting. This is generally fine for groups to do, however we ask that you adhere to the following procedures:

• If you are having a cake sale you must ensure that you have booked the space – in the relevant building. This can be done by contacting SU Reception, please remember to give adequate notice.

• Everyone making cakes should ensure that they read and follow the low risk food guidelines which can be found on the ‘Committee Hub’ part of the Students’ Union website.


As a Students’ Union we promote responsible drinking and we expect that all of the events and activities that student groups organise also promote this. The key points are:

• Where alcohol is being served water and soft drinks must also be available.

• Events should not be advertised or promoted around the availability of alcohol.

• Appropriate stewarding and security should be in place.

• All you can drink events or events with an open bar will not be approved.

Please also see a further more in depth document which can be found on the ‘Committee Hub’ part of the Students’ Union website.

First Aid Training

We will be running First Aid courses (which are free to committee members). Clubs and societies are always invited to send a committee member along as the more people who are qualified the better it is for your club or society. All the dates and times of the first aid courses can be found in the dates for your diary section.

MIDAS Minibus Training and Assessment

We provide tests for you to be able to drive the Students’ Union Minibus. To be eligible to go on the course you must initially meet the criteria of 21 years of age, hold a full UK driving license, have a maximum of 6 points on your licence and have a minimum of 2 years driving experience. You will have to produce your drivers’ license (paper and card) to book a test.

Tips for Being a Committee Member

Committee Role Descriptions

Title: President

Responsible to: Activities Officer

Task Description

  • Take overall responsibility for your committee and your society.
  • Maintain an open and regular dialog with the Student Opps Team.
  • Ensure society activity does not contravene with Students’ Union policy.
  • Act as chairperson at committee meetings in a fair and democratic manor.
  • Ensure at least one member of the committee attends the clubs or society forums, and reports back.
  • Work with the administrator to ensure all the start up pack is completed.
  • Comply with Health & Safety policies laid out by the Students’ Union, and your National Governing Body if applicable.
  • Ensure up to date Risk Assessments and Equality Impact Assessments are in place to reduce any risks relating to your activity.
  • Ensure a qualified First Aider is available for your activities, with appropriate equipment; free courses are available.
  • Seek revenue streams via sponsorship.
  • Work with the Student OppsTeam to purchase any social kit.
  • Report to the Student Opps Team if you discover any Health and Safety concerns.
  • Adhere to the Terms of Affiliation at all times.
  • Work with all committee members to ensure the society operates within the rules/regulations of the Students’ Union Constitution.
  • Ensure that your committee meet with a member of the Student Oppsteam once a semester to review your club or society progress.

Title: Administrator

Responsible to: President

Task Description:

  • Work with the President to complete the start up pack.
  • Organise room bookings for meetings or activities.
  • Publicise all activities, events and meetings using the SU’s website.
  • Coordinate all marketing i.e. flyers and posters & Ensure all materials have been checked by the Students’ Union
  • Keep your webpage on angliastudent.com up to date.
  • Compile agendas, take and distribute minutes at meetings.
  • Organise the AGM.
  • Report to the Student Activities team if you have any Health and Safety concerns.
  • Adhere to the Terms of Affiliation at all times.
  • Work with all committee members to ensure the club or society operates within the rules/regulations of the Students’ Union Constitution.
  • To be the equality, diversity and inclusion champion for the club or society. This involves ensuring that students from all demographics are encouraged to join and participate in your club or society.

Title: Treasurer

Responsible to: President

Task Description:

  • Abide by the rules and regulations pertaining to society finances.
  • Be aware of the legal implications of financial mismanagement.
  • Monitor expenditure throughout the year to ensure the accounts are correct.
  • Ensure that all expenditure is for the society benefit as a whole and not the individual.
  • Sign for any transactions in or out of accounts.
  • Pay any donated or sponsorship money into the societymembership account at the Students’ UnionOffice.
  • Submit all grant requests and accompanying letters.
  • Ensure all income is declared and paid into the Membership Account.
  • Be responsible for all petty cash and BACS requests.
  • Report any potential financial shortfalls.
  • Report to the Student Oppsteam if you have any health and safety concerns.
  • Adhere to the Terms of Affiliation at all times.
  • Work with all committee members to ensure the society operates within the rules/regulations of the Students’ Union constitution.
  • Meet with a member of the Student Oppsteam once a semester to discuss the finances of your society.

Title: Business and Development Officer

Responsible to: President

Task Description:

  • To ensure along with the Treasurer that the society is sustainable and financially sound.
  • To form a strong collaborative link with the help of the Students’ Unionwith the University Start-UpLab.
  • To attend training and gain resources from Start-Up Lab to grow the society and their project ideas.
  • To research and pursue any extra revenue streams for the club or society.
  • To bring forward business proposals to the SU that will benefit the Society

Title: Kit andEquipment Officer (Clubs Only)

Responsible to: President

Task Description:

  • Work with the Student Oppsteam to maintain an up to date inventory of kit and equipment.
  • Ensure all kit and equipment is set up appropriately and returned to the appropriate storage area.
  • Work with the Student Oppsteam to replace any damaged kit or equipment.
  • Work with the Treasurer to submit any grant requests for kit and equipment.
  • Report to the Student Oppsteam if you have any Health and Safety concerns.
  • Adhere to the Terms of Affiliation at all times.
  • Work with all committee members to ensure the club operates within the rules/regulations of the Students’ Union Constitution.

Title: Events Officer

Responsible to: President

Task description:

  • Work with Student Activities team to organise society events on and off campus
  • Responsible for ensuring guest speaker request forms come into the Student Activities team 4 weeks before event
  • Promote attendance at Students’ Union events including SU Awards

Clubs & Societies Reward Scheme

This scheme is designed to increase, promote and recognise the great work undertaken by our clubs and societies. It isn’t there to trick you, we want you to achieve these awards so if there’s a criteria you’re struggling with contact one of the members of the Activities Team to help guide you with some suggestions. We would recommend the Business and Development Officer champions the reward scheme and keeps an eye on whether the society is hitting its targets, if you don’t have someone in this role then the President can nominate a committee member to oversee it.

The scheme is sectioned into three award categories; Bronze, Silver and Gold.

BRONZE AWARD is for being an affiliated society at the Students Union and should be achieved within 2 months of setting up or from the start of the Academic Yeard.