Grading Practicum Student Submissions in Blackboard
1. Click Grade Center to expand it.
2. Click Needs Grading to open ungraded submissions.
3. Show list of submissions needing grading for a student by:
A. Clicking the User box drop-down arrow.
B. Clicking the student’s name.
C. Clicking Go.
4. Grade a submission:
A. Click the student’s name under User Attempt.
Note: If you don’t filter by student, you can still grade it by clicking the student’s name to the right of the asignment, as shown.
5. Review assignment and submission in:
- Assignment Information (click to expand)
- Submission (text entered by the student).
- Attached Files (click to read document(s) submitted by the student).
- Comments (entered by the student).
6. Grade the submission:
- Click View Rubric
Single Rubric: If there is just one rubric, it opens in a separate window:
When all rows have been scored, the total score for the rubric is displayed:
- Click Save to close the rubric and copy the score back and return you to the assignment’s grading (which is not yet submitted).
- Optionally, enter additional information about the submission:
Ø Enter text feedback for the student.
Ø Attach feedback file(s) for the student.
Ø Enter notes not available to the student.
Ø Attach file(s) not available to the student.
- Click Submit to save your grading of the submission when you’re finished. (Note: Clicking Exit discards your grading of the submission.)
Multiple Rubrics: If there are two or more rubrics, you’re shown a list of them:
- Apply the rubrics in the sequence listed:
Ø Start with those used for secondary evaluation (usually only one).
Ø End with the one used for grading.
Rubric Used for Secondary Evaluation:
- For each row, set radio button that meets criteri(on/a) for row.
- Click Points box drop-down arrow to show point options and click desired points.
- Optionally, enter feed-back for the student for the selected row score.
- When all rows have been scored, the total score for the rubric is displayed.
- Optionally, enter feedback for the student on the entire rubric.
- Take note of instructions in Description for what to do with rubric score (usually to write it down to use in the next rubric [Blackboard has no currently available way to do this automatically.]).
- Click in lower right corner to save this rubric and go to next one.
Rubric Used for Grading:
- For each row, set radio button that meets criteri(on/a) for row.
- Optionally, enter feed-back for the student for the selected row score.
- Calculate the score for the submission using the formula in Description, which is usually multiplying the score from the previous secondary evaluation rubric times the score of this rubric as a percent (in this example, 82.00 x 85% = 69.70).
- Enter the result in the box to “Change the number of points out of 100 to:”.
- Click Save and Exit to close the rubric and copy the score back and return you to the assignment’s grading (which is not yet submitted).
- Optionally, enter additional information about the submission:
Ø Enter text feedback for the student.
Ø Attach feedback file(s) for the student.
Ø Enter notes not available to the student.
Ø Attach file(s) not available to the student.
- Click Submit to save your grading of the submission when you’re finished. (Note: Clicking Exit discards your grading of the submission.)
7. You are returned to the Needs Grading list for the student previously selected.