No: / 2
Revision Date: / 21st April 2011
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Please complete and return this application form with any supporting documentation to:
Microgeneration Product Approvals, BRE Global Limited,
Building 16 Room 101, Garston, Watford WD25 9XX
Please complete the application form by answering as many questions as possible. If it is not possible to complete all sections we can request information at a later date, however this may cause delays.
1. Applicant Details – This is the organisation that will be in contract with BRE Global and will own the MCS Certificate. Please ensure that the name and address appear as you would like them to appear on the Certificate.
1a. Type of business / Limited Company / Sole Trader / Partnership
1b. Applicant Registered Name:
1c. Applicant Trading Name (if different)
1d. Trading Address / Postcode: Country:
1e. Contact Name / Mr/ Mrs/ Ms/ Miss / 1f. Position
1g. Telephone / 1h. Fax / 1i. Mobile
1j. Email / 1k. Website
1l. Company Registration number / 1n. Legal status (e.g. limited by shares)
1m. VAT Number
2. Main contact for Certification process (if different from above, e.g. local branch)
2a. Name and address of contact
organisation / Postcode: Country:
2b. Contact person / Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss / 2c. Position
2d. Telephone / 2e. Fax / 2f. Mobile
2g. Email / 2h. Website
2i. Relationship of contact organisation to applicant?
3. Manufacturers Details (if different from above)
3a. Type of business / Limited Company / Sole Trader / Partnership
3b. Company / Business Registered Name:
3c. Company Trading Name (if different)
3d. Trading Address / Postcode: Country:
3e. Contact Name / Mr/ Mrs/ Ms/ Miss / 3f. Position
3g. Telephone / 3h. Fax / 3i. Mobile
3j. E-mail / 3k. Website
3l. Company Registration Number: / 3m. Legal Status:
e.g. limited by shares
3n. If the applicant is not the manufacturer, please use the space below to specify what activities you undertake.
e.g. import, distribution, re-branding
4. Photovoltaic Cell Manufacture
4a. Are the photovoltaic cells manufactured at the same facility as the final assembly? / Yes / If no, please give the manufacturing location
If you answered yes to the above, please go to section 5. If no please answer sections 4b and 4c.
4b. Does the cell manufacturing facility hold ISO 9001? (please send the certificate as evidence)
4c. What quality tests / checks are done at the final assembly point?
5. About the final assembly facility.
This information will help us to determine the length of time that should be allowed to conduct a Factory Production Control assessment at your manufacturing facility to MCS 010. If manufacture takes place at more than one facility please include details of what activities take place at each facility and send evidence of any Certification (ISO 9001) for each location. Evidence of ISO 9001 will allow us to reduce the length of time needed for the FPC assessment.
5a. Does the manufacturing facility hold ISO 9001 certification?
(See document MCS 010 for details) / Yes / For how long? / Years
If yes, please send a copy of the ISO 9001 certificate with your application
5b. Has a documented Factory Production Control (FPC) system been established to meet the requirements of document MCS 010? / Yes
If Yes, how long has it been in operation?
If No, when will it be completed?
5c. Has a full set of internal audits been conducted covering all aspects of the Factory Production Control (FPC) system against MCS 010? / Yes
If No, when will this be completed?
6. About the manufacturing production process:
6a. Is production continuous? / Yes / No
6b. Is production automated? / Yes / No
6c. Is production specific to each product manufactured? / Yes / No
6d. Is the product tailored to meet individual requirements? / Yes / No
6e. Company size
Total number of employees involved in the manufacture of the products you are applying for at the facilities to be assessed:
Please provide an organisation chart with a breakdown of numbers for each function or complete the following:
Breakdown: / Number in design
Number in manufacture
Number in fabrication
Number in commissioning
Number in service and repair
Number in contract/project management
Number in research
Number in training/consultancy
Number in distribution
6f. Will you require a pre-assessment visit? (This is generally a one day visit aimed at helping companies that do not have ISO 9001 certification and or those with a new Quality Management System) / Yes / No
6g. When will you be ready for a full Factory Production Control assessment?
6h. Have you applied for, or are you in the process of applying for any other microgeneration product or product family?
If you have submitted an application and been given a six digit proposal number, please state this;
If you already have products approved by BRE Global, please give the Certificate number;
7. Product Details
Please complete the table below and indicate using the codes whether the products are;
A – Solar Photovoltaic Non-Roof Integrated
B – Solar Photovoltaic Roof Integrated
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Valid on day of printing only. / © BRE Global Ltd 2011
/ Application form for Product Certification and Listing of Solar Photovoltaic products under the Microgeneration Certification Scheme / Doc No: / BF 1088
No: / 2
Revision Date: / 21st April 2011
Page: / 5 of 8
7b. Please complete the following table for every product that you are applying for and clearly indicate where you think the products fall into a product family group. Please note that the final decision as to whether the products do or do not fall into family groups will be with BRE Global.
Name of product range or family (If applicable): / Model Number/ Name (This is how you brand the product and how you would like it to be listed on / Model Reference (optional – this could be your internal reference and will not appear on the Certificate or website listing) / Product code (see section 7a) / Photovoltaic Type (mono/poly Crystalline or thin film) / Size
L x W x D / Output range (kW)
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Valid on day of printing only. / © BRE Global Ltd 2011
/ Application form for Product Certification and Listing of Solar Photovoltaic products under the Microgeneration Certification Scheme / Doc No: / BF 1088
No: / 2
Revision Date: / 21st April 2011
Page: / 10 of 10
7c. If you have indicated above that a product falls into a product family group please use the space below to give your reasons, with a clear description of the differences and the products that are being referred to.
8. Details of the test laboratory – Product testing should ideally be conducted at an accredited test facility; in which case we will conduct an assessment of full test reports in accordance with MCS 011 part 2. Please submit full test reports to cover every model that you are applying for in this respect.
Alternatively, we can assess an unaccredited test facility if required, in accordance with MCS 011 parts 3/4/5.
8a. Laboratory 1 – Name and Address:
8b. Does the test facility hold UKAS or equivalent accreditation? (Please give the name of the accreditation organisation (e.g. UKAS) and accreditation number or send their Certificate as evidence. The certificate should show the appropriate test standard in the scope)
8c. Laboratory 2 – Name and Address:
8d. Does the test facility hold UKAS or equivalent accreditation? (Please give the name of the accreditation organisation (e.g. UKAS) and accreditation number or send their Certificate as evidence. The certificate should show the appropriate test standard in the scope)
10. Test Reports
10a. Please send us all of the relevant test reports and give details below.
Every product that you are applying for should be tested to either of the standards below (as specified in MCS 005), unless there is sound engineering reasoning to show that the products will perform in an identical way under test conditions.
a) BS EN 61215:2005 “Crystalline silicon terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules – Design qualification and type approval”
b) BS EN 61646:1997 “Thin film terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules – Design qualification and type approval”
Is this a full test report covering all of the clauses of the test standard? For example, the test report may represent a product change, in which case it may only cover the relevant clauses of the test standard to verify that the change does not affect compliance with the test standard. In this case, we require evidence of previous testing.
Model(s) / Test Report Number / Please indicate “Full Report” or “Partial Report”
11. For Roof- Integrated products only. MCS 005 has additional requirements for roof integrated PV modules in section 5b. Evidence must be submitted to demonstrate compliance with these requirements.
11a. MCS 005 clause 5b-1 requires that for roof integrated PV modules the installation instructions specify: the types of roof constructions (e.g. slate, shingle, seam, concrete tile etc) with which the PV modules can be integrated and, for each of these roof types, shall give full instructions of how the module is to be installed to provide a weatherproof installation (i.e. details of any flashing or sealing kits and how these are fitted to the module and to the adjoining roof covering). Particular attention should be paid into roof integration with double lap plain clay tiles.
Please indicate where we can find evidence of compliance within your manuals:
11b. MCS 005 clause 5b-2 requires that for roof integrated PV modules the installation instructions specify: any limitations to the use of the PV modules required to meet building regulation requirements, in particular those relating to external fire spread.
Please indicate where we can find evidence of compliance within your manuals:
For each product mentioned in this application, a document package must be submitted. The document package for each product must be in English and include at least the following:
· Full Test reports
· A technical description stating any significant changes made to the products since testing
· Installation instructions, datasheets and any information to be left with the end user
· Relevant health and safety information
· A means of identifying the build status of the product or a bill of materials
· The revision number of the product
· If the manufacturer is different to the applicant, please send a letter of approval from the manufacturer to state that they are happy to have BRE Global visit and assess their manufacturing facility and test reports
· Evidence to show compliance with MCS 005 clause 5b. (If products are roof integrated)
· Payment (as below)
Failure to provide any of the above may cause delays in the processing of your application.
13. Payment
A separate application fee is required for each product family / technology applied for.
The application fee per product family is £550 + VAT and should be sent to us with this application form. This fee covers the application for a product family and variants of the products within that family.
On receipt of a completed application form and documentation pack, we will develop a unique proposal. This will include a quote for the remaining charges, based on the information you supply to us. An invoice for this work will be raised once we have received the signed proposal indicating acceptance of the terms and conditions set out therein.
For more information and the latest fees, please see document FS 030 on our website
We hereby confirm on behalf of (the Company), that the information contained in this document is correct, any changes in circumstances will be notified to BRE Global in writing.A) We accept and agree to abide by the latest issue of the following documents:
i) Scheme Document MCS 005, MCS 010 and MCS 011
ii) PN101 'BRE Global Terms and Conditions'.
iii) PN100 ‘Appeals Procedure’
iv) PN195 ‘Use of the certification mark’
iv) FS 030 Fee Sheet
B) The products tested are fully representative of the current production or BRE Global have been informed of any modifications to the design, production process or materials since testing.
1) If any of the products applied for are not manufactured by the applicant, please provide a letter from the manufacturer agreeing to the use of their product(s) and authorisation to access previous test data and conduct a Factory Product Control assessment with the application.
Authorised representative of Applicant:
Name: Position:
Signature: Date:
Payment Details
By credit / debit card (Visa/Delta/MasterCard/Eurocard/Switch)
Card Number: (16) digits:
Name on Card: ......
Start date: / (mm/yy) Expiry date: / (mm/yy)
Security Code: (last 3 digits on reverse):
Your card will be debited by the application fee of £550 plus VAT
Please tick here if you require a VAT receipt
By Cheque
I attach a cheque made payable to BRE Global Ltd, for the application fee of £550 plus VAT
Please tick here if you require a VAT receipt
By BACS Please tick this box if you are paying by BACS and confirm date paid.
Date paid
Bank details are as follows
Bank Name: Barclays Bank plc
Address: Level 28, 1 Churchill Place, Canary Wharf, London E14 5HP
Account Name: Building Research Establishment Ltd.
Account Number: 00606758 Sort Code: 20-65-63
IBAN No. GB22 BARC 2065 6300 6067
For BACS payment please use Senders Ref HBC087
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Valid on day of printing only. / © BRE Global Ltd 2011