
Brooklyn’s first luxury spa and salon promoting internal wellness & pampering, our goal is have your internal and external beauty astonish the world. Open when you need us most.


DyNysis Spa & Salon will create your perfect blend for relaxation & rejuvenation, salon services, and customer service unparalleled to any other in New York. We promise to be there when you everyone else is gone for the day.


To create an environment in which you all women can regain or discover the peace and calm necessary to center oneself. Not only will help you find your center, but we will make fabulous while doing so. Reinvent or simply enhance the beauty within, we will cater to beauty and relaxation needs without requiring an investment grade payment.


Experience the luxury of New York’s best kept secret.


DyNysis Spa and Salon (here in after referenced as DyNysis) has been created to serve the super women, professional women, student, mom, altogether woman whom reside in or visit New York. While the spa and salon will promote total beautification, the company’s primary selling point will be its hours of operation and atmosphere.


DyNysis’ prime location is the Dumbo section of Brooklyn, New York; a central location chosen for its proximity to New York City (Manhattan), as well as its historical value (About Dumbo: Dumbo NYC, 2006), charming and growing social status. Dumbo embodies the character and demographic makeup presumed necessary to generate our desired clientele.

According to Total Beauty analysis compilation (Best and Worst US Cities for Hair, 2007-2012), New York ranks six out of the top eleven cities for hair and hair salons. Given New York’s continuously growing population 2010 & 2011 8,175,133 & 8,244,910 respectively (NYC Department of City Planning, 2012), with the largest increase occurring in Brooklyn (NYC Department of City Planning, 2012). We hope that choosing this central location offers greater possibilities for company expansion and increased client base.

Mission & Vision

DyNysis’ has promised to ‘be there’ for customer’s when most needed, accomplishing said promise by way of extended operational hours Monday–Saturday, and Sunday Brunch or Lunch Service. Management’s projected weekday operation to average ten hours daily, and sixteen hours on Saturday. Immediately this idea seems overwhelmingly expensive, however, when managed and operated correctly the salon will maximize its profits, and minimize its expenses (see operations for details).

The spa will provide an extensive array of services, and products; from basic to specialty services and the required maintenance products. The spa will also provide vegan, holistic, and couples sessions. Spa customers will be assigned two techs (regular and alternate) to furnish their service(s); additionally we will encourage the development of individual relationships to increase the personalization of the customer experience.

The salon will cater to Women of Color, Caucasian, and Asians women, to further ensure no woman is alienated. Diversification has proved to be healthy and successful strategy in financial planning, applying said concept to our client base will decrease the company’s dependence on a particular demographic. DyNysis’ management and staff require and desire all patrons feel welcome and comfortable. Customer referral and recommendations will further the company’s success, since the company plans to advertise minimally to safeguard the truth of its motto, and stage an aura of exclusivity for the clients with such requirements.

Company Structure

DyNysis Spa and Salon will be formed as a (single member) Limited Liability Company. I have chosen this business structure to protect my personal assets as owner, and sole Manager. In the future, incorporating is probable contingent upon success and growth. Decentralized management has been selected to stimulate employee empowerment and build company loyalty and affiliation. Additional responsibility and decision making authority frequently result in increased job satisfaction. Responsibility and the authority, tends to make the job more interesting and provides greater incentives for people to put out their best efforts. Furthermore, decentralizing will enable uninterrupted daily operations in the event the Owner is indisposed.

Decentralized management will reduce the necessary hands-on for the daily operation. Upper management is relieved of much day-to-day problem solving and is left free to concentrate on strategy, higher level decision making, and coordinating activities. This management type provides lower level managers with vital experience in making decisions; without such experience, they would be ill-prepared to make decisions when promoted into higher level positions. Lower level management normally has more insight into up to date information about local conditions than upper level management. Therefore the decisions of lower level management are often based on better information.

Management Style

Even though DyNysis will include a formal hierarchy (see appendix I), operating management plans to emphasize a family-style atmosphere. It is my opinion, workplaces with employees who feel a greater sense of comfort and belonging tend to perform better, and experience decreased employee turnover.

Department managers will handle daily operations, and corresponding details; they managers will be expected to control inventory, department staff performance levels and disciplinary actions, as well as general office duties.

Department managers will have the authority to make decisions to ensure the optimal operation. After the salon & spa are established, department manager responsibilities will be emphasized to allow the upper management to focus on the growth of the company.

Appendix I


Hideyoshi. (2006). About Dumbo: Dumbo NYC. Retrieved from Dumbo NYC: Notes from the Brooklyn NY neighborhood:

NYC Department of City Planning. (2012). Population: Current Population Estimates. Retrieved from NYC Department of City Planning:

Total (2007-2012). Best and Worst US Cities for Hair. Retrieved from Marketing Charts: