Keith Valley Middle School

HSA Minutes

November 17, 2016

Call to Order

This month’s meeting was called to order at 7 pm by Co-President Deana Quigley.

Officers’ Reports

·  The Minutes of the October 20, 2016 meeting were presented by Kathy Benson.

·  Jamie Lommock presented the Treasurer’s Report. The school store is off to a good start and has earned $141. Wawa coupons are also selling.

·  The motions to approve the reports were presented by Nancy Rosen and seconded by Jen Wilson. The reports were approved.

Principal’s Report: presented by Mrs. D’Angelo

·  Various upcoming calendar items were mentioned including a “Chat and Chew” with Mr. Kircher, report cards to go online November 21, and an early dismissal on November 23.

·  The KV Musical is The Lion King. It’s the first year with matinee performances. Performances will be the evenings of Thursday, December 8, Friday, December 9, and the afternoons of Saturday and Sunday, December 10 and 11.

·  Positive Behavioral Support Committee (PBS) is in its early stages. It is a program designed to create a climate of positivity in the school community and encourage students to take ownership of the building. Grant money has been received to help implement various strategies. This is one reason money for round tables was requested of the HSA for the cafeteria at the end of the 2015-16 school year. One observation from a site visit was the use of pencil dispensers throughout the school where students can purchase pencils for a quarter. All funds benefit the PBS initiative.

·  Another new initiative that staff members are navigating through this year is WEB (Where Everybody Belongs) which primarily affects 6th and 8th graders. To develop peer-to-peer relationships, 8th graders have been serving as WEB Leaders. Ideas were discussed to involve WEB leaders with HSA events. For example, WEB leaders can supply ideas for Fun Night. Mrs. D’Angelo will contact the chairpersons of the Fun Night and talk about integrating the WEB leaders.

Teachers’ Reports

·  6th Grade

o  Teams are hosting student breakfasts for the fall.

o  Veteran’s Day and Intergenerational Breakfasts were enjoyed.

o  Students are working on a new, collaborative technology project in Social Studies using Sway.

o  A group of 6th grade girls are collecting items for WAGS Rescue (toys, treats, collars, etc.).

o  Mrs. D’Angelo was thanked for her work with 6th grade. Mrs. Paldino was welcomed as the new 6th grade principal to start November 22.

·  7th Grade

o  Departments are exploring grant options for HHEF.

§  The PBS committee may ask for money for pencil dispensers.

o  Teams are having a celebratory pizza party after the 1st marking period. Students were complimented for their kindness.

o  Yearbooks can be preordered. Prices go up the week of Thanksgiving to $35.

o  KV Idol is scheduled for November 29.

·  8th Grade

o  Internet Safety module #2 is due is due by midnight, November 17

o  KV Challenge Captains picked teams November 17. Teams will meet for the 1st time on November 23 and also with Mr. Ewerth

o  NJHS (National Junior Honor Society) will be going to the Mitzvah Circle Foundation on November 21 for a day of service

o  Various upcoming calendar items were shared: 11/21 Report cards available online; 11/23 early dismissal; 11/29 KV Idol; 12/2 Barnes & Noble Night; 12/8-11 KV Musical; 12/13 Winter Choral Concert; 12/15 Winter Orchestra Concert

Old Business

·  Joe Corbi sale ended November 7 and results were similar to last year. Just over 100 items were ordered.

·  The directory has been submitted, reviewed and goes to print on November 18. Jill Honicker was thanked for her work.

·  Spirit Night at MaGerks resulted in sales of $1800 with $265 going to KV HSA.

·  The Box Tops for Education fall collection ended. Over 5000 box tops were collected which will net KV $592.30. Four student winners from September and one winner in October each earned a $15 gift card to Target for handing in the most box tops. The final drive of the year ends February 28.

New Business

·  KV Idol is scheduled for November 29th. HSA to do refreshments. Kris Pancoast is the refreshment chairperson

·  Barnes & Noble Night: Friday, Dec. 2, 5-10 pm. Student entertainment has been set up, publicity and volunteers arranged, and raffles set up. The Name the Frap box was set up in the cafeteria.

·  The Train Show Refreshment chairperson resigned, so Deana Quigley will be coordinating.

·  The Staff Dessert Buffet will be December 9. Michele Makovics & Randi Copman are coordinating.

·  Winter Fun Night will be December 16 for all grade levels

·  New ideas were discussed for the School Store. Early in the school year, lunch aides bought gift cards and gave them out at lunch. It was successful, so the idea to use some kind of “KV Cash” gift cards/certificates for $1.00 each was discussed.

·  Fundraising: Diane Soucy presented the idea of hosting an evening “Obstacle Course” Fundraiser through Finishers Inclusion (a non-profit branch of Finishers Fitness). An obstacle course would be set up in the gym, wheelchairs would be donated to use, refreshments could be sold by HSA, and pizza donated. Students would rotate through the course, perhaps by team. It could be held on a Friday night for all grades, top fundraisers could be recognized or a set fee could be requested for participation. Many logistics, including timing and use of funds, were discussed. Diane will create a proposal to present to Mr. Kircher.

·  Facebook: Jen Thomas has set up a KV HSA Facebook page. A winner from the “likes” was selected to receive a $25 gift card.


·  The move to adjourn was presented by Michelle Schwartz and seconded by Nancy Rosen.