Herein, “USER” shall mean a La Mirada based non-profit organization, community group, team(s) or individual. “CITY” shall mean the City of La Mirada. “LMAC” shall mean the La Mirada Athletic Council. “Facilities” shall mean and include any real property upon which any structure or other improvement comprising any portion of the Facilities.


1.  The City council has designated the La Mirada Athletic Council (LMAC) with responsibility to coordinate use of Facilities. In the event a conflict occurs between the scheduling by the LMAC, the CITY shall have priority.

The LMAC shall schedule a maintenance period during the months of August and September to allow the CITY’S Public Works Department to perform annual repairs and maintenance. The maintenance period shall include 35 consecutive calendar days, beginning on a Monday. During the maintenance period, no activities are to be scheduled on facilities.

2.  USERS requesting permission to use the Facilities must provide the following data to the LMAC and the CITY’S Community Services Department before permission may be granted for use of the Facilities. This data must be submitted to the LMAC and the CITY’S Community Services Department at least seventy-two (72) hours in advance of the USERS first scheduled use of the Facilities.

a.  USER’S non-profit tax-exempt identification number that reflects a La Mirada mailing address

b.  Insurance is required of all Facilities USERS. USER shall furnish CITY with a Certificate of Insurance and policy endorsement (CG 20 11 11 85).

c.  A copy of the USER’S bylaws.

d.  A copy of the USER’S financial statements audited within the last 12 months.

e.  Names, addresses and telephone numbers of board members showing a La Mirada residency status of at least seventy-five percent (75%). Both the President and Treasurer must be La Mirada Residents.

f.  A copy of the USER’S designated contact person(s) with telephone, fax, and email (if available) for each contact.

g.  A current league roster of each league using the Facilities. The roster must show name and address of each roster member and must indicate that the La Mirada address has been verified. A minimum of seventy-five percent (75%) of the league’s participants must be La Mirada residents.

h.  A complete schedule of practice and game dates, including start time.

3.  USERS that actively participate in the LMAC and schedule the use of Facilities through the LMAC will be issued identification cards. Identification cards will not be issued until all requirements have been met. The coach or designated team contact person shall carry the card at all times while using the Facilities. If, after identification cards have been issued, the USER no longer meets the requirements, the USER will forfeit use of the Facilities and surrender the issued cards.

4.  A five hundred dollar ($500) Damage and Cleaning Deposit may be required by the Community Services Department prior to scheduling Facilities use. The Damage and Cleaning Deposit will be refunded at the end of the season of play where the CITY has not incurred damage to the Facilities as a result of the USER’S activities nor been required to perform more than routine maintenance as a result of the USER’S activities. Written notice of intent to retain the deposit shall be provided to USER prior to retention.

5.  In the event the use of the Facilities requires extraordinary Sheriff response, USER shall be responsible for the costs as provided in Section 9.98.010 of the La Mirada Municipal Code.

6.  USER shall ensure that reasonable accommodations are made for special needs participants.

7.  USER shall ensure that the use of the Facilities does not result in damage to property including, but not limited to, damage to the landscaping, buildings, parking lot, fields, bleachers, etc. USER may be held responsible for the costs of restoring the property to its original condition.

8.  At the conclusion of the permitted activity, the USER shall promptly return the Facilities to their original condition. Post inspection to be conducted with Public Works Staff within one week of the conclusion of use with results submitted the first business day thereafter on the Athletic Facilities Inspection Form. CITY may remove personal property left at the Facilities and dispose of it as CITY deems necessary.

9.  USER shall advertise CITY information in league publications as provided by the CITY.


1.  USER may not use any Facilities without approval of the LMAC and/or the CITY, as required.

2.  USER must have an approved and signed application specific to the facility in question or an Identification Card from the LMAC as dictated by this Agreement.

3.  No keys issued by the CITY may be duplicated.

4.  Vehicles, other than those approved for maintenance, are not permitted on the Facilities fields.

5.  At least one La Mirada team must be on the playing field at all times.

6.  No game to start before 10:00 a.m. on Sundays and holidays.

7.  All night games, with no exceptions, have to be completed prior to 10:00 p.m. Lights will go out at 10:00 p.m. sharp!

8.  Noisemakers, of any kind (i.e. air horns, rattle cans, etc.) are not allowed on the Facilities grounds, including parking areas.

9.  PA systems are only allowed during opening day ceremonies, and closing day award ceremonies and may only be used between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. No play by play announcement is allowed. Individuals who create unnecessary or loud noise audible at a distance of 50 feet or more from the Facilities may be issued a misdemeanor citation for violation of the CITY’S noise ordinance.

10.  No alcoholic beverages including beer and wine or illegal drugs may be in possession or consumed on the Facilities, including parking areas. Further use of the Facilities will be denied to any USER found consuming alcoholic beverages or illicit drugs on Facilities. A report of these types of incidents will be forwarded to the Sheriff’s office for appropriate action.

11.  Any incident involving fighting, alcohol/drug use, illegal use of Facilities, accidents and/or injuries must be reported WITHIN 24 HOURS to the CITY’S Community Services Department on an Incident Report Form.

12.  USERS that repeatedly fail to act in responsible manner in the use of the Facilities will be denied further use of the Facilities. This includes fighting, profanity, destruction of property, unauthorized usage etc.

13.  USER will make all attempts to assist in eliminating parking and traffic problems by staggering the start of game times, using all available days to play games and announcing to participants to park in Facilities parking lots rather than on the street.

14.  No person shall impede, intimidate, harass, annoy or otherwise obstruct in any manner USERS of the Facilities. All disputes concerning the use of Facilities shall be immediately addressed to the LMAC representative at the location. If the USER is not a member of the LMAC, disputes concerning the use of Facilities shall be addressed to the CITY’S Community Services Department.

15.  USER shall not attach or affix signage to any portion of the Facilities including but not limited to the Facilities, trees, signposts, backstops or other public property without the CITY’S prior written consent.

16.  Litter, trash and debris shall not be allowed to accumulate, and the USER will ensure that the Facilities are free from such matter before leaving the premises. Turn off building lights, electrical and/or gas appliances, etc. Secure all buildings, restrooms, phone box, and gates prior to leaving.

17.  The following maintenance items will be completed by leagues on an as needed basis:

a.  Repair base pegs

b.  Repair to pitching mounds

c.  Clean and restock restrooms

d.  Pick up trash

e.  Empty trashcans

f.  Water infields

g.  Drag infields

h.  Put and take down outfield fences

i.  Minor repairs to backstops, fences, and bullpens

j.  Put and take down soccer goal nets

k.  Fill in holes where needed

l.  Compact area around home plate and the pitching mound and deep water

m.  Other minor repairs as determined and needed to assist City crews

n.  Minor repairs and cleaning of bleachers, buildings, etc.

o.  Clean and secure storage buildings

p.  Clean parking areas

18.  It shall be the responsibility of each USER to immediately report to the CITY any defective equipment, bleachers, facilities, grounds, public areas or dangerous conditions brought to the USER’S attention by any team member, parent, spectator, etc.

19.  USER shall ensure that each participant or their parent/guardian be given a copy of the Requirements, Rules and Regulations for use of CITY owned/leased Facilities.


a.  It is a City/School District Policy that Facilities are not to be used in the event that adverse weather has caused the Facilities to become unsafe for play, or damage could result from usage. The cost for repairs of damage caused by USERS violation of this policy will be charged to the USER.

b.  CITY’S Public Works Department will make determination on whether a field is usable and post closure signage where appropriate. Staff will make every effort to make such determination by 2:00 p.m. on weekdays.

c.  CITY reserves the right to close Facilities without question.

d.  CITY will post “field closed” signs on the fields or in a location that is easily visible.

e.  USERS who wish to perform wet field maintenance, as in pumping water off the field or applying drying agent, must inform the CITY prior to doing so.

f.  USER is responsible to notify and to keep their teams or individuals off the Facility during field closures due to weather. Individuals entering a closed athletic facility may be cited for trespassing by the CITY’S Public Safety Team.

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