TAS Unit Council
Oct 17, 2012
Meeting Minutes
The regular meeting of the TAS Unit Council was called to order at 1:15pm in G401 by
Dean Saiff.
P. Anderson;S. Anderson; P. Bagga; R Bacon A. Beecher;C. Brisson; J. Carreon;
L.D’Antonio; F. Farrell; J. Fitzgerald; P. Fonder; C., Frishberg;S. Frees; J. Gillespie
M. Greene;M Goldberg; E. Karlin; S. Kim; A. Kumar;D. McFeron; K. McMurdy;
W. Mitchell;K. Moskin; B. Olsen; E. Patterson; E. Rainforth; E. Saiff;C. Sterns; S. Suarez;
X. Valderrama; G. Viglino;E. Wiener; Y. Xu
Staff Members: C. Ichinco, S. Petro, S. Kuplinsky
A. Announcements
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
The Dean announced that its enrollment time for the Foundation Funds annual employee contribution. He explained the process and why it’s important for employees to contribute.
There is one person needed for the All College Sabbatical Committee. The rep must be tenured and not applying.
The request to do a physics search has been approved. We have currently three searches going on; biology, physics, and chemistry.
B.Committee Reports
Personnel- the SBR applications were endorsed by the unit.
FAEC- Ken McMurdy gave the report which included an update on the survey and on the 1-2 lunch hour. Please forward your needs to him to change classes to fill that hour and increase time slots for classes.
ARC- Emma Rainforthgave the report. Independent Studies and a proposal to drop to 8 credits total within the 4 IS’s are on the agenda.
Assessment- Larry D’Antonio gave the report.
Strategic Task Force-Caroline Brisson gave the report.
WAC- Amanda Beecher gave the report.
AFT-Emma gave the report. The contract has been ratified, and soon to be settled. There will be a labor walk on Saturday.
Career Development; the committee members are Bill, Larry, Steve and Rob.
New Business:
The applications for SBR were approved by the unit.
The printshop walk-in hours and the use of luminous for syllabi were discussed.
Other Announcements:
Yan will introduce a new course in Food Science (elective).
Renovation: Dr. Saiff gave an update; a discussion followed.
Meeting adjourned at 2:00 pm. Minutes submitted by: Ginny Bonnett