Door - to - Door delivery for shipments originating Vietnam.

Document Express (DOX) All values are in USA dollars

0.5 / 26.05 / 28.75 / 30.95 / 28.90 / 32.50 / 31.50 / 34.50 / 36.00 / 40.50 / 47.90
1.0 / 30.25 / 34.25 / 39.75 / 35.75 / 36.30 / 44.25 / 48.00 / 49.50 / 58.13 / 63.30
1.5 / 34.80 / 40.90 / 44.00 / 42.00 / 45.75 / 47.20 / 57.00 / 59.00 / 71.25 / 76.25
2.0 / 38.75 / 47.45 / 51.57 / 46.00 / 56.25 / 66.45 / 64.50 / 67.00 / 85.50 / 89.45
2.5 / 41.75 / 54.20 / 55.50 / 65.25 / 66.75 / 77.70 / 74.25 / 81.00 / 90.00 / 102.08
Package Express (WPX)
0.5 / 28.75 / 32.50 / 37.50 / 35.75 / 36.75 / 36.95 / 39.00 / 43.50 / 45.00 / 49.18
1.0 / 32.80 / 39.75 / 41.50 / 42.95 / 41.50 / 45.00 / 52.50 / 59.00 / 61.00 / 68.25
1.5 / 35.80 / 44.50 / 46.50 / 49.50 / 48.00 / 55.96 / 63.00 / 70.14 / 75.50 / 87.34
2.0 / 40.82 / 49.00 / 54.38 / 60.00 / 58.50 / 66.00 / 75.00 / 81.29 / 92.50 / 106.41
2.5 / 44.82 / 53.00 / 63.00 / 69.00 / 66.00 / 75.00 / 92.43 / 92.43 / 115.50 / 125.49
3.0 / 47.95 / 63.00 / 69.75 / 75.00 / 73.50 / 87.00 / 96.00 / 96.00 / 130.50 / 144.56
3.5 / 51.95 / 68.00 / 76.50 / 84.00 / 82.50 / 93.00 / 108.00 / 108.00 / 145.50 / 163.63
4.0 / 55.09 / 75.00 / 81.75 / 88.50 / 93.00 / 105.00 / 118.50 / 118.50 / 160.50 / 182.72
4.5 / 60.09 / 80.30 / 87.00 / 93.00 / 102.00 / 114.00 / 129.00 / 129.00 / 175.50 / 201.79
5.0 / 63.23 / 87.30 / 92.25 / 102.00 / 112.50 / 123.75 / 139.50 / 139.50 / 190.50 / 220.87
5.5 / 67.14 / 93.10 / 97.50 / 111.00 / 120.00 / 133.50 / 153.75 / 153.75 / 205.50 / 239.94
6.0 / 70.18 / 99.75 / 102.75 / 117.00 / 130.50 / 143.25 / 165.75 / 165.75 / 220.50 / 259.01
6.5 / 73.09 / 104.25 / 108.00 / 124.50 / 138.00 / 153.00 / 177.75 / 177.75 / 235.50 / 278.10
7.0 / 75.14 / 114.00 / 113.25 / 135.00 / 139.50 / 162.75 / 189.75 / 189.75 / 250.50 / 297.17
7.5 / 79.18 / 118.50 / 118.50 / 142.50 / 147.00 / 172.50 / 201.75 / 201.75 / 265.50 / 316.25
8.0 / 83.09 / 123.50 / 135.00 / 150.00 / 151.50 / 182.25 / 213.75 / 213.75 / 280.50 / 335.32
8.5 / 86.14 / 127.00 / 143.25 / 157.98 / 162.00 / 192.00 / 225.75 / 225.75 / 295.50 / 374.48
9.0 / 90.18 / 134.25 / 150.75 / 166.43 / 173.25 / 201.75 / 237.75 / 237.75 / 310.50 / 392.55
9.5 / 93.09 / 142.50 / 153.00 / 173.78 / 180.00 / 211.50 / 249.75 / 249.75 / 325.50 / 411.55
10.0 / 97.14 / 147.00 / 163.50 / 181.50 / 187.50 / 221.25 / 261.75 / 261.75 / 340.50 / 430.61
10.5 / 100.36 / 150.75 / 168.00 / 192.75 / 196.50 / 231.00 / 273.75 / 273.75 / 355.50 / 449.67
11.0 / 103.73 / 153.75 / 175.50 / 195.00 / 203.25 / 240.75 / 285.75 / 285.75 / 370.50 / 468.73
11.5 / 106.95 / 159.00 / 180.00 / 198.75 / 209.25 / 250.50 / 297.75 / 297.75 / 385.50 / 487.79
12.0 / 109.32 / 163.50 / 187.43 / 207.75 / 215.25 / 260.25 / 309.75 / 309.75 / 400.50 / 506.84
12.5 / 112.55 / 165.75 / 195.83 / 213.75 / 224.25 / 266.25 / 321.75 / 321.75 / 415.50 / 525.90
13.0 / 115.82 / 170.25 / 200.03 / 223.50 / 230.10 / 270.75 / 333.75 / 333.75 / 430.50 / 544.96
13.5 / 119.18 / 176.25 / 204.23 / 228.00 / 237.75 / 275.25 / 345.75 / 345.75 / 445.50 / 564.01
14.0 / 123.55 / 179.25 / 210.75 / 232.50 / 243.75 / 279.75 / 357.75 / 357.75 / 460.50 / 583.06
14.5 / 125.91 / 187.50 / 218.25 / 237.00 / 249.75 / 284.25 / 369.75 / 369.75 / 474.00 / 602.12
15.0 / 131.27 / 193.50 / 225.75 / 241.20 / 258.75 / 288.75 / 381.75 / 381.75 / 487.50 / 621.18
Add per Kg / 7.50 / 12.00 / 12.00 / 13.50 / 13.50 / 16.50 / 21.00 / 21.00 / 30.00 / 32

Customs duties, taxes and fuel surcharge not included in rates

These rates are correct at this point of printing and MSC reserves the right to change rates without prior notice

Payment in other currencies will be converted at prevailing bank exchange rate for USA dollars.

For bulky and lightweight shipments, MSC complies with IATA regulations and charges the greater of either the.

Volumetric or Actual weight.Use the following formulae to determine volumetric weight: (Length x Width x Height)/5000 (cm3) = Volumetric Weight (kg)/

Destination country chart with tarrif zone
Country / Zone / Country / Zone / Country / Zone / Country / Zone
A / Afghanistan / J / E / East Timor / F / L / Lao People's / B / S / Saipan / J
Albania / I / Ecuador / J / Latvia / I / Samoa / J
Algeria / J / Egypt / J / Lebanon / I / Sao Tome & Principe / J
American Samoa / J / El Salvador / J / Lesotho / J / Saudi Arabia / I
Andorra / I / Equatorial Guinea / J / Liberia / J / Senegal / J
Angola / J / Eritrea / J / Libya / J / Seychelles / J
Anguilla / J / Estonia / J / Leichtenstain / I / Sierra Leone / I
Antigua / J / Ethiopia / J / Lithuania / I / Singapore / A
Argentina / J / Luxembourg / H / Slovakia / I
Armenia / I / Slovenia / I
Aruba / J / Solomon Islands / J
Australia / F / F / Falkland Islands / J / M / Macau / B / Somalia / J
Autria / I / Faroe Islands / I / Macedonia,Republic of / I / Somaliland, Rep of / J
Azerbaijan / I / Fiji / J / Madagascar / J / South Africa / J
Finland / I / Malawi / J / Spain / I
B / Bahamas / J / France / H / Malaysia / B / Sri Lanka / F
Bahrain / I / French Guiana / J / Maldives / F / St. Barthelemy / J
Banglades / F / Mali / J / St. Eustatius / J
Barbados / J / G / Gabon / J / Malta / I / St. Kitts / J
Belarus / I / Gambia / J / Marshall Islands / J / St. Lucia / J
Belgium / H / Georgia / I / Martinique / J / St. Maarten / J
Belize / J / Germany / H / Mauritania / J / St. Vincent / J
Benin / J / Ghana / J / Mauritius / J / Sudan / J
Bermuda / J / Gibraltar / I / Mexico / G / Suriname / J
Bhutan / F / Greece / I / Moldova, Republic of / I / Swaziland / J
Bolivia / J / Greenland / I / Monaco / H / Sweden / I
Bonaire / J / Grenada / J / Mongolia / F / Switzerland / I
Bosnia and Herzergovina / I / Guadeloupe / J / Monsterrat / J / Syria / I
Bostwana / J / Guam / J / Morocco / J
Brazil / J / Guatemala / J / Mozambique / J
Brunei / B / Guernsey / I / Myanmar / F / T / Tahiti / J
Bulgaria / I / GuineaRepublic / J / Taiwan / B
Burkina Faso / J / Guinea-Bissau / J / N / Namibia / J / Tajikistan / I
Burundi / J / Gyuana ( British ) / J / Nauru, Republic of / J / Tazania / J
Nepal / F / Thailand / A
C / Cambodia / B / H / Haiti / J / Netherlands, The / H / Togo / J
Cameroon / J / Honduras / J / Nevis / J / Tonga / J
Canada / G / HongKong / A / New Caledonia / J / Trinidad & Tobago / J
CanaryIsland, The / J / Hungary / I / New Zealand / F / Tunisia / J
Cape Verde / J / Nicaragua / J / Turkey / I
Cayman Islands / J / I / Iceland / I / Niger / J / Turkmenistan / I
Central African Republic / J / India / F / Nigeria / J / Turks & Caicos Islands / J
Chad / J / Indonesia / B / Niue / J / Tuvalu / J
Chile / J / Iran,Islamic Republic of / J / Norway / I
China, People's Republic / E / Ireland, Republic of / I / U / Uganda / J
Colombia / J / Israel / J / O / Oman / I / Ukraine / I
Comoros / J / Italy / H / United Arab Emirates / I
Congo / J / P / Pakistan / F / United Kingdom / H
Congo, The Democratic / J / J / Jamaica / J / Panama / J / United States of American / G
Cook Islands / J / Japan / D / Pupa New Guinea / J / Uruguay / J
Costa Rica / J / Jersey / I / Paraguay / J / Uzbekistan / I
Cote d'Ivoire / J / Jordan / I / Peru / J
Croatia / I / Philippines, The / B / V / Vanuatu / J
Cuba / J / K / Kazakhstan / I / Poland / I / Venezuela / J
Curacao / J / Kenya / J / Portugal / I / VirginIsland ( British ) / J
Cyprus / I / Kiribati / J / Puerto Rico / J / VirginIsland ( US ) / J
CzechRepublic, The / I / Korea, North / F
Korea, South / E / Q / Qatar / I / Y / Yemen / I
D / Denmark / I / Kuwait / I / R / Reunion, Island Of / J / Yugoslavia / J
Djibouti / J / Kyrgyzstan / J / Romania / I
Dominica / J / Russian Federation,The / I / Z / Zambia / J
Dominican Republic / J / Rwanda / J / Zimbabwe / J