Lesson/Unit Title: ¡Buen Provecho! COOKING VIDEO & Food

Grade Level 9-12 DUE - Submitted to EDMODO - on Wednesday April 22nd 2015.

Description – Students will work in alone or in pairs to create and create a 2-5 minute cooking video demonstrating USE of CLEAR instructional steps IN SPANISH necessary to make a Puerto Rican food dish originating from one of the countries or cities we have studied this year. Final product will include a written script including the required elements listed below. Also included in final product will be the preliminary work listed below. verb commands, recipe, ingredients, etc.)


Spanish 2 Students will Apply the Following Objectives in this Project:

·  Effective use of Food preparation & restaurant vocabulary.

o  Demonstrate appropriate use of current & new vocabulary

§  Food Items

§  Restaurant Items

§  Kitchen Items/Utensils/dishes/appliances

§  Food Preparation Verbs

§  New vocabulary for ingredients & miscellaneous items.

·  Application of informal commands (Tú) and direct object pronouns.

o  Utilize Positive Tú Commands.

o  Utilize Negative Tú Commands.

o  Utilize Irregular Tú Commands (haz,pon, ten, ven, sé,ve, sal, di)

o  Effective use of the direct object pronouns in instructions: Lo, La, Los, Las

o  Effective use of the indirect object pronouns (me, te, le (se), nos, os, les(se))

o  Remember - When you pin the tail on the command – the command gets a PREZZY! J to maintain the stress on the second to last syllable of the verb

·  Adverbs with –mente,

o  No change with adjectives ending in E or Consonants. Just add -mente.

§  Ex; fácil + mente = fácilmente

If ends in -O, change to feminine form (-A), then add mente

§  Ex; rápido – rápida – rápida + mente=rápidamente.

·  Applying past participles (PPS) with verbs changed to adjectives (ado/ido)

o  AR – ADO. Quemar: to burn. Está quemado. (Adj. It is burnt–changes v.to adj.)

ER/IR – IDO. Consumir. To consume. Está consumido en Mexico. (Adj. It is consumed in Mexico)


·  Choosing your Recipe/Country

o  Must choose a dish from one of the countries we studied

o  Exceptions only with special permission BEFORE hand.

Process & Guide:

1.  Research typical recipes from any Spanish speaking country studied

2.  If working with a partner, outline duties of partnership with objectives.

3.  Select a recipe and translate ingredients and instructions.

4.  Submit recipe for approval.

5.  Translate Ingredient list to Spanish

6.  Put Verbs relating to directions in TÚ Command Form – both Affirmative and Negative.

7.  Use sequencing vocabulary in a logical manner for instructions:

a.  First, then, while, during, later, finally, after, before, etc.

8.  Prepare a rough draft of the cooking show.

9.  Submit for approval and do peer editing..

10. Video the final cooking demonstration showing how to make the dish.

a.  Students will practice using informal commands by telling “viewers” what steps to take (positive Tú Commands)– or NOT take (negative Tú commands) to make the recipe (using first, second, then, before, after, etc.), along with adverbs using –mente and past participles (ado/ido) as adjectives.

11. Students will post the video via Edmodo or embed Youtube link on Edmodo.

12. Deliver final prepared dish to school the following day to share final product w/peers.


Time length: 2 minute video/demo.

Materials necessary:

Cooking ingredients, utensils, video cameras, Camera phones, cameras, props

No use of google translate or other translator program for grammar.

USE of a translator will result in zero. Make your own mistakes.

Use peer/teacher edit process for best results.

Procedures & Timeline

Day 1

1.  Project overview

2.  Research & review Hispanic recipes & typical food

Day 2 May 22, 2014

3.  Turn in project proposal with recipe name, English & Spanish version of recipe, partner names, and outline of project responsibilities.

4.  Begin script for demo in Spanish using required elements.

Day 1 April 16, 2015

1.  Translate Ingredient and quantity list + steps

2.  Translate steps (simplify if you can)

3.  Write script around preparation (what will you say in the video)

4.  Turn in to teacher for review (you’ll get it back tomorrow)

Day 2 April 17th

1.  Fill out grammar/vocab sheet

2.  Peer edit of draft of scripts (break down in steps: ingredients, verbs, commands and past participles, put in order for scripts. (complete script, all grammar markings) +classroom lessons and review.

3.  Turn in Parental Notice and Permission.

4.  (Film/record video this weekend/Monday outside of class)

Day 3 April 21st

1.  Edit Videos down to 2 minutes

5.  Upload video to YouTube and paste link onto Edmodo Submit VIDEO projects

Day 4-5 April 22-23

1.  View videos & sample food in Class

Cooking show sample: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UqNRF3uRMTY

Assessment - You will be graded for:

1.  Using your time appropriately in class.

2.  Turning in your commands practice, recipe proposal/translation & script on time.

3.  Turning in your script draft and final script on time.

4.  Final script or story board w. color markings, appropriate grammar, correct vocabulary

5.  Recipe in English & Spaish

6.  Delivery of dish to share with class on time.

7.  2-5 minute long video presentation of demo (practice in class)

8.  Enthusiasm, Creativity & Originality

Script must include the following:

·  5 affirmative informal commands—must be consistent throughout the demo

o  Examples: Cook the food, Cut the tomatoes, Add them to the pot, etc.

o  3 of the commands should include an object pronoun.

o  Stir it. Beat it. Mix it. Bake it. Simmer it. Boil it. Take it out of the oven. Etc.

·  1 affirmative command should include a double object pronoun

·  2 negative formal commands

o  2 with object pronouns

o  1 with a double object pronoun

o  Examples:

§  Don’t burn it.

§  Don’t serve it to your friends cold

§  Don’t you forget it!

·  2 irregular commands (1 with double object pronoun)

o  Examples: Tener, Poner, Hacer, Salir, Ir, etc.

o  Double object pronoun command examples:

§  Make it for your friends, Put it on the table for your family.

·  2 double object pronouns (including the above)

o  Cook it* for your friends**, do not serve it* to them** for breakfast

§  *Must use the pronoun “it” or “them”

§  **Must have someone you are making it for, serving it to, or a pot or dish you are adding it to (indirect object)

·  3 adverbs with “–mente”

o  i.e. Generously, slowly, immediately, patiently, carefully

·  5 past participles as adjectives (2 irregular)

o  i.e. The diced onions, the melted butter, the cooked chicken, the mixed ingredients

Project Rubric with Point Values

5 affirmative informal commands
·  highlight commands in green on rough draft of script
·  include 3 object pronouns (minimum) circled on rough draft of script
·  include 1 with double object pronoun – highlight in yellow on rough draft of script
·  2 points each. / 10
2 negative informal commands
·  Highlight negative commands in pink on rough draft of script.
·  Include 1 Object pronoun – circled on rough draft of the script.
·  Include 1 with double object pronoun – highlight in yellow on rough draft of script
·  4 pts each / 8
2 irregular commands
·  Include 1 object pronoun – circled on rough draft of script.
·  Include 1 with double object pronoun – highlight in yellow in rough draft of script.
·  4 pts each / 8
Total of 2 double object pronouns
·  (including the 2 above) – highlight in yellow in rough draft of script.
·  May use as command or in body of instructions.
·  5 pts each / 10
3 adverbs ending in the Spanish ‘ly’ with “–mente” (including 1 irregular)
·  underline in red in rough draft.
·  3 pts each / 9
5 past participles as adjectives
·  AR – ADO; ER/IR - IDO
·  2 irregular – circled in blue in rough draft of script.
·  2 pts each / 10
15-20 chapter vocabulary words from page 277
·  Underline in black in rough draft.
·  1 pt. each / 15
rough draft on time / 10
final script/recipe w/color markings
·  final version of script for videos or powerpoint slides for illustrated recipes / 10
2-min video presentation of step-by-step instructional demo in Spanish / 40
Prepared dish / 20
English & Spanish copy of recipe / 5
Grammar sheet / 5
Originality & Enthusiasm / 20
Delivery, Effort, Introduction, Video Output / 20
Total / 200

Project Proposal




Procedures/Person Responsible/due dates:

1.  Script Draft:

2.  Story board:

3.  Final script review:

4.  Video/photography:

5.  Food Preparation:

6.  Participants (partner): _____

I agree to the above distribution of responsibilities and understand that a rough draft is due Apr 16th, ALL the grammar-vocabulary elements are due by the end of class on Apr 17 and the final product/video & Food are due on Wednesday, April 22, 2015.

Participant #1: ______

Parent #1: ______

(parent signatures can be submitted with an attached note including the box information above)


Project Proposal




Procedures/Person Responsible/due dates:

1.  Script Draft:

2.  Story board:

3.  Final script review:

4.  Video/photography:

5.  Food Preparation:

6.  Participants (partner): _____

I agree to the above distribution of responsibilities and understand that a rough draft is due Apr 16th, ALL the grammar-vocabulary elements are due by the end of class on Apr 17 and the final product/video & Food are due on Wednesday, April 22, 2015.

Participant #1: ______

Parent #1: ______

(parent signatures can be submitted with an attached note including the box information above)