America Saves Campaign Goals and Impacts
Setting goals for community/regional/state campaigns is necessary to ensure continued growth.Setting realistic goals, developing strategies to achieve these goals, and tracking progress throughout the year will help keep campaign staff and working group/coalition members motivated and focused.The following goals and accompanying questions will prompt strategic thinking by both the campaign coordinator and working group/coalition.We recommend that you develop these goals and strategies to take full advantage of the outreach potential provided by America Saves Week at the end of February.The America Saves team will be happy to work with individual campaigns as you plan for the year. This form can be downloaded and completed with the boxes expanding to any size.
I. Saver Pledges
Ï New savers pledged ______
Ï Savers repledged
Ï New savers pledged during America Saves Week______
Ï Savers repledged during America Saves Week
Ï Partner organizations posting your pledge form on their website
Ï Partner organizations posting your pledge form on their website during America Saves Week
How will potential savers be identified and recruited? How would you use America Saves Week to encourage community members to pledge to save?
How will the campaign communicate with those who take the pledge to save? What services are available to savers? (e.g., saver clubs, accounts, events, workshops, drawings, local newsletters, social media, etc.)
List ideas for possible saver recruitment events during America Saves Week and year round (e.g., Roll Your Change Week, Health and Wealth expo)
II. Marketing
A. Traditional Communications
What types of communication will you use?
Ï Radio_____
Ï Direct mail
Ï Billboards
Ï Flyers
Ï Posters
Ï Other (please list)
Ï Requests for information on your campaign as a result of marketing efforts_____
Ï Media impressions resulting from your America Saves Week efforts______
List ideas for possible social marketing strategies (e.g., radio PSA’s, etc.) What marketing strategies are implemented just for America Saves Week?
B. Electronic Communications
Ï Number of Facebook posts per month_____
Ï Number of new likes per month
Ï Number of tweets per month______
Ï Number of new followers per month
Ï Distribution of America Saves communications
______resend Partner Update
______resend American Saver newsletter
Ï Frequency of local campaign email communications______
Ï Frequency of campaign page/website updates______
List ideas for possible electronic communication strategies (e.g., starting a blog). What strategies are implemented just for America Saves Week?
List ideas for engaging partners by providing them with the opportunity to post your pledge form on their website and market it to their customers or clients year round or just for America Saves Week.
III. Campaign Coalition Goals
A. Operation
Ï Frequency of campaign coalition meetings to be held next year ______
Ï Number of people in attendance at each campaign coalition meeting______
Please outline your strategy for keeping campaign coalition members engaged and excited about America Saves throughout the coming year. How will America Saves Week help keep campaign coalition members involved and motivated?
B. Community Outreach
Campaign working groups/coalitions are made up of organizations from the community representing financial institutions, nonprofits, educational institutions, employers, government agencies, faith-based organizations, and others. What are your strategies for engaging different sectors? E.g., encouraging employers to offer/expand auto saving opportunities, etc.
What financial institutions will you work with to establish low-cost saving accounts? (To promote automatic savings, these accounts can be tied to a safe and appropriate checking account.)
What impact has the campaign had on partnering organizations?
IV. Fundraising
Ï Fundraising goal ______
Ï Annual budget______
Please outline your fundraising plan for activities throughout the year and during America Saves Week.
V. Community Impact
Ï Total dollars saved_____
Ï Dollars Saved by goal
o Business_____
o Consumer Product_____
o Education_____
o Debt Repayment_____
o Emergency_____
o Homeownership_____
o Home Improvement____
o Home Rental_____
o Motor Vehicle _____
o Retirement_____
o Savings_____
o Special Event_____
o Taxes_____
o Vacation_____
What other information illustrates the campaign’s economic impact on the community? (e.g., aggregate saving data, increased deposits in retirement accounts, more information about the importance of automatic saving)