Fall 2007 Instructor C. M. Staniunas
Note: Students who have completed Stat 202 may not take this course.
Course Objectives To provide the student with a survey course on the treatment of data by classical procedures leading to meaningful conclusions.
Topics Statistical measures of data, probability, random variables, probability distributions, estimation, tests of hypotheses, correlation, and prediction.
Text A First Course in Statistics , by James McClave and Terry Sincich
Calculator Requirement All students will need a scientific calculator for this course. Our text has examples using a TI-83. A stapler is good to have, also. Don’t use a laptop in my classroom, please. Write your papers, surf the Internet, and play your video games on your own time. Turn your cellphones off, or set them to vibrate. Put the PDA’s and iPods away.
Test Schedule
Block 1Test 1 / Sept. 19
Test 2 / Oct. 10
Test 3 / Nov. 14
Final Exam / Fri. Dec. 14, 8:30 am
In accordance with college policy, I do not have to reschedule your final exam UNLESS you have three consecutive final exams. Please do not ask me to reschedule your exam just because you want to leave school early.
If illness or family emergency causes you to miss a test notify me promptly. You’ll be expected to take the test as soon as possible, preferably within 48 hours.
Grading Policy Homework & quizzes 15% (there is a 24 hour grace period, but you may only use it twice)
Tests 20% each
Final Exam 25%
Your final grade will be computed using the percentages above. Grades will be assigned thus:
A 93-100 C 73-76
A- 90-92 C- 70-72
B+ 87-89 D+ 67-69
B 83-86 D 63-66
B- 80-82 D- 60-62
C+ 77-79 F Below 60
If you are on record with the College’s Special services as having special academic or physical needs requiring accommodations, please meet with me as soon as possible. We need to discuss your accommodations before they can be implemented. Also, please note that arrangements for extended time on exams and testing in a semi-private setting must be made at least one week before the exams.
Attendance Policy If you miss six hours of class after the add date, you may be dropped from the course.If indulgence in alcohol causes you to miss more than one class, the number for AA is 343-6857.
Office 161 D Trexler Hall
Office hours MWF 7:45-8:15 am (earlybird special) ,MWF 10:50 -11:50 , TTh 8 - noon
Phone 375-2010
Academic Integrity You are expected to be familiar with the Academic Integrity Code outlined in the booklet Academic Integrity at Roanoke College. In this class, you shall not cheat on tests, nor shall you collaborate on any assignment marked “work independently”.
Dress Code Please dress modestly. If you’ve got it, keep it covered.
date section(s) topics homework assignment
8/29 / 1.1-1.6 / terminology do pp19-23/2,3,4,11,12,16,20,22,24,32; read sect 2.1. Do p 36/ 1. Due Friday8/31 / 2.1,2.2 / qualitative data; dot plots do pp36-40/4,7,8,10,12,18; pp52-53/33,34; read sect. 2.2. Do p 49/19,20,21 for Mon.
9/3 / 2.2,2.3 / quantitative data; summation notation do pp49-53/23,26,29,30,36*; p54/38,40; read sect 2.4 Do p63/42,43.
9/5 / 2.4 / measures of central tendency; do pp63-65/47,48,50,52,54*,56,60,62; read sect 2.5 Do p70/63,64 Due Friday
9/7 / 2.5 / variability; do pp70-71/67,68,70,72,73,76*78*; read sect. 2.6 Do ppp77-78/80,82 . Due Monday
9/10 / 2.6,2.7 / interpreting s; relative standing do pp78-80/84,86*,88,90*,94,96; p83/97,100,106*,108; read sect 2.8 do p93/112,113
9/12 / 2.8,3.1 / outliers; probability; do p 93/ 114,115,119,120; pp128-131/9,10,12,14,20,26;read sect 3.2 Do p140/33,34
9/14 / 3.2 / unions, intersections; do p 141/ 49,50; prob WS ; read sect 3.3 Do p 140/ 35,36. due Monday
9/17 / review
9/19 / test 1 / this covers sections 1.1-3.2
9/21 / 3.3 / complementary events do pp 140-142/44,45,48,54(information for this is on p 143) ; prob. WS; due Monday
9/24 / 3.4 / additive rule, mutually exclusive events do pp140-141/40,42; prob WS; read sect 3.5 do p153/57,58.due Wed.
9/26 / 3.5 / conditional probability do p155/75,76; prob WS; read sect 3.6, do pp153-154/59,60,61. due Friday.
9/28 / 3.6 / multiplicative rule, independent events do pp153-158/62,64,66,70,74,78,81,84; prob WS; due Mon
10/1 / 3.7 / random sampling do pp161-162/92,94*,96,98. Read sect. 4.1. do p176/1,2 due Wed.
10/3 / 4.1,4.2 / random variables, discrete random variables do pp 176-177/4,6,8*;pp183-186/14,16,18,19,20,22,24,26,30
10/5 / 4.3 / binomial random variables do p198-199/34,36,38,40,42b,44,46,50,52
10/8 / 4.3,review
10/10 / test 2 / this covers sections 3.3-4.3
10/12 / 4.4 / continuous random variables ;read section 4.5. Do p215/57,58 for the Monday after break
10/22 / 4.5 / normal distribution do pp215-216/60,62,66. Due Wednesday. The worksheet is for practice.
10/24 / 4.5 / normal applications do p216-217/68,70,72,74*,76,84 for Friday.
10/26 / 4.6 / assessing normality do pp 224-225/86,90,92* Read sect 4.8. Do p239/119 for Monday.
10/29 / 4.8 / sampling distributions do pp 239-240/120,121,123,124(refers to 4.123, not 6.5), 126* for Wednesday.
10/31 / 4.9 / Central Limit theorem do pp 246-247/128,130,132,135,136,138,140,142. Read sect 5.1. do p 269/1
11/2 / 5.1,5.2 / target parameters, confidence intervals for means do pp269-271/3,10,12,14,18,20. Read sect 5.3. do p 280/25
11/5 / 5.3 / small sample CI for means do pp 280-282/28(b,c,e), 30,32*,36,40. Read sect 5.4. do p 289/42 for Wednesday.
11/7 / 5.4 / CI for proportions do pp289-290/46, 47, 50, 54. Read sect 5.5. Do p 296/60 for Friday.
11/9 / 5.5 / determining sample size do pp296-297/66,68,70,72,74,76. read sect 6.1. do p 315/1,2
11/12 / review
11/14 / test 3 / this covers sections 4.4-5.5
11/16 / 6.1 / hypothesis testing do pp 315-316/10,12,14,16. Read section 6.2. do p 321/19 for Monday.
11/19 / 6.2 / large sample test for μ do pp 321-322/ 22,24,26,28,30. read sect 6.3 do p 328/36 for Monday after break.
11/26 / 6.3 / p-values do pp328-329/38,40,42,46. read sect. 6.4. do p 334/53 for Wednesday.
11/28 / 6.4 / small sample test for μ do pp334-336/56(refers to 6.55, not 8.55), 58,60,62*,66. Read 6.5.Do p 342/72
11/30 / 6.5 / Hypothesis test for proportions do ppp 342-343/74,76,78,80,82
12/3 / 9.6 / linear correlation do p 546/68,70,74.
12/5 / 9.2 / linear regression do p 536/ 48(a,b,c); 49(a,b,c)
12/7 / review
12/ / FINAL / yes, it is comprehensive
If you start your homework the day it is assigned, you may complete it in a leisurely fashion. Believe me; it’s less stressful that way.
An asterisk* after a problem means either to use Minitab or that the data is on the CD included with our text. You can find this on the y-drive.