
Alvaston Infant and Nursery School

Elvaston lane, Derby, DE24 0PU

Telephone/fax: (01332) 571 704


Headteacher: Mrs. Atwal
6th March 2017
Dear Parent/Carer,

Ark Farm Visit for pupils in Nursery and Reception Classes
As part of our Foundation Stage curriculum, the children have been learning about different animals, their diets, habitats etc. With this in mind, we are very excited to tell you that we have managed to organise a real animal farm to visit us in school (in the Early Years Garden), on Wednesday March 22nd.
This is a great opportunity to consolidate and extend the children’s learning. It is a real hands-on educational and tactile experience for the children; they will be able to stroke the animals and watch them up close whilst being in a safe environment. The animals can include: sheep, pigs, goats, chickens, ducks, a pony or a donkey and a farm dog. The ‘Ark Farm’ staff will be on hand to support the children’s learning and our staff will ensure that children are safe throughout the visit and they will be fully supervised whilst experiencing this visit.
We would be grateful for a contribution of £5 towards the cost of this visit.
Whilst this is a voluntary contribution, we will have to cancel the visit if we do not receive sufficient funds. We would be grateful if you could send your consent form and payment in a named, sealed envelope by Monday 13th March.
I am sure the children will absolutely love the learning opportunities this visit provides.
Kind regards,
Mrs Atwal
Farm Visit Wednesday 22nd March

Nameofchild. Class:,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,

Ido/donotgivemyconsentformychildtotakepartinthis visit.
Ienclose payment of £5 for my child to take part in the Ark Farm Visit.
Signature of parent/carer: