Heath Mount Primary School Curriculum Map – YEAR 1
Year 1 2017/2018 / Autumn 1 / Autumn 2 / Spring 1 / Spring 2 / Summer 1 / Summer 2Topic Theme / Memory box / Enchanted Woodlands / Bright Lights, big city / Splendid skies / Paws & claws / Superheroes
Wow Experience / Health Visitor / Local Walk / Trip to Birmingham City Centre / Cannon Hill Park / Twycross Zoo / Police officer/fire-fighter visit
Book/Author Focus / Peace at Last
Jill Murphy / Can’t you sleep Little Bear
Martin Waddell / Beegu
Alexis Deacon / Chicken Little / Where the Wild Things Are
MauricesSendark / Superkid
Clare Freedman
Film/Visual Literacy / Shrek / Ratatouile / Up / Puss in Boots / Incredibles
Poetry / Traditional Rhymes / Traditional Rhymes / Poems for Learning by Heart / Poems for Learning by Heart / Poems on a Theme / Poems on a Theme
Narrative / Owl Babies / Goldilocks and the 3 Bears / The Town Mouse / Jack and the Beanstalk / The Gruffalo / Monkey See, Monkey Do
Non Fiction / Recounts / Labels/ Caption / Letters / Instructions / Non Chronological Report / Persuasive posters
Maths / 2 weeks number
2-3 weeks calculation
1 week geometry
1 week measure / 1 week number
3 weeks calculation (including money work from measure)
1 week measure
1 week geometry
1 week measure / 1 week number
1 week calculation
2 weeks geometry including position and direction
1 week calculation / 4 weeks number / calculation
1 week measure / 1 week measure
1 week number
1 week fractions
2 weeks calculation / 1 week measure
1 week number
1 week measure
1 week geometry
1 week calculation
1 week geometry
Science / Senses
seasons / Materials
Classify and group materials according to their properties. / Plants and animals
Investigations / MaterialsEveryday Materials / Seasonal Changes / Plants
Computing / Topic: Introduction to Algorithms
CC: use the maths apps
e.g find sums, todo maths
Big Cat phonics app
Sentence maker app
I can write app
Twinkl app / Topic: We’re celebrating
CC: use the maths apps
e.g find sums, todo maths
Big Cat phonics app
Sentence maker app
I can write app
Twinkl app / Topic: - Let’s make a story board
CC: take pictures and videos throughout topic
(Record instructions as algorithms) / Topic: We're story tellers-
CC: research castles and use I pads to make a collage / Topic: Living things
CC: research facts / Topic: We’re protectors
CC: record and present findings related to topic
PE / 1 : Autumn 1 Gymnastics/ Write Dance / Autumn 2 Dance/Soft Play / Spring 1 Multiskills/ Comp. practice / Spring 2 Multiskills/striking games / Summer 1 Parachute/ Team Games / Summer 2 Athletics/ SAQ
RE /
- Cultivating Inclusion, Identity and Belonging
- Being Thankful
- Being Modest and Listening to others
- Expressing Joy
- Being Fair and Just
- Being Accountable and Living with Integrity
- Being Courageous and Confident
- Being Loyal and Steadfast
- Remembering Roots
- Being Hopeful and Visionary
- Being Curious and Valuing Knowledge
- Being Open, Honest and Truthful
PSHE - Cornerstones / Caring for babies and toddlers; Sharing memories; Playing and working co-operatively; Feeling positive / Feeling positive; Looking after the environment / Active citizens / Discrete / Caring for animals / Recognising good and bad choices; Keeping safe; Making a positive contribution
PSHE - / Being Me in My World / Celebrating Difference / Dreams and Goals / Healthy Me / Relationships / Changing Me
British Values / Democracy, Rule of law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect, Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs / Democracy, Rule of law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect, Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs / Democracy, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect, Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs / Rule of law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect, / Democracy, Rule of law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect, Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs / Rule of law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect, Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
History / Changes within living memory / Discrete / The Great Fire of London / Significant individuals - Sir Francis Beaufort / Discrete / Historical heroes/heroines
Geography / Fieldwork in the local area / Making maps / Countries and capital cities of the UK (London focus); Using locational language; Using maps; Geographical similarities / Seasonal and daily weather patterns / Using and making maps; Describing physical features / Discrete
Art / Drawing and painting; Collage; Family portraits / Working with natural materials; Drawing and painting / Discrete / Collage and painting / Talking about art; Drawing; Collage; Model making; Painting; Sculpture; Animal masks and product / Drawing and modelling superheroes
D&T / Making picnic foods; Celebration cards; Making a memory box / Building structures; Making party food / Exploring mechanisms; Constructing moving models; Understanding where food comes from; Design and make souvenirs; Models of London landmarks / Discrete / Designing labels; Designing and making animal enclosures / Superfoods; Mask-making
Music / Music express
Nursery rhymes
Seasonal songs
Songs that help us remember; Writing a class song / Traditional songs and nursery rhymes / Weather sounds and songs / Animals –
Noises in the night
Animal sounds in the woods
Animal songs / Seasons –
Performance and actions
Creating digital superhero sounds