SAMPLEElementary School SAMPLE
Categorical Funding Allocated to This School
The following state and federal categorical funds were allocated to this school through the Consolidated Application, Part II. Additional funds (listed under "Other") may be allocated to the school in accordance with district policy.
(Delete funding sources from this list for which the school does not receive an allocation.)
State ProgramsEconomic Impact Aid/ State Compensatory Education (7S539) / Amount: / $ / 11,285
Purpose: To help educationally disadvantaged students succeed in the regular program.
Economic Impact Aid/ State Compensatory Education (7N539)
Supplemental / Amount: / $ / 45,142
Purpose: To provide class size reduction to educationally disadvantaged students.
Economic Impact Aid/ Limited English Proficient (7S536) / Amount: / $ / 93,268
Purpose: To develop fluency in English and academic proficiency of English Learners.
Economic Impact Aid/ Limited English Proficient (7N536)
Supplemental / Amount: / $ / 40,117
Purpose: To provide class size reduction to English Learners.
Other State Funds (list and describe):
School and Library Improvement Block Grant (14222) / Amount: / $ / 24,256
Purpose: To improve school response to educational, personal and career needs of all
students; to provide support for school libraries.
Federal Programs
Elementary and Secondary Education Act:
Title I: Schoolwide Program (7S046) / Amount: / $ / 206,125
Purpose: To upgrade the entire educational program of the school.
Title I: Targeted Assistance Program (7S046) / Amount: / $
Purpose: To help educationally disadvantaged students achieve grade level proficiency.
Title I Parent Involvement Allocation (7E046) / Amount: / $ / 5,680
Purpose: To promote family literacy, parenting skills, and parent involvement activities.
Title I Program Improvement 10% set aside (70A56) / Amount: / $ / 24,495
Purpose: To provide high-quality professional development to address the issues that
caused the school to be identified for program improvement.
Title III: English Language Development (7S176) / Amount: / $ / 5,145
Purpose: To provide professional development to teachers, administrators, and other
school support staff to improve ELD instruction and assessment of English learners.
Other Federal Funds (list and describe): / Amount: / $
Total amount of state and federal categorical funds allocated to this school: / $ / 455,513
After funding has been established, determine what funds can be used to fund the school’s priorities.
Title I (7S046)
Fiscal Year 2007-2008
Name of District: Los Angeles Unified School District / Date:CDS Code: 1964733 / 2007-08 Allocation:
Name of School:Sample Elementary / School CDS Code:
School Contact Person: / Phone:
Local District: / Fax:
Identify the program to be implemented during the 2007-2008 school year.
TAS / X / SWPUsing the Program and Budget Handbook as a guide, describe the duties of personnel and/or goods funded from Title I which address the needs identified in the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA).
Certificated Personnel Salaries (includes benefits)
1103 / Teacher Z-TimeFunding for teachers to do after school tutoring for at-risk students scoring below proficient in English Language Arts (ELA) and Math. / 2,907
(__ hrs.) / I—p. __
1105 / Teacher, Day to Day Subs
To provide release time for teachers to attend professional development trainings and workshops on research based strategies targeting language arts and math. / 7,661
(__ days) / I—p. __
1107 / Teacher Assistant Relief
Funding for instructional support for teacher’s assistants outside their regular assignment, under the direct supervision of a highly qualified teacher. / 1,103
(__ hrs.) / I—p. __
1107 / Teacher Assistant
Under the direct supervision of a highly qualified teacher, provides reinforcement and support of instruction in English Language Arts and math. / 9,871
(5 days) / I—p. __
1901 / Categorical Program Advisor
Funding for this teacher is to provide professional development activities including the facilitation of effective instructional programs, providing demonstration lessons, conducting program/student evaluation activities, and coordinating and providing parent involvement workshop activities to ensure the compliant functioning of the advisory committee. / 94,287
(5 days) / I—p. __
1903 / Coordinating Differential, Cat. Prog. Advsr. / 1,329 / Program Description Page
1903 / Cat. Prog. Advsr. Z-Time
Z-time for performing duties outside the regular assignment: planning and presenting professional development, monitoring the program and related expenditures, ordering supplies, and preparing communications to parents / 1,760
(__ hrs) / I—p. __
2000 / Classified Personnel Salaries (includes benefits)
2101 / Ed Aide II / 7,958 / Program Description Page
2903 / Community Representative
Services are limited to advice or interpretation involving local school or classroom relationships. (Class-A) / 2,257
(2 days) / I—p. __
* Please specify the plan that is being referenced with the following:SAMPLE
I – (Initial Single Plan for Student Achievement)
U – (Single Plan for Student Achievement Update)
PI – (Program Improvement Update)
Rev. 02/06/07 (vef)
SAMPLEElementary School SAMPLE
Title I (7S046)
Fiscal Year 2007-2008
Books, Materials, Supplies
4310 / Instructional MaterialsFunds to purchase supplemental materials to assist staff in reinforcing and supporting instruction in the classroom. Examples include workbooks, computer software, hands on realia, math manipulatives, and journals. / 21,306 / I—p. __
4490 / Non-Capitalized Equipment
Funds to purchase a copier and four LCD projectors to supplement differentiation of instruction in English Language Arts and Math.
Copier: Toshiba 325 (1)
LCD Projectors: Panasonic AF3167 (4) / 8,895 / U—2005-06
4501 / General Supplies
Funds to purchase supplemental supplies for intervention programs such as classroom supplies, paper, pencils, erasers. / 2,000 / I—p. __
4502 / School Advisory Committee Expenses / 600 / Program Description Page
5000 / Services and Other Operating Expenses
5202 / Staff Conference Attendance
Funds to pay registration and other expenses for attendance at conferences that target closing the achievement gap:
CUE Conference
California Reading Association / 6,000 / PI—p.
5606 / Maintenance of Equipment
Provides a contract for the maintenance of two copiers to duplicate supplemental materials for students and various communications with parents.
OCE 3165
Cannon 10FD / 13,755 / I—p. __
6000 / Capital Outlay (Equipment items costing over $25,000; central-office approval is required)
Pending Distribution
Funding Variance / 5,071
Allocation / 181,689
* Please specify the plan that is being referenced with the following:SAMPLE
I – (Initial Single Plan for Student Achievement)
U – (Single Plan for Student Achievement Update)
PI – (Program Improvement Update)
Rev. 02/06/07 (vef)
Single Plan for Student Achievement Update and Justification
Equipment Purchased/Leased through Categorical Programs
2007-08 Title I and Economic Impact Aid-State Compensatory Education (EIA-SCE)Program(s) Justification Page
Directions: Any item that has not beenchecked must be deleted from the identified items listed below.
The items identified below are being purchased to facilitate the compliant implementationof the Title I/EIA-SCE program.
Funding Source(s) / Description of Goods/Services to Enhance
the School Organization and Support Structures
7S046 / 7S539
x / Categorical Program Adviser Differential
Performs program-related activities outside the regular six-hour work day.
x / Educational Aide II
Performs clerical tasks related to categorical programs and assists in communication with parents. May not provide direct teaching assistance to students. In addition, may not perform the responsibilities of any classified position nor be used for supervision task. May purchase no more than five positions from EIA-SCE, Title I, School and Library Improvement combined.
x / Compensatory Education Advisory Committee (CEAC)Expense
Funds for local school advisory committee operating expenses. Expense may include refreshments but not meals. Expenses may be funded with Title I or EIA-SCE for the CEAC.
* A school may purchase a total of two (2) positions from the combination of clerk/office technician/senior office technician positions. If more then two (2) are purchased, a Single Plan for Student Achievement Update page must be completed to address the office in need of additional support.