USA Internet Practice
Use the following Internet addresses to find the answer to the questions below:
A, B, C, D: # Themen # Geomorphologie # Geomorphology from Space # North America # click on Mississippi Delta / Malaspina glacier / Hawaii in the map
E, F: # Regionales # Angloamerika # 50 States and Capitals
G, H: # Themen # Geomorphologie # Landforms
I, J: # Geolinks # international # Geography World # cities
K: # Best+Places+USA or: BestPlaces+USA
L, M: # Links # International # Geosource #Countries and Regions # US Census data
A: How much water does the Mississippi discharge into the Gulf of Mexico on average every second? ………………………………..
B: How large is the Mississippi catchments area? ……………………
C: How thick is the ice of the Malaspina glacier? …………………..
D: Give the height of Hawaii above and below sea level: ……………
E: What is the time and weather now in Austin, Texas? ..………….. …………………………………………………………………
F: What is the nickname of Texas? …………………………………….
G: Find a relief map of the USA. What colour is it in? ………………..
H: Find a picture of a U-shaped valley in the Rocky Mountains.
What’s its name? ……………………………………………..
I: You would like to see a musical in New York tonight.
Find one and write down the name of the theatre and the play. ……………………………………………………………..……..
J: Where is that theatre situated? ………………………
K: Where is the crime rate higher: in N.Y. City or in Los Angeles? …
L: How many inhabitants did L.A. have in 1900 and in 1990? ………
M: Find a map of the USA showing wheat-growing areas.
N: Play a US-geography quiz game. (Geography Worls # games)
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USA Internet Practice
Use the following Internet addresses to find the answer to the questions below:
A, B, C, D: # Themen # Geomorphologie # Geomorphology from Space # North America # click on Mississippi Delta / Malaspina glacier / Hawaii in the map
E, F: # Regionales # Angloamerika # 50 States and Capitals
G, H: # Themen # Geomorphologie # Landforms
I, J: # Geolinks # international # Geography World # cities
K: # Best+Places+USA or: BestPlaces+USA
L, M: # Links # International # Geosource #Countries and Regions # US Census data
A: How much water does the Mississippi discharge into the Gulf of Mexico on average every second? ………………………………..
B: How large is the Mississippi catchments area? ……………………
C: How thick is the ice of the Malaspina glacier? …………………..
D: Give the height of Hawaii above and below sea level: ……………
E: What is the time and weather now in Austin, Texas? ..………….. …………………………………………………………………
F: What is the nickname of Texas? …………………………………….
G: Find a relief map of the USA. What colour is it in? ………………..
H: Find a picture of a U-shaped valley in the Rocky Mountains.
What’s its name? ……………………………………………..
I: You would like to see a musical in New York tonight.
Find one and write down the name of the theatre and the play. ……………………………………………………………..……..
J: Where is that theatre situated? ………………………
K: Where is the crime rate higher: in N.Y. City or in Los Angeles? …
L: How many inhabitants did L.A. have in 1900 and in 1990? ………
M: Find a map of the USA showing wheat-growing areas.
N: Play a US-geography quiz game. (Geography Worls # games)
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