From Beowulf

Denmark’s King ______builds a huge banquet hall ______for his people. Their noisy celebrations infuriate a monster named ______, who terrorizes and attacks them, killing many. A young hero named ______from nearby Geatland saves the Danes by killing ______and later Grendel’s ______. Beowulf eventually becomes king of Geatland, and dies an old man, defending his people from a dragon. This time he needs help from ______. Before dying, Beowulf asks to see ______.

From Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer

From The Prologue

The narrator describes a group of pilgrims assembled at an ______near London prior to their journey to ______. The inn’s host proposes that each pilgrim tell ______on the journey to and from Canterbury to entertain the others. Whoever tells the best ______will win a ______paid for by the group. The Host joins the pilgrims and becomes their judge. The travelers draw lots to decide the order of the tales and the cut falls to the knight.

From The Pardoner’s Tale

Three men pledge to find and kill ______. An old man points them to a tree, where they find ______. One man goes to town for ______and ______. The other two plot to ______him and keep his ______. After they kill him, they drink the ______which the dead man had poisoned. All three find ______.

From The Wife of Bath’s Tale

A ______can escape ______by finding out what women most ______. After a year of searching, he meets an old ______. She gives him the answer in exchange for granting her a wish. After he reluctantly marries her, she turns into a lovely ______woman.

The First Knight

From Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Anonymous

A huge, knight, dressed all in ______, appears at Camelot on New Year’s Eve. The Green Knight challenges any man in ______’s court to strike his bare ______with an ______if the Green Knight may do the same to him in a year and a ______. Sir Gawain accepts the challenge and severs the Green Knight’s ______with one blow. The Green Knight retrieves his ______and rides off.

One year later, Gawain is en route to keep his appointment with ______. He reaches a castle, and its lord and lady invite him to stay for a few days. The lady twice attempts to seduce Gawain, but he resists her advances. When he is ready to continue his journey, she offers him a ______that she says will protect him from ______. Gawain accepts the ______, though he deceives his host in doing so. Soon after, Gawain faces the Green Knight. The knight nicks Gawain’s ______, fulfilling the pact. Then the Green Knight explains that he himself had bee Gawain’s host and had arranged his wife’s advances as a test of Gawain’s ______. Gawain repents his deception and returns to Camelot.

From Le Morte D’ Arthur by Sir Thomas Malory


King Arthur and his army have besieged Sir ______in the fortified city of Benwick. Launcelot tries to make peace, but Sir ______persuades Arthur to refuse the offer. Gawain twice engages Launcelot in battle and is seriously ______each time.

Meanwhile, Sir ______has seized Arthur’s throne and attempted to persuade Queen ______to marry him. The queen has pretended to accept, then escaped to the Tower to defend herself. ______sails back to Britain with his army to regain his throne, and ______is injured again as they fight their way ashore. When Arthur finally finds him, Gawain admits that he was wrong in urging Arthur to fight ______. Before dying, Gawain writes to ______, begging him to help Arthur in his fight against ______. Gawain also warns Arthur that he will be killed if he battles ______before ______’s return. King Arthur has a disturbing dream in which Gawain warns him to postpone fighting Mordred. Arthur makes a treaty with Mordred, and the two meet. Arthur makes peace with Modred, but fighting breaks out at the signing of the ______. Both sides misinterpret the actions of a knight who draws a sword, and a terrible battle ensues. Arthur kills Mordred, but not before Mordred wounds Arthur. As Arthur lies dying, he asks Sir Bedivere to toss his sword ______into a lake. When Bedivere finally brings himself to cast the sword away, a ______appears from the water to take it. Arthur then persuades Bedivere to carry him to the lake. A barge filled with many beautiful ______comes to take Arthur away to the land of ______, and he is seen in Britain no more.


“Sir Patrick Spens” page 210

“Bonny Barbara Allan” page 213

“Get Up and Bar the Door” page 215

Macbeth by William Shakespeare

Macbeth and Banquo crush a rebellion against King ______. Afterward they encounter three ______who promise Macbeth great honors. They prophesy that he will be king and that Banquo will sire______. ______is determined to let nothing stand in her husband’s way to the throne. When ______visits Macbeth’s castle, Lady Macbeth decides the time and place are right for ______. Ambition and his wife’s goading overcome Macbeth’s misgivings.

Duncan retires for the night, and ______drugs his guards. ______then murders the king. Lady Macbeth smears the guards with ______to make them look ______. Near dawn, ______discovers the king’s body. Duncan’s sons, fearing their father’s fate, flee the country. The nobles see their flight as evidence of ______and choose ______to succeed Duncan. ______disagrees and refuses to go to the coronation.

Assassins hired by Macbeth murder ______, but his son, ______, escapes. At dinner, ______’s ghost (visible only to Macbeth) enters and takes the king’s seat. Unnerved, Macbeth starts acting strangely. Lady Macbeth tries to assure the guests that his behavior is due to a lifelong ______. Meanwhile, the weird sisters and ______plan Macbeth’s undoing.

Macbeth visits Hecate and the ______and is told to beware of ______. Macbeth sends hirelings to ______’s castle to murder ______’s family. In ______, Macduff meets with ______and asks him to claim the throne. To test Macduff, ______portrays himself as a ______. Assured of Macduff’s honesty, ______reveals his true nature. They learn of the atrocity at Macduff’s castle and pledge to unseat ______.

At ______castle, Lady Macbeth has suffered a ______collapse. Macbeth, preoccupied with ______preparations, learns of her suicide. To conceal his army’s size, Malcolm orders his troops to carry ______as they march from Birnam Forest. Hearing that the woods appear to be ______, Macbeth decides to attack. As the battle rages, Macduff seeks out and slays Macbeth. Malcolm’s forces win a decisive victory, and he makes plans for his ______.