Request for Proposals RFP1816671292

(DAS 8890.00 and 8890.01)

Professional A/E Services for Laundry Room Design

Iowa Veterans Home, Marshalltown, Iowa

TheIowaDepartmentofAdministrativeServices(DAS),CentralProcurementEnterprise(CPE), HooverStateOfficeBuilding,Level3,DesMoines,Iowa50319-0105willreceivesealedproposals until2:00p.m.,localIowatime,Friday June 24,2016frompotentialvendorsforservices relatedtotheaboveproject.Thereisapre-proposalmeetingscheduled to be held in at the facility on Wednesday, June 15th at 1:00pm. Meet at the main lobby of the Sheeler Building.

Allwrittenquestionsare dueby2:00 PMonFriday, June 17th,2016 and will be answered via addendum on or before 2:00pm on Wednesday, June 22, 2016.

Late proposals will not beconsidered. For additionalinformationcontact:

David Cross PurchasingAgentIII

Iowa Department of Administrative Services Hoover State Office Building, Level3

1305 East Walnut, Des Moines, IA 50319-0105





TheIowaDepartmentofAdministrativeServices(“DAS”)isseekingproposalsfromqualifiedand availabledesigncompaniesforservices,perRFPcoverpage,andasoutlinedinthescopebelow (section1.3).


1.1.1.Forthestaffthatwillbeassigned,identifyanddescribequalifications,experience,andexpertise in providing services forsimilar, or relevant, projects.

1.1.2.Forthestaffthatwillbeassigned,providealistofpastsimilarorrelevantprojectscompletedin thelast5years,andincludebriefdescriptionsofwhattheprojectsentailedandacontactname and phonenumber(reference).Inadditionprovideestimatedprojectcost,finalprojectcostat acceptance, and whether it was completed on time.

1.1.3.Describethecompositionofyourteam.Identifystafftobeassigned. Provideresumesofkey individual(s) including education, relevant experience,andcertifications/licensing.

1.1.4.Describethecostestimating, status reporting, and costreporting procedures youutilize.

1.1.5.Describecomputerprogram/softwarecapabilitiesandexpertiseyouutilize.Pleasedescribeyour experience.

1.1.6.Providea copy of your organizational chart.

1.1.7.Describe your experience, if any, on designingsimilaror relevant projects for theState of Iowa.

1.1.8.Providethehourlyrates,andanticipatedhoursbyposition,forallpersons(includingsub- consultants) thatwill be assigned tothe project.Also provide an estimated fee total.

1.1.9.Identify desired reimbursable charges (the State has limitations, per State of Iowa Accounting Policies and Procedures210.245),andallothercharges.


DASisseekingafirmthatcancommenceworkuponexecutionofacontract.Timeisofthe essence. Serviceswill start immediately following thebidding andNOI process.

PostTSB:June 1st, 2016

Pre‐ProposalMeetingonSite: June 15th, 2016 at 1:00 PMCST

QuestionsDue:June 17th, 2016 at 2:00 PM CST

Last AddendumIssued By:June 22nd, 2016 by 2:00 PM CST

ProposalsDue:June 24th, 2016 at 2:00 PM CST

SelectionofDesigner,issueNOI:July 1st, 2016

ExecutionofContract(5dayappealperiod):July 15th, 2016

AssessmentDesign(developdrawings):July 18th – November 28th, 2016

ContractorBidding:November 29th – December 19th, 2017

Construction:January – November 2017


The State of Iowa Department of Administrative Services is currently seeking design services from qualified design firms for the construction of a new laundry facility and associated equipment at the Iowa Veterans Home Campus in Marshalltown, IA. Please see below for additional details. The following scope of work shall also be included as part of the design firm’s scope:

1. Administrative

  1. Construction Manager (DCI Group) has been engaged for this Project to serve as an advisor to the Owner and to provide assistance in administering the Contract for Design between Owner and the Designer according to separate contract between Owner and Construction Manager.
  1. Use of the State of Iowa's construction management software EADOC.
  1. The successful designer will be responsible for construction administration, including development of submittal master list, submittal reviews, review and response to RFI's, but not necessarily limited to, development of Architectural Supplemental Instructions for design revisions, change order review, review of Trade Contractor pay applications, periodic site visits, and participation / development / verification of contractor punch list. This project will require compliance with the Davis Bacon Act for all contractors.
  1. This project includes I-Jobs funding. As a result, special quarterly reporting requirements are part the Designer’s, Consultant’s, Trade Contractor's, and any subcontractor's scope of work. Within 5 calendar days of the end of each calendar quarter, every contractor must report the number of hours worked for all employees, including office and administration employees, broken down by the minor SOC Codes (standard occupational classifications). In addition, every contractor must report their employee's place of residence by state. Provide the number of employees for each state of residency who have worked on or are working on this project for the reporting period. Every contractor must include the same information for every subcontractor they employ. Failure to adequately and accurately provide this information in a timely fashion may result in a delay of payment.
  1. Co-operation and collaboration with commissioning consultant. Commissioning consultant to be contracted by the State.
  1. Designer to assist in all aspects of the VA Federal Construction Grant process. Aspects applicable to the designer include schematics for the proposed project, Phase 1 Environmental Survey, Phase II Environmental Assessment, coordination with State Historical Preservation Officer, 35% design development drawings and specification, and final drawings and specifications.
  1. Designer will be responsible for the completion of a Phase 1 Environmental Survey and Phase II Environmental Assessment.
  1. Designer shall assist Construction Manager in the development of all cost exercises.

2. Design & Construction

  1. This request for proposal is for complete design of all systems for a new laundry facility. This shall include, but not necessarily limited to Architectural, Engineering, Electrical, Controls, Civil, and Structural design services as required. It will also be the responsibility of the designer to specify new laundry equipment and complete any design associated with the equipment to meet the needs of the Iowa Veterans Home. It is recommended that the Designer engage a consultant that provides laundry equipment and operational expertise.
  1. Designer to develop a complete set of specifications except for Division 00 which will be provided by DCI Group for incorporation into the designer specification book. The designers’ specifications shall include Division 01 General Requirements and all technical specifications.
  1. Design shall satisfy all Federal, State, and Local codes, including State Energy Conservation requirements.
  1. Perform one design kick-off meeting on-site to review and analyze existing infrastructure as well as discuss overall project scope and needs.
  1. Designer and any relevant consultants shall perform an additional site visit to observe laundry operations as well as discuss and review design options and needs with the laundry and facility staff.
  1. Designer to assist in development of request for proposals for commissioning services. The commissioning agent will provide specifications to the designer for incorporation into the complete specification book.
  1. If deemed necessary, the designer shall provide minor drawing work to assist the construction manager in the development of a hazardous material bid package.
  1. Designer to help identify and pursue all potential rebates and credits.
  1. It is the Owners desire to have the existing equipment evaluated for potential incorporation of some of the newer existing equipment into the new facility. Designer shall evaluate the existing laundry equipment and if so desired by the Owner, incorporate its re-use into the design for the facility. This design to include removal, relocation, and re-installation of any selected existing equipment. It is anticipated that the majority of equipment will be new to the project.
  1. Design reviews will be conducted at 35%, 50%, and 90% and reviewed with Owners Representative, Construction Manager, and Facility Representative. Attend a minimum of three (3) on-site meetings with DAS, Construction Manager, and Facility staff for discussions related to design development comments.
  1. Plan submission for State Fire Marshal review and energy code compliance as needed.
  1. Final submission of contract documents including drawings, trade specific specification sections for bidding, and commissioning consultant’s specifications.
  2. Designer shall develop and implement a submittal log for incorporation into the State of Iowa's construction management software EADOC. The submittal log will identify all of the required project submittals as identified in the design specification.
  1. Designer shall participate in bi-weekly, or as-needed, Owner, Architect, and Contractor meetings either onsite or by conference call at the Owner’s discretion.
  1. As part of construction, the designer shall attend, at a minimum, two (2) mandatory pre-bid meetings, one (1) pre-construction meeting, construction reviews on an as-needed basis, substantial completion/punch list development, punch list approval, and one-year warranty correction period visit.
  1. Field observation reports shall be submitted to DCI Group for each site inspection within five (5) days of the site visit.
  1. Maintain an as-built set of drawings and specification for all design modifications. Up-to-date full sheets to be issued electronically to address all Architectural Supplemental Instructions and RFIs as feasible.

3. Close Out

  1. Provide construction as-built drawings and specifications of all design modifications, including RFIs, Architect Supplemental Instructions, Proposal Requests, and Change Orders in both CAD and PDF formats.
  1. Development and verification of punch list document.
  1. Provide date for substantial and final completion.

4. Alternates

  1. ALT #01 Please provide an alternate cost for services related to the following scope items:
  1. Provide a Building Information Model with the following Level of Detail (LOD) at the Construction Document phase:
  1. Civil Elements (Site plan, parking, topography) – LOD 100 (Based on AIA 202 Definitions)
  1. Structural Elements (Structural Trusses, Framing, Columns, Foundations) – LOD 300 (Based on AIA 202 Definitions). Reinforcement in Concrete is not desired or required for this model element.
  1. Architectural Elements (Walls, Floors, Windows, Doors, Stairs, Millwork, Enclosure, Roofing, Ceiling) – LOD 300 (Based on AIA 202 Definitions).
  1. Equipment Elements (Laundry Equipment) – Minimum requirement is LOD 200 (Based on AIA 202 Definitions). The desire would be to obtain increased LOD for these elements if available from basis of design manufacturers. If not readily available, the request would be to have LOD 200.
  2. Fire Protection Elements – Not required
  1. Plumbing Elements (Fixtures, Piping) – LOD 200 (Based on AIA 202 Definitions). All piping greater than 2” diameter would be desired in LOD 200. Piping Supports do not need to be included in this model element.
  1. HVAC Elements (Ducts, Equipment, Diffusers, Grilles, Piping) – LOD 200 (Based on AIA Definitions).
  1. Electrical Elements (Panels, Conduits, and Lights) – LOD 200 (Based on AIA Definitions) ONLY for these elements: Lighting, Main Distribution Panel, Branch Distribution Panels, Transformer, Raceways greater than 3 inches.
  1. Communication Elements – Not required
  1. Fire Alarm Elements – Not required
  1. The Building Information Model will be used for the following purposes:
  1. Clash Detection (During Construction Document Coordination Phase) – Construction Manager will perform Clash Detection services and provide information to Designer as part of the Constructability Review Process. Designer shall participate in constructability review sessions to review clash detection elements and make modifications as required prior to completing construction documents. The Designer shall merge all model elements into a single model before transferring to Construction Manager to perform Clash Detection.
  1. Visual Representation During Design – Designer shall present models for the Owners and Construction Managers review during design progress meeting for the purpose of understanding space properties and coordination aspects.
  1. Visual Representation During Construction – Construction Manager will utilize as a tool for the digital representation of design properties for coordination and constructability purposes.
  1. The Building Information Model will NOT be used for the following purposes:
  1. As-Builts Conditions
  2. Facility Management Purposes (Post-Construction)
  3. Cost Estimating
  4. Scheduling
  5. Fabrication
  6. Clash Detection with Awarded Contractors Fabrication/Shop Drawings.
  1. Other information related to scope of services:
  2. Construction Manager will provide a “cloud” based platform for file sharing.

Construction Estimate - $5,009,748


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Section 2 -Administrative Issues


2.1.1DASwillevaluatethequalifications,experience,and other relevantinformationfromcompanies interestedincontractingwiththeStateofIowatoprovidethenecessaryservicestocomplete the project described in this RFP.

2.1.2CompaniescertifiedasTargetedSmallBusinessesareencouragedtosubmitProposals.The IowaDepartmentofInspectionsandAppeals(IDIA)administertheTargetedSmallBusiness (TSB)Program.Businessesmeetingtherequirementsoftheprogramareapprovedand registeredwiththeDepartmentofInspectionsandAppealsandareconsideredTargetedSmall BusinessesforpurposesofthisRFPandmostothersolicitationsissuedbyDAS.Questions concerningtheTSBProgramandforidentificationofcompaniescertifiedasTargetedSmall Businesses, contactthe TSBadministering officein theDepartmentofInspections and Appeals atPhone:(515)281-5686or(515)281-7250.


2.2.1AllinquiriesconcerningthisRFPshallreferencetheRFPnumberandshallbeprovided(via email)toDavidCrossidentifiedonthecoverpageofthisRFP.Addendatypequestionsmust besubmittednolessthan3businessdaysbeforeproposals aredue(by2pm).

2.2.2Anyinformationprovidedbyprospectivecompaniesorallyshallnotbeconsideredpartofthe companies Proposal.

2.2.3DASassumesnoresponsibilityforrepresentationsconcerningconditionsmadebyitsofficers oremployeespriortotheexecutionofacontract.Oraldiscussionspertainingtomodifications or clarifications of this RFP shall not beconsideredpartofthisRFPandarenotbinding.


2.3.1Proposals mustbe sealedand deliveredby mail or courier to the issuing Agent.


2.3.3ProposalPackagescomprisingthecompletesubmittalshouldbecontainedinoneenvelopeor package(3hardcopies plus1electronic copyonstandardcd).



2.4.2The exterior of the package shallbe clearly labeled with the following information:

a.David Cross

Iowa Department of Administrative Services Hoover State Office Building– Level3 1305 E. Walnut Street


b.Firm’sName and Address



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e.RFP: Professional A/E Design Services for IVH Laundry

f. Proposalduedate and time:June 24, 2016;2:00pm

2.4.3TheProposalshallbereceivedbyDAS/GSE–ProcurementServicesonorbefore2:00p.m., localIowatimeontheProposalduedate.


ProposalsshalladdressthespecificRFPrequirements.AllquestionsposedbytheRFPshallbe answeredclearlyandconcisely.




BysubmissionofaresponsetothisProposal,theCompanycertifies,andinthecaseofajoint Proposal,eachpartytheretocertifiesastoitsownorganization,thatinconnectionwiththis procurement:

A.AnypricesorhourlyratesinthisProposalhavebeenarrivedatindependently,without consultation,communication,oragreement,forthepurposeofrestrictingcompetition,asto anymatterrelatingtosuchpriceswithanycompetitor.

B.Unlessotherwiserequiredbylaw,anypricesorhourlyrateswhichhavebeenprovidedin thisProposalshallnotknowinglybedisclosedbytheFirm,directlyorindirectly,toany competitor prior to the notice of intent to awarda contract for services.

C.NoattempthasbeenmadeorshallbemadebytheCompanytoinduceanyotherperson or Company to submitor not to submitaProposal forthe purposeof restricting competition.


1.He/sheisthepersonintheFirm’sorganizationresponsiblewithinthatorganization forthedecisionastoanypricesbeingofferedherein,or

2.He/sheisnotthepersonintheFirm’sorganizationresponsiblewithinthat organizationforthedecisionastoanypricesbeingofferedherein,butthathe/she hasbeenauthorizedinwritingtoactasagentforthepersonsresponsibleforsuch decision,and

3.AnyoffermadebythesubmittedProposalandanyclarificationstothatProposal shallbesignedbyanofficeroftheofferingCompanyoradesignatedagent empoweredto bind the Company ina contract.


AfterthesuccessfulCompanyhasbeenselected,acopyoftheNoticeofIntenttoAwardwillbeissued toallCompanieswhosubmittedProposals in response to this RFP.


ProspectiveCompaniesmaywithdraw,modify,and/orresubmitatanytimepriortothedateandtime setforthereceiptofProposals.OncethetimesetforreceiptofProposalshaspassed,aCompany shallnotwithdrawaProposalforaperiodofsixty(60)daysfollowingtheissuanceoftheNoticeof

IntenttoAwardacontract.ProposalsshallremainopenandvalidforconsiderationbyDASthroughout thisperiodofsixtydays,anduntilsuchtimethereafterthatwrittenrequesttowithdrawaProposalis received by DAS.


AllProposalsbecomethepropertyofDASanddispositionoftheProposalsshallbeatthesole discretion of DAS.


Proposalswillbeplacedinthepublicdomainandbeavailableforexaminationbyinterestedparties. NoProposalsshallbediscloseduntilafteraNoticeofIntenttoAwardhasbeenissued.DASreserves therighttodestroyallProposalsiftheRFPiswithdrawnorotherwiseinthenormalcourseofbusiness. Tradesecretsorproprietaryinformationlegallyrecognizedassuchandprotectedbylawmaybe withheldiftheyareclearlyandconspicuouslylabeled“Proprietary”inthemarginofeachindividual pagewheretheyappearintheProposal.Pricinginformation is notnormally consideredproprietary.


ThecontractshallbeawardedtotheCompanydeterminedtobethebestqualifiedtoprovidethe services requiredunderthisRFPandthebestvaluetotheState.


ThelawsofIowaprovidethatitisafelonytooffer,promise,orgiveanythingofvalueorbenefittoa Stateemployeewiththeintenttoinfluencethatemployee’sacts,opinionsandjudgmentorexercisethe discretionwithrespecttothatemployee’sduties.Evidenceofviolationsofthisstatutewillbeturned over to the properprosecuting attorney.

Note:TheStateprovidesreimbursementtoitsemployeesfortheirtransportation,lodging,meals,and miscellaneousexpensesthataredeemednecessary.


DASreservestherighttoacceptorrejectanyexceptiontakenbyaprospectiveCompanytotheterms andconditionsofthisRFP.ShouldaprospectiveCompanytakeexceptiontothetermsandconditions requiredbyDAS,theFirm’sexceptionsmayberejectedandtheentireProposaldeclarednon- responsive.DASmayelecttonegotiatewiththeCompanyregardingcontracttermsorthecontentsof the Firm’s Proposal.


ThetermsandconditionsofthisRFP,theresultingcontract,oractivitiesbaseduponthisRFPshallbe construed inaccordancewith the lawsof Iowa.


NopaymentswillbemadetocovercostsincurredbyanyCompanyinthepreparationorthe submission ofthis RFP, nor foranyotherassociatedcosts.


Newsreleasesorothermaterialsmadeavailabletothepublic,theFirm’sclients,orpotentialclients pertainingtothisprocurementoranypartoftheProposalshallnotbemadewithoutpriorwritten approval fromDAS.

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2.18.1DASreservestherighttoacceptorrejectanypartofanyProposal,andtoacceptorreject any or all Proposalswithout penalty.

2.18.2DASreservestherighttowaiveminordeficienciesandinformalitiesif,inthejudgmentof DAS, the best interests of the State of Iowa will be served.

2.18.3DAS reserves the right tomakeawritten request foradditional information froma Company toassistinunderstandingor clarifyingaProposal.Any informationreceived shallnot be considered inthe evaluation of the Firm’s Proposalif it materially alters thecontent ofsaid Proposal.



3.1.1No contract relationship iscreatedorimplied by DAS from the acceptance ofa proposal or an interview withacompany in response to this RFP.

3.1.2TheproposedformofcontractbetweentheCompanyandtheStatewillbearevised ConsensusDoc 803 (sample attached), which will bemodified to include the following:

a.Incorporation,byreference,ofthisRequestforProposalandsubsequentaddenda and the Proposalsubmitted by the successful Firm inresponse to this RFP.

b.Professionalliability insurance in the amount of $2 million will be required.

c.Theproposedprojectfee,startdates,and scheduling of the selected Firm’s services shallbeestablishedduringnegotiations.

d.IowaCodeSection8.47,TheAccountableGovernmentAct,requiresthattheterms andconditions ofservicecontractsshallincludethefollowing:

(1)Theamountorbasisforpayingconsiderationtothepartybasedontheparty’s performanceundertheservicecontract.

(2)Methods to effectively overseetheparty’scompliancewiththeservice contract.

(3)Methods to effectively review performance ofa servicecontract.

e.Other terms,mutually agreeable totheState and theFirm, may be developed duringnegotiationswiththeselectedFirm.

Othercontractforms,asmutuallyagreeable,maybeutilizedasappropriateforadditional services directly associatedwith this project.

3.1.3This RFP does NOTestablishastatewide contract.


All servicesto be providedby the Firm shall take intoaccount the following assumptions:


4.1.1Firms, other than Sole Proprietorships and General Partnerships, shall be registered with the Office of the Iowa Secretary of State.

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4.1.2TheselectedFirmshallhavesufficient,qualifiedstafftodelivertheservicesneeded.Per Chapter26oftheIowaCoderegardingconstructionbids:Agovernmentalentityshallhave anengineerlicensedunderchapter542B,alandscapearchitectlicensedunderchapter 544B,oranarchitectregisteredunderchapter544Aprepareplansandspecifications,and calculatetheestimatedtotalcost ofa proposedpublic improvement.

4.1.3The selected Firm shall have the resources and capabilities and the commitment to complete therequired work in an efficient and timely manner, within the time period specified/negotiated.

4.1.4DAS reserves the right to require proofofa submitting Firm’s financial stability.

4.1.5FailuretoadheretotheseinstructionsmaybegroundsforaFirm’sProposaltobefound non-compliantwithrequirementsofthisRFP,andmaybecauseforrejectionofthe Proposal.


TheProposalshallconsistofthefollowingelementsintheordergivenbelow,andshallbe limited to twenty-five (25)single pages or less,notincludingdividers,coverpage,orresumes:

A.Letter of Transmittal/Statement of Interestincludingunderstandingandcompliancewith allrequirementsinthisRFP(notesection4),emailaddressforcontactperson,and acknowledgment of any addenda.

B.Executive Summary of the Proposal.

C.Response to all things inSections 1 (1.1-1.3)and Section 4.

D.CompanyinformationregardingOrganizationalStability,andFinancialStrength(or provideBankorAccountantreference)

E.OverviewandDiscussionofOfferedServicesincludingApproachandMethods (referenceSection1)




5.1.1ProposalpackageswillbeopenedbyDavidCrossandthenames ofallCompanieswho submitted Proposals will bereleased upon request.

5.1.2DavidCrosswillreview theproposalsforcompliancewiththeRFPinstructions/requirements.

5.1.3DavidCrosswillretain non-compliant Proposals.

5.1.4CopiesofproposalsdeterminedbyDavidCross to be compliant with the RFP will be evaluated.

5.1.5Evaluation criteria isshownin 5.2.2

5.1.6All answersprovided to thequestionsasked in this RFParesubjecttoverification.Misleading answersshallbegroundsfordisqualification at any stage in the procurement process.

5.1.7DASreserves therighttomakeawrittenrequestforadditionalinformationfromaprospective Company to assist in understandingor clarifyinga Proposal.

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5.2.1A Selection Committee willbe formed to evaluate all compliant proposals. Thecommittee’s size and membership will be determined at the sole discretion of DAS.


-Qualifications (experienceand expertise of staffassignedforsimilarprojects),firm’s capabilities and financial stability

-Approachand ProposedMethods


-Estimatedcost;thehourlyratesandanticipatedhoursforallpersonsassignedtothe project, proposed reimbursables


5.3.1After selection, DAS will meet with theFirm for the purpose of negotiating an Agreement that is acceptable to bothparties. In theevent that the partiesdo not achieve anacceptable agreement, DAS reservesthe right, at its sole discretion, to negotiate with otherRFP respondents.

5.3.2Should theabove process not result inacontract, DAS will re-evaluate relevant issuesand takeappropriatefollow-upaction.

****ENDOF RFP****

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