6th Classroom Supplies


1.  Pens (blue, black) 3. Loose Leaf Notebook Paper

2.  #2 pencils 4. Dry erase marker

3.  Highlighters (yellow, pink) 5. Stick glue

Language Arts/Reading

1.  2 Ring Binders – (at least 1-1/2”)

2.  2 Sets of Notebook Dividers (with the exception of Ms. Royer’s classes)

3.  300 Index Cards

4.  Colored Pencils


1.  1-1/2 inch 3-ring binder with 5 tab dividers 4. Notebook paper

2.  Pencil pouch 5. Graph paper

3.  Post-it notepad

6th grade math students may be allowed to use only a basic or standard function calculator (not a scientific) on the 6th grade GA Milestone Assessment. You may have one at home. If not, they run about $6 and can be purchased at most retail stores. This will be used in the 2nd semester. Here is a picture:

Chafin’s Earth Science classes

1.  3 ring binder (1 inch)

2.  3 tab dividers with pockets

3.  Label tabs- Warm Up, Table of Contents, and Documents for World Domination

4.  pencil pouch to fit in your binder (in which case you might want a 1.5 inch binder)

Optional items:

·  headphones/ear buds (can store in your locker, will be used frequently)

Alexander and Bruen’s Earth Science classes

1.  8 ½” x 11” - 3 Subject Spiral Notebook with plastic cover – College Ruled

2.  pocket dividers (a 5 subject will work if you cannot find a 3 subject)

6th Social Studies

1.  1- three ring binder (1, 1.5, or 2 inch rings)

2.  1- pack of dividers

Science Enrichment /STEAM Connection Class

1 2-pocket folder with fasteners 1 roll of duct tape

1 small pack of loose leaf paper 1 pack of mini-hot glue gun sticks

1 roll of masking tape/painters tape

6th Classroom Teacher Contact Information

Language Arts/Reading / Email Address / Room Extension (770-667-2580)
Mrs. Welch / / 230470
Ms. Walters / / 230471
Ms. M Royer / / 230469
Mrs. Ward / / 230452
Mr. Whitt / / 230461
Math / Email Address / Room Extension (770-667-2580)
Ms. Jones / / 230437
Mrs. duPlooy / / 230438
Mr. Piper / / 230433
Science / Email Address / Room Extension (770-667-2580)
Mrs. Bruen / / 230448
Mrs. Chafin / / 230463
Mrs. Alexander / / 230442
Social Studies / Email Address / Room Extension (770-667-2580)
Mr. Drake / / 230441
Mrs. Lowrey / / 230440
Mrs. Litzinger / / 230439
Special Education / Email Address / Room Extension (770-667-2580)
Mrs. Morgan / / 230205
Mrs. Cathcart / / 230451
Counselor / Email Address / Room Extension (770-667-2580)
Mrs. Sabo / ssabo@ forsyth.k12.ga.us / 230305
Nurse / Email Address / Room Extension (770-667-2580)
Mrs. Bell / kbell forsyth.k12.ga.us / 230107
Attendance / Email Address / Room Extension (770-667-2580)
Mrs. Blanchard / / 230301
ITS/Itslearning / Email Address / Room Extension (770-667-2580)
Mr. Mewborn / / 230103
Front Office / Email Address / Room Extension (770-667-2580)
Mrs. Cleland / / 230126
Mrs. S Royer / / 230102