
Morning Worship* Today / Next Week
Announcements Kowa / Neal
Song Leader Anthony / Wertz, T
Prayer Gauvin / Marbury
Preside @ Table Dykman / Caples
Assisting Cottoner / Porter
Assisting Wedge / Kent
Assisting Urban / Wertz, E
Prayer Lake / Davidson
Evening Worship*
Announcements Kowa / Neal
Song Leader Anthony / Wertz, T
Prayer Porter / Medina
Communion/Prayer Dykman / Caples
Wed. Evening Worship*
Announcements Kowa / Neal
Song Leader Comeaux / Wertz, T
Invitation Anthony / George
Prayer Porter / Medina
*** Brothers: If you are serving, please meet in the foyer
five minutes prior to services.If you are not
able to serve at a particular service contact Tim
Wertz at 703-878-7695 or
April / May / June
Prepare Communion / George / Medina / Cottoner
Lockup / Wedge / Anthony / Neal
Please take a moment each week to look over this list, to keep abreast of activities of the congregation.
Quarterly Pot-Luck (Zone 2) / TODAY / Noon / Building
Elders/Deacons/Prch’r Mtg / 4/20 / 9:30am / Building
Men’s Breakfast / 5/11 / 8:00am / OCB
Helpful Email Addresses:
Special Days
Happy Birthday, April!
Deb Neal / 19
Happy Anniversary, April!
Danny and Olena Gauvin / 20
Dale and Marjorie Kowa / 23
Happy Birthday, May!
Travis Barrett / 4 / Jesse Okiyi / 5
Marilyn Kent / 6 / Joe Bilbrey / 8
Christine Comeaux / 10 / Roger Merritt / 13
Marion Hall / 23 / Andrew Crisp / 26
Christine Liddell / 27 / Sue Bilbrey / 30
Happy Anniversary, May!
Wayne and Kennetha Marbury / 5
Brian and Marilyn Kent / 8
Linda and Lenny Skutnik / 14
Don and Peggy Shields / 23

Flying by Faith

The degree of faith that one places in a given object is directly proportional to one’s knowledge of the object. For example, consider a person terrified of flying. When the person arrives at an airport they are nervous while checking in their bags probably asking many questions about the flight. When the person sits down on the plane they immediately buckle their seat belt twenty minutes before take-off and are sure to listen carefully to every little detail during the “emergency instructions.” This person has no faith in the ability of the airplane to get them to their destination.

But an interesting thing happens during the long flight. This passenger begins to change. First the passenger unbuckles their seat belt, then begins to eat that delicious snack, and pretty soon is talking to the person sitting next to them and even joking around. Why the change? What happened? Is there more faith at 36,000 feet? Of course there’s not. The more this person learned about the object of faith, the plane, the more faith he/she had in that object.

So it is the same for us. The more we learn of the Lord, the more faith we can place in Him. “So then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God” (Romans 10:17). Let each of us be like Paul knowing that his knowledge of Christ produced faith. “Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in Him, not having my own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, righteousness which is from God by faith” (Philippians 3:8-9). Ernie

Prayer List For our Prayers-April 14, 2013


Marjorie Kowais in ICU at Potomac Sentara Hospital, in room 104. The doctors wish to monitor her more closely as she fights a bout of pneumonia.


Our prayers go to Jackie Caples and her family on the death of her fatherlast week.

Danielle Dykman’s uncle, Tom Turner, died in his sleeplast Thursday after an extended illness..

DC VA Hospital Extended Care (DC)

Joe Bilbrey is not doing very well. The doctors have told Sue that his not eating will cause a shutdown of his body within the next 1-4 weeks. Our prayers are with Sue and the family as they face the challenging days to come.

Greenfield Senior Living

Gayle Swabb

Continued Prayers for Family and Friends:

Joe Comeaux(Perry Comeaux’s dad) Pneumonia

Eugene Jones(Kennetha Marbury's unclr) Prostrate Cancer

Harry Sweet (cancer), Lenny Skutnik (Crohns)

Sharon Ragan (Bobbie’s daughter)

Gene Chumley(Past preacher at Dale City)

Piet(Katie Wedge’s uncle)Brain cancer

Gloria Anthony (Eric’s Mom) Parkinson’s

Ray Webb (Melissa Davidson’s father)

OT Martin (Ernie’s dad) Alzheimer’s

Shannon (Maiwald)’s husband Royhas been deployed to the Middle East for 8-15 months.

Our young adult(s) who are in college, home/away:

Catie Wordham (George Mason University)

Continued prayers for our members:

Bobbie Girard Alwilda Merritt Sue Bilbrey Katherine Wertz

Colleen Wertz Robert Lake Betty Perez Christine Liddell

Charles Swabb Marjorie Kowa Will Davis James Roberson

Also remember to pray for:

…those of our number, and their families, who are traveling

…the safety of all those serving in the armed services,

throughout the world, protecting our freedom.

…all of our mission efforts around the world.

…our nation’s leaders and officials

…the many of our number who are, or will be, suffering

financial difficulties due to sequestration.