The Beginning of The End – Daniel 1:1,2


When something comes to an end – there is often a ‘beginning’ of the end

e.g. the end of an athletic career often begins with injury or illness

Lou Gherig the Iron Man of Baseball played in 2130 consec games

Career 340 avg, 1995 RBI 493 HR

1937 3511938 2951939 114 no HR thru 1mo

6/1939 diagnosd w Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis died 6/41

When country comes to an end, there is also a beginning of the end

Today the beginning of the end of Judah


Saul 1st king 1040-1000BCDavid 1000-960BCSolomon 960-920BC

Punishment for Solomon’s sin 1Kn11:11 tear most of nation away 1 tribe left

Rehoboam ff Solomon king of Judah, Jeroboam split and became king of Israel


Jeroboam precedent dominat Israel 1Kn12:26-29ff Au calves Dan&Bethel

Kings of Israel ff Jeroboam, religious apostasy, Ahab one of worst

Very few sons ff their father as king in Israel, U bcm King Israel kill prev

God sent prophets to Israel – Hosea, Amos, Jonah, Nahum, Elijah, Elisha..

Sad history of Israel came to an end in 722 BC Shalmaneser IV Assyria

2 Kings 17 details end v 5-18 give reasons

Assyrians resettled Israel 2Kn17:24-41


Some good kings, many bad kings

Josiah was the last good king of Judah, but lets start w his gfthr Manesseh

Manesseh became king 697, ruled 55 years longest of and king Ju or Isrl

Brought witchcraft, child sac, idolatry, shed innocent blood

Amon his 22 yr old son ff Manesseh, like father like son,

killed by servants after 2 years

Josiah 8 yr old, ff ways of David

When 26 repairs to temple, found scroll, heard words – tore clothes

Inquired of God 2 Kn 22:16 calamity;

Josiah heart tender humbled self B4 the Lord 22:19, 25 no king lk

Initiated massive reforms 2Kn23... prophet JEREMIAH supported

Sought 2stp Phar Necho fm pas thru lnd 2Kn23:29killd@Megiddo

Jehoahaz succeded Josiah, Pharoah Necho removed,placed Jehoiakim king

Jehoiakim ruled as puppet king to Necho for 3 years

Jeremiah spoke against Jehoiakim Jer 22,23, importantly 25:10-12

Jeremiah sent word to Jehoiakim – burned word of God Jer36

605BC Necho mrchd north join w Assyria fight Babylon Carchemish total defeat of Egypt and Assyria by Nebuchadnezzar

Jer 46:2

Beginning of the End of Judah 605BC

Daniel 1:1,2 Nechadnezzar comes to Jerusalem and besieges it

Lord gave Jehoiakim king of Judah into his hand w some of the articles of temple

Neb carried to the land of Shinar [Gn11:1-9; 10:10] into house of his god

Lessons 4US

  1. beginning of the end the work of God, absolute sovereignty of God
  2. Daniel a prophetic book, give meaning to history, key to intrep prophecy
  3. when word of God ignored or violated – divine judgment comes, inevitable
  4. God sends word to warn of the coming judgment – this is the beginning of end
  5. Israel B4 end had form of godliness w/o power, like many in modern church worldly saints not doing much good for this world