January 16, 2014

Meeting Called to Order: 7:17 pm

Meeting Minutes: minutes were reviewed, motion made to approve by Paul, seconded, voted on and approved.

President Report: Will defer to items down on the list. Very proud of all we have accomplished in the past couple of years, will be a big year for us this year in Track and Field


Treasurer Report: no report

Membership Report: See attached 2013 Annual meeting Report.

Secretary Report: none

Public Relations/Media: Sumi Moots working on an article for the ABQ Sports magazine.

Committee Reports:

Equipment: Ask Dave if we have received money for old PA systems. Two generators, smaller, quiet, were purchased.

Shane found some walkie talkies. Usually rent the high power expensive ones, multiple channels, worked well for Cougar XC. They are still at Costco. We should purchase 24 of them for $824. Discussion followed regarding mile span of radios, as well as through objects/buildings. Arlena moved to purchased, Carl seconded , voted on and approved.

Budget and Audit: no report

Masters: We won bid for 2016 Indoors. Discussion followed regarding who is meet director and association with UNM.

Mens/Womens T&F: There is no bid out for 2015. Maybe look into sponsoring/travel grants to local elite athletes. Paul Gooris discussed calendars from collegiate/high school Vaulter magazine, maybe put a link on the website linking to Vaulter website. Laurie will look at guidelines.

LDR: Going to be looking for a championship to meet our requirement. Proposed that race comes to USATFNM with results of records that were broken on a sanctioned and/or certified course. Discussion followed on how to report reports. Find an association who does this and does this well, to see how they report it. What is required for a road record? Paul will send a synopsis through email with some details.

Trying to put together a race series, looking at sanctions, etc…Progressing forward with getting it together with a March 1 deadline, maybe use this year as a pilot. Discussion followed regarding various cities in state that have marathons/half marathons.

Cross Country: successful state meet, criteria changed for Nationals which changed logistics. Good rep of NM at Nationals. San Antonio did ok. Course was less than desirable. In 2015 we will have to take massive amounts of people into consideration for seating at venues.

Youth: Arlena discussed the national meeting. Jacksonville won bid for JO TF in 2015. Discussion followed regarding why there hasn’t been one in the west zone. Interesting convention.

Club Membership: no report

Race Walking: 8 regular judges to depend on. Relay in April, 5k in Santa Fe, 5k Regional walk, race walking getting around. High School having a 1 mile demonstration. NM admired for how we run race walks in the developmental meets.

Officials: Post from annual meeting is on the website. Officials who want to do NCAA, they will have to be NCAA certified as well as USATF. More info to come on this. Memberships need to be renewed. If not renewed membership as a cert official by March, they will be dropped from national database.

Medical: none

Website: none

Coaching education: Level one course being offered this coming weekend. There were two scholarships given for the clinic.

Old Business: none

New Business:

Gerald Cienolo suggested that on June 5-7 for the Great Southwest, USATF could host a track meet at UNM? What is the costs? Rules around concessions, food and water regulations.

Blocks, we have a grant for $1000, Shane showed some blocks that are $300-400 a block. Need to see about buying 10, which would be $3000 total. Table to next meeting to see if Dave can give us a run down of financial report on that. May look at getting equipment from USATF indoor meet.

Meet director for 2015 XC nationals is needed. Shane moved for Brian Osterloh to take position, seconded, voted on and approved.

Need to find a new meeting place,

Track Schedule:

May 3rd – CTC

May 18th – AAT

May 31st – RR Elite

June 5-7 Great SW Meet

June 24-29 – Youth Nationals in Indianapolis

June 14-15 multi events

June 21-22 state meet

July 3-6 Regional 10 meet, Colorado

July 21-27 JO Nationals - Houston

Meeting adjourned: 9:15 p.m.