The members of the ACTS community will strive to assist members of the parish family to attain a deeper relationship with our Lord and with fellow parishioners through:
Adoration:The call, acceptance and response to God.
Community:Love and caring for each other as members of
the body of Christ.
Theology:Study of our faith through scripture.
Service:To God, each other and our parish family.
To achieve this goal, there will be two major focus points.
First, we will sponsor weekend lay retreats, which are patterned after the description of the early church in the Acts of the Apostles (Acts 2: 42-47)
The purpose of the weekend is to invite the retreatant to a new relationship with our Lord and fellow parishioners through Adoration and daily prayer; through Community in one’s parish as a member of the body of Christ; through Theology encouraging an intellectual and spiritual growth that gives fruits in our daily lives; and finally to encourage a spirit of Service to our Lord, our parish and each other. Participants experience God’s love and joy through the weekend, returning to their faith community with a deeper love for each other and an increased desire to become more involved in their parish community.
Second, we will focus on spiritual development, service orientation and on-going community building among those who have attended ACTS retreats. This mission is continued and enhanced by retreat reunions, scheduled gatherings of the ACTS community, prayer groups, evangelization, community service projects, and other faith enriching events.
The governing body of the ACTS community will be a group of men and women known as the ACTS Core. As with all parish ministries, Acts Core shall solicit the support of and be governed by the pastor. The greater good of the parish shall be the primary focus in activities of the Core and ACTS Community.
2.1 The Core team will consist of 10 to 12 members. Members will be practicing Catholics, in good standing with the Catholic Church and registered parishioners of the parish.
2.2 These members will be committed to the building of the ACTS Community within their parish and to the ACTS Core as a ministry.
2.3 These members must have been a retreatant in an adult ACTS retreat, served on an adult ACTS team, and displayed leadership abilities with a servant’s heart.
2.4 Any new member may not be a spouse or an immediate family member of a present Core member.
2.5Administrative roles of the first Core will be decided at the installation meeting. Thereafter, all administrative roles within the Core will be nominated and voted on by the Core annually upon the anniversary date of the initial core installation. Members may apply for their previous role. Persons will be nominated and a written ballot will be taken. The person receiving the most votes will serve in the role being selected.
2.6 It is the intent to maintain a balance of gender and experience levels on the Core. Accordingly, the Core membership will consist of equal males and females. The normal term of Core membership shall be three years. A member may not be re-elected to Core until they have been off Core for one three year term.
2.7 The parish pastor or a parish liaison will serve on Core. To insure impartiality, the liaison will not be a voting member. The parish liaison may, however, give advice and participate in the discussion of any issues brought before the Core. The parish liaison will not be given a set term of service on Core, but will serve until he or she tenders resignation or serves for the term determined by the pastor.
2.8 The parish youth minister or their appointed liaison shall also be a non-voting member of the Core to represent the youth for support of Teen ACTS retreats. (See attached addendum “ACTS Core/Youth Minister Relationship”)
2.9For newly installed Cores, 4 members will receive 1 year terms, 4 members will receive 2 year terms, and 4 members will receive 3 year terms. Subsequent replacements will receive 3 year terms. Determination of the 1, 2 and 3 year terms will be by consensus, or by prayerful drawing of names, or by vote; with preference of the methods in that order. Ongoing Core member replacements will be chosen at the Core nomination meeting.
2.10 Names of nominees for Core member replacements will be brought forth by members of the Core for vacancies being considered. The names of the nominees will be accumulated during the 3 months prior to the nomination meeting, and may be solicited from the entire ACTS community as well. Prior to the nomination meeting the names thus collected will be given to the Pastor for his review of the Catholic in good standing requirement.
2.11 At the Core nomination meeting, the names of the nominees will be prayed over using ACTS 1:23-26. The names will then be drawn one at a time, verified that they meet criteria, and recorded in the order drawn. The Core will draw several more names than there are members needed, providing extra names in case they are eventually needed. The individuals will be invited to serve on the Core team in the order in which they were selected with the first person that accepts filling the vacancy for that particular member. The same procedure shall continue until all vacancies are filled. The selected nominees shall be contacted and provided a copy of this Charter for review prior to their final acceptance.
2.12 Facilitators and Coordinators (all administrative roles) will be selected annually, as soon as possible after the new core members have joined for that year. Members may apply to serve in the same role. Should the Facilitator of the Core not be able to serve, the Co-Facilitator shall assume the duties of the Facilitator and the Core shall then elect a new Co-Facilitator.
2.13 The Director for the upcoming ACTS retreats or their Co-Director, if the Director is not always available, will be non-voting members of the Core Team. This will allow the Directors to be able to bring up issues or concerns to the Core Team for resolution. The Directors (or their Co-Directors) for the upcoming ACTS retreat will remain on the Core Team until they have presented the lessons learned from their retreat to the Core Team and the reunion meeting has been held.
2.14 The ACTS Core team may vote to remove a Core member at any time only for good cause. Good cause for removal of a Core member includes one who misses 25% of the meetings over a calendar year or fails to perform their administrative role. Any vacancies will be filled using the list of selected nominees from the previous nomination meeting.
2.15 There shall be a quorum of 2/3 at a meeting where decisions are made. A simple majority rules, but a consensus is always preferable.
The Core shall schedule regular monthly meetings, but special meetings may be called as needed. All meetings shall be open to the Parish community* and should commence and conclude with a prayer or spiritual reading. The Facilitator shall set the agenda, with any Core member having input. Anyone wishing to address the Core should request to have their concern be made a part of the agenda.
The Core is responsible for the decisions governing the ACTS Ministry within the parish in keeping with the directives, guidelines and provisions of this Charter and of ACTS Missions. Their main responsibilities are:
4.1 Assume responsibility for staffing each of the Core administrative roles.
4.2 Facilitate the selection of the Director of each retreat sponsored by the parish.
4.3 Serve as a source for advice, counseland procedures for retreat directors.
4.4 Uphold the integrity of ACTS by ensuring the ACTS retreats are held consistent with the description and directives set forth in the ACTS Missions Director’s Manual and the “Spiritually Essential elements” document included within. It is recommended to have Core keep an open line of communication with the Director and the retreat team, and each retreat Director must sign the “Yes” agreement and attend the Leadership Workshop.
4.5 Ensure the success of ACTS by providing and promoting opportunities for faith sharing groups, evangelization, community service, and other faith-enriching events.
5.1Facilitator: The Facilitator leads the ACTS community activities and keeps gatherings and meetings running smoothly. The Facilitator shares in the responsibilities of the Core. It is important for the Facilitator to stay in touch with the Pastor and with ACTS Missions. The Facilitator will:
5.1.1. Facilitate ACTS Core meetings:
a. Ensures meetings run in an orderly fashion
b. Encourages open discussion of each issue on agenda
c. Keeps the members of the Core “on task” during the meeting
d. Allows for addressing all issues on agenda
5.1.2 .Prepare ACTS Core meeting agendas:
a. Consults with other Core members and the Pastor
b. Informs people who want to address the Core (time and date of
c. Sends written agenda to Core members prior to the meeting
d. Reserves room for monthly Core meetings (for the year in advance)
5.1.3 Communicate:
a. With Church Pastor about the ACTS calendar for the year (retreats
and gatherings)
b. With other Core members concerning retreats, activities and duties
c. With new Core members by informing them of meeting dates, times,
and providing them with a copy of the ACTS Charter and minutes
of the last three Core meetings.
d. With ACTS Missions regarding new developments and updates
5.1.4 Coordinate:
a. With retreat directors and other Core members for retreat support
b. With other Core members concerning ACTS community gatherings
and small faith sharing groups.
c. Ensure new Core members and retreat Directors attend the
appropriate Leadership workshop.
5.2 Co-Facilitator: Serves as Core Chaplain. Schedules retreats. Serves
as Facilitator in the absence of the Facilitator. Assists the Facilitator in
whatever needs the Facilitator may have. The Co-Facilitator will be of the
opposite gender of the Facilitator.
5.2.1 Provide spiritual guidance at Core meetings.
- Plan the opening and closing prayer activities.
5.2.2 Book retreats
a. Investigate potential retreat centers for future retreats.
- Report to Core possible retreat locations and available dates.
- Contract with retreat centers for parish retreats (with pastor’s approval).
- Notify ACTS Missions of retreat location, date, and retreat director.
- Arrange a day retreat for Core at beginning of the year.
5.2.3 Coordinate Prayer Services
a. Plan prayer service for the ACTS community assembly where
nominations are taken for new Core members.
5.2.4 Help Core Facilitator ensure new core members and retreat Directors attend the appropriate Leadership workshop.
5.3 Communications Coordinator: Keeps the ACTS roster up to date, and notifies the ACTS community of ACTS events. Records the minutes of any ACTS Core meeting. The communications coordinator will furnish these minutes to each Core member and will maintain a permanent file. The Communications Coordinator will serve as the information disseminator for the ACTS community.
5.3.1 Maintain Documents
- Current Database of ACTS roster
- File of the minutes of all Core meetings
- ACTS Core Charter and current version of ACTS Missions Director’s Manual
- Retreat Brochure and Registration Forms
- ACTS Web page
5.3.2 Notify
a. The ACTS community of all ACTS news and events through email,
mail outs, or bulletin announcements.
b. Core members of upcoming meetings.
c. Notify ACTS Missions of Core member changes.
5.3.3 Record Minutes
a. Take detailed notes at Core meetings of all attendees, items
discussed, decisions made, and actions agreed upon. Email minutes
to Core members at least one week in advance of next meeting.
b. Minutes should be approved at next meeting, changes documented,
and then placed in the file of minutes.
c. Make arrangements for another Core member to take notes when
unable to do so.
5.4 Financial Coordinator: Keeps a record of and maintains
the finances associated with the ACTS ministry. Gives a financial report at
each Core meeting, which becomes part of the minutes. The Financial
Coordinator facilitates the management and acquisition of funds to finance
parish ACTS retreats, community activities and evangelical interests in
order to make the cost of the retreats and other activities affordable for all
community members. The Financial Coordinator will:
5.4.1 Set up an accounting system and procedures to track all budgeted
funds, donations and expenses related to the ACTS community
5.4.2 Coordinate financial matters with the parish bookkeeper.
5.4.3 Provide a written financial report at monthly Core meetings to become a part of the minutes.
5.4.4 Inform the Retreat Director of the budget for each retreat and the
registration fee to be charged for that retreat.
5.4.5 Coordinate reimbursements for retreat expenses with the retreat team
5.4.6 Meet with the retreat team treasurer within three weeks following each
retreat to finalize costs of the retreat.
5.4.7 Coordinate payment of evangelization tithe to ACTS Missions. ($10 per
adult attendee added to retreat fee)
5.5 Retreat Support Coordinators (1 man for Men’s retreats, 1 woman for Women’s retreats): Acts as a liaison between the Core and the Retreat Director. Coordinates team day retreat, transportation to the retreat, Send-Off, the Thursday evening meal, Candlelight, and the Sunday Return Reception, as well as needs identified by the Retreat Director. The Retreat Support Coordinator’s primary responsibility is assisting the Retreat Director with interfacing with the Core and the community as a whole. The Coordinator shall recruit people from the ACTS community to form a Home Team to assist with the items below. The Retreat Support Coordinator will:
5.5.1 Arrange for transportation of retreatants and luggage to and from the
retreat location.
5.5.2 Coordinate registration/send-off Thursday night.
a. Have registration list of retreatants, provided by retreat director.
b. Give nametags (provided by retreat team) to retreatants.
c. Place identification tags on retreatants’ luggage.
d. Collect any outstanding retreat fees (balances due shall be
indicated on retreat registration list).
e. Arrange for send-off prayer, blessing by Pastor/Deacon, and
5.5.3 Arrange for Thursday evening meal at the retreat center. Both men and women may help prepare the meal, but only women may be
servers for the women and likewise men servers for the men.
5.5.4 Coordinate Candlelight Ceremony.
- Arrange for readers and master of ceremonies.
- Communicate with Music Coordinator regarding music and musicians. (Script and music selections provided by Retreat Director)
c. Arrange for parking attendants.
d. Coordinate with the Retreat Director for retreatants’ crosses
and updated list of retreatants.
e. Transport candles, candleholders, lighters, cross with stand for
cross necklaces, and music sheets to retreat center.
f. Ensures the ACTS directives for candlelight are followed.
5.5.5 Coordinate Sunday reception.
a. Arrange for volunteers to help prepare and serve refreshments.
b. Arrange for cookies, beverages, and supplies needed.
5.6 Retreat Supply Coordinator( 1 man for Men’s retreats, 1 woman for Women’s retreats: Maintains an accurate inventory of all ACTS resources, as housed in the ACTS closet, and is responsible for the disbursing and receiving of these goods before and after each retreat.Maintains an inventory of consumable and non-consumable goods needed for ACTS retreats. These items should be stored in a facility within the parish premises. The Retreat Supply Coordinator will:
5.6.1Have sole access to the ACTS closet- given only to the Retreat
Supply Coordinators.
5.6.2 Keep a current, general, and printed inventory of the closet contents.
5.6.3 Contact the director of the next scheduled retreat to open the closet
and “check–out” the inventory to the designated team contact person.
One team member is needed as a contact. Set the time for return of
the closet inventory to be the week following the retreat, or as soon as
5.6.4 Receive and update the closet inventory when it is returned following
the retreat. Any missing items are brought to the attention of the
contact person for that particular retreat and located ASAP.
5.6.5 Designate an ACTS Core member to handle these duties in your
5.7 Spiritual Coordinator (1 man for Men’s retreats, 1 woman for Women’s retreats): Provides a means of organizing retreatants into Small Church Communities (SCC) at the end of each retreat. Coordinates activities to reflect Adoration, Community, Theology and Service. Recommends parish activities to be supported by the ACTS ministry and other faith-based activities to the Core that will promote spiritual growth for those returning from retreat as well as for the entire parish community (After ACTS programs). The Spiritual Coordinator will:
5.7.1 Coordinate ACTS sponsored faith-based activities to include Bible
studies, prayer hours, discussion groups, and other spiritual events.
5.7.2 Advise and recommend to the Core those parish activities that the
ACTS community should support.
5.7.3 Provide a means of organizing retreatants into Small Church Communities (SCC) at the end of each retreat. See Follow-up Guidelines
5.7.4 Report to the Core after each retreat on the organization of any Faith
Sharing activities.
5.8 Social Coordinator: The Social Coordinator plans the social gatherings and service projects as well as fund-raising events for the entire ACTS community at the discretion of the Core team. The Social Coordinator will: