EyeOS is an open source web desktop following the cloud computing concept. It ismainly written in PHP, XML and JavaScript. It acts as a platform for web applicationswritten using the EyeOS Toolkit. It includes a Desktop environment with 67 applicationsand system utilities. It is accessible by portable devices via its mobile front end. EyeOSlets you upload your files and work with them no matter where you are. It containsapplications like Word Processor, Address Book, PDF reader, and many more developed bythecommunity.


There are a number of online operating systems available today, and the number issteadily growing. EyeOS is a web-based open source platform designed to hold a widevariety of web applications over it. It looks like a regular PC operating system, but the"trick" is that it can be accessed from anywhere. If you travel all the time, or you don'town a PC or laptop or move often, then you can access EyeOS from an InternetCafe.All you need is a web browser, Internet access and EyeOS is there for you, always, allthe time. EyeOS is one of the few that is not only provided for free as a servicecomplete with online storage, but is also open source under AGPL3, so you can installitonyourownserver.EyeOS is built on PHP and uses a combination of web standard technologies such asHTML, JavaScript and CSS to create the UI. This means that it will run on anystandards compliant browser. By itself, it doesn’t require any extra plugins in order towork. All it needs is a PHP 5 capable server, which is the common denominator for just about any hosting package it doesn’t even require a database.EyeOS is all about entering work and entertainment in a single place. EyeOS is aboutremoving compatibility issues between applications and operating systems and takingyour life everywhere. EyeOS is available in 30 translations. And is used privativelyand professionally throughout the world rather it is used for public environments,schools, small and large companies alike or a way to share data with your family.EyeOS has a use in our digital life era.


Establishment: In 2005, a group of young people worked together and put all their efforts in a new project, a new open source web desktop,

EyeOS:August 1, 2005:

The first publicly available EyeOS version was released as EyeOS0.6.0. At the time, it greatly participated in creating the definition of a web operatingsystem and acted as a concept. Quickly, a worldwide community of developers took part in the project and helped improve it by translating, testing and developing it.

June 4, 2007:

After two years of development, the EyeOS Team published EyeOS1.0. Compared with previous versions, EyeOS 1.0 introduced a completereorganization of the code and some new web technologies, like eyeSoft, a portage- based web software installation system. Moreover, EyeOS also included the EyeOSToolkit, a set of libraries allowing easy and fast development of new webApplications.

July 2, 2007:

With the release of the 1.1 version, EyeOS changed its license andmigrated fromGNUGPLVersion 2 to Version3.October 29, 2007:1.2version was launched with full integration compatibility withMicrosoftWordfiles.

January 15, 2008:

EyeOS 1.5 Gala was liberated. The first version that supported both Microsoft Office and OpenOffice.org file formats for documents, presentationsand spreadsheets. It also had the ability to import and export documents in bothformatsusingserverside scripting.

April 25, 2008:

EyeOS 1.6 included many improvements such as synchronizationwith local computers, drag and drop, a mobile version and more.

January 7, 2009:

EyeOS 1.8 Lars featured a completely rewritten file manager and anew sound API todevelop mediarichapplications.

April 1, 2009:

1.8.5 Version incorporated a new default theme and some rewrittenapps like the Word Processor and the Address Book.


With the increasing use of high-speed Internet technologies during the pastfew years, the concept of cloud computing has become more popular. In cloudcomputing,users work with Web-based, rather than local, storage and software.These applications are accessible via a browser and look and act like desktop programs.With this approach, users can work with their applications from multiple computers. Inaddition,organizations can more easily control corporate data and reduce malwareinfections. Also, cloud computing makes collaboration easier and can reduce platform-incompatibility problems.Now, a growing number of organizations are adding to thecloud concept by releasing commercial and open source Web-based operating systems. While the idea is not new, the proliferation of users and applications distributed over theWeb, including those at scattered corporate sites has made it more interesting, relevant,and, vendors hope, commercially viable.The Web OS goes beyond basic desktop functionality. It also includes many of a traditional OS’s capabilities, including a filesystem, file management, and productivity and communications applications. As is thecase with Web-based applications, the Web OS functions across platforms from anydevice with Internet access. In addition, distributed groups can collaborate via thetechnology

Driving the web os:

The Web OS which functions much like a traditional operating system, although it doesn’t include drivers for computer hardware is becoming a subject of increasing interest. Onecontributing factor is Internet technologies increasing bandwidth, which enables thefaster movement of applications and data via the Internet to and from Web OSs. The feasibility of technologies that could be used in Web-based operating systems, such as a filesystem that identifies data by URLs, a location-independent resource-naming system,and secure remote execution.EyeOS is an IBM PartnerWorld vendor that uses open source software to create virtualLinux desktop services that run natively on Linux in a LAMP stack. EyeOS can be usedto create a desktop platform that is suitable to run and manage diverse end user desktopsin a central location from a server platform. The application itself is PHP based and runson Linux platforms. When run on Linux on a System z server, many EyeOS desktopimages can be supported by one Linux guest. This is in contrast to most desktops, whereeach desktop client requires a Linux guest in the System z to support it. For many Systemz customers, EyeOS provides a simple, cost-effective way to transform delivery of services to a cloud model, an approach that is both easy to get started with and that scalesover time andvolume.There are also a number of server solutions available. System z has strong virtualizationand management capabilities. The z/VM hypervisor provides proven technology for serving virtual clients. Our results validate how well System z virtualization scales up andout in this virtual desktop environment. For businesses that plan on implementing cloudsolutions in the near future, System z should be considered as an integral part of thesolution architecture.The objective of this project was to demonstrate that System z canhost a large number of workstations, provision these systems quickly, and manage thesevirtual clientsefficiently.


With so many different Web operating systems either currentlyavailable or in development, it should come as no surprise that programmers use differentapproaches to achieve the same effect. While the goal of a Web OS is to provide anexperience similar to using a desktop OS, there are no hard and fast rules for how to makethat happen. The two most popular approaches rely on Flash technologies or Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) technologies.Flash is a set of technologies that enable programmers to create interactive Web pages. It'sa technology that uses vector graphics.Vector graphics record image data as a collection of shapes and lines rather thanindividual pixels, which allows computers to load Flash images and animation faster than pixel-basedgraphics.Flash files stream over the Internet, which means the end user accessing the file doesn'thave to wait for the entire file to download to his or her computer before accessing partsof it. With Flash-based programs like online streaming video player, this means you canstart watching a film clip without having to download it first.More than 98 percent of all computers connected to the Internet have a Flash player installed.That makes flash an attractive approach for many programmers.They can createa Web OS knowing that the vast majority of computer users will be able to access itwithout having to download additional software.AJAX technologies rely on hypertext markup language (HTML), the JavaScript programming language,Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and eXtensible Markup Language(XML).It's a browser technology.The HTML language is a collection of markup tags programmers use on text files that tell Web browsers how to display the text file as a Web page.CSS is a tool that gives programmers more options when tweaking a Web site'sappearance.Programmers can create a style sheet with certain attributes such as font styleand colour, and then apply those styles across several Web pages at once.JavaScript is a programming language that allows applications to send information back and forth between servers and browsers.XML is a markup language, which means programmers useit to describe the structure of information within a file and how it relates to other information.The "asynchronous" aspect of AJAX means that AJAX applications transfer data betweenservers and browsers in small bits of information as needed. The alternative is to send anentire Web page to the browser every time something changes, which would significantlyslow down the user's experience. With sufficient skill and knowledge, a programmer cancreate an AJAX application with the same functions as a desktop application.Like Flash, most computers can run AJAX applications. That's because AJAX isn't a new programming language but rather a way to use established Web standards to create newapplications. As long as an application programmer includes the right information in anapplication's code, it should run fine on any major Web browser. Some well knownWebapplications based on AJAX include Google Calendar andGmail.A Sample of Web OperatingSystemsThere are more than a dozen Web operating systems in various stages of completion.Theyinclude:







EyeOS tries to provide most of the functionality that we are accustomed to inany operating system.A powerful, highly configurable access control system, with heavilycustomisable ACLs (access control lists),and support for user groups and a user management system.Support for assigning user quotas for disk space.Aninbuiltconfigurable cache system.Support for office document formats using OpenOffice.Afileassociation management system.Support for auto-launching application on startup.Fullytheme-able,and comes with a few themes with its default installation. For anorganisation,having an EyeOS installation on an intranet server can mean everyone hasaccess to the same resources and interface, where everyone is working on the sameenvironment and thereâ„¢re no compatability concerns comes with its own GUI builder!An application called eyeDesigner allows you to design application GUI straight fromEyeOS.


  1. Managing Files
  2. Uploading multiple files simultaneously.
  3. File management and visual interface.
  4. Download entire folders as ZIP.
  5. Utility to compress and decompress ZIP.
  1. Photo viewer with slideshow.7. Personal information manager (PIM)8. Multiple calendars.9. Export and import from vCard.10.System11.Packages Installer.12.System of ports and repositories.13.Control system for users and administrators.14.Text Utilities. Several instances of an application.15.Office16.Wordprocessor.Spreadsheets.17.Presentations.18.Support for MS Office formats and OpenOffice.19.Network 20.E-mail client.Internal messaging.21.Classified memos.22.FTP client with proxy support.23.RSS newsreader 24.Desktop25.Completely customizable.26.Autoload of desired applications.27.Themes.28.Requirements29.Officially Supported & Recommended30.Server 31.Apache Web Server 1.3.x / 2.x.32.PHP 5 or higher.33.Safe Mode = Off.34.Client35.Browser 36.Functionality Legend37.Works perfectly (optimized for this browser)38.Works as it should be without bigger problems39.Load and looks fine, some programs doesn't work 40.Load and looks fine , some programs work but others don't.41.Load but doest look complete, and unable to work with EyeOS.

EyeOS works in many browsers. This can change from the operating system and versionof the web browser. Here is a list of all the web browsers and the capacity of EyeOS towork in them:BBrowserOOperating System cCapabilityWindowsIinternet Explorer 6< Windows ME, 2000, XP, VistaFFirefox Windows ME, 2000, XP, Vista


EyeOS use a two-tier architecture in which one machine acts as both application and presentation server. The client is the second tier.The application server hosts virtualmachines that run programs and push them to a presentation server, which manages theclient connection. The thin client runs the application and passes user input back to theapplication server.

encapsulation and interpretation of data types as well as transporting them, dependsentirely on XML RPC.The following is an illustration showing the logical architecture inwhich special emphasis is placed on the component-based design of EyeOS, the variousgateways of communication and as all communication between EyeOS and externalsystems (including applications) is done through standards and fostering a service-oriented architecture.


EyeOS is an open source web desktop following the cloud computing concept. It isaccessible by portable devices via its mobile front edu. EyeOS lets you upload your filesand work with them no matter where you are. It contains applications like WordProcessor, Address Book, PDF reader, and many more developed by the community.For developers, EyeOS provides the EyeOS Toolkit, a set of libraries and functions todevelop applications for EyeOS. Using the integrated Portage-based eyeSoft system,anyone can create their own repository for EyeOS and distribute applications through it.Each core part of the desktop is its own application, using javascript to send server commands as the user interacts. As actions are performed using ajax (such as launchingan application), it sends event information to the server. The server then sends back tasksfor the client to do in XML format, such as drawing a widget.On the server, EyeOS uses XML files to store information. This makes it simple for a user to set up EyeOS on a server, as it requires zero configuration other than the accountinformation for the first user, making it simple to deploy. To avoid bottlenecks, that flatfiles present, each userâ„¢s information and settings are stored in different files, preventing resource starvation from occurring.AWebOS should be an expandable to develop new applications and add newutilities.And that's the advantage of a Web-based "OS" - it gives you the new ability touse it remotely and not be restricted to one PC. This is a huge need in today's world, because increasingly we use more than one computer from various different locations. Soeach time we sit down to a computer, a different scene awaits us different applications anddifferent documents. A WebOS can take many forms. Some,likeYouOS, are fully browser-based. All you need to do is browse to an address and login - just like any browser-based web app Other WebOS systems require you to download and install asmall application, namely a client that communicates with the WebOSserversusuallyfrom another protocol than the standard HTTP, to bring some extra advantages into thegame.


EyeOS provides system for the users where they work with EyeOS and all itsapplications, including Office and PIM ones.EyeOS provides a toolkit to create newapplications easily.

EyeOS can provide schools and universities with a full web platform where students,teachers and parents will have a personal yet collaborative desktop to work and,communicate between themselves and get organized inside and outside the school.With a private server, EyeOS can provide city councils, public library networks, freeInternet points and other public environments the perfect system for their users to have aweb place to work and communicate with the network managers, registering once andusing it from every point.One of the main triggers and great acceptance of people with regard to this service is itsavailability online, which has no dependencies and has a strong security system,achieving thus be an ideal application for storing content. This action may be useful for those who travel frequently, for schools that want a centralized storage and available for intranets and business in general and so on.; Even could be used in any future as a serviceto replace the need for a harddisk Among the most typical uses are highlightedSchools: There is a Web system that brings a personal space for each teacher and student,which can be leveraged to work collaboratively.Also it is best accessed from anywhereyou have Internet access.Public places may be in libraries or on points that have open WiFi, allowing users toconnect to have the same meeting place on the Web.Social Organizations and Companies:Contacts, personal files and communications to which members can access businesses andorganizations large and small.


EyeOS at CeBIT 2010

EyeOS at CeBIT (Hannover, Germany) explaind and showd EyeOS, Cloud Computingand why it is necessary to move operating systems and desktops to the cloud. CeBIT isone of the worldâ„¢s foremost tradeshow for the digital industry and the No. 1 annualmeeting point for ICT buyers, sellers, developers and users from around the globe.EyeOS is growing up with customers who are looking for a solution on the cloud for itscompany and they are starting to see EyeOS as an important player to make the finalchoice. Therefore our structure has been increased to attend their demands. We offer specific programming, branded installation, training and support to the people/customerswho want to customize or personalize our product for their companies. We are alsoincreasing our official partners list, to improve our Professional Network, and to be ableto offer local services at a wide variety of places.