
Part A: Attendance Request Date Submitted: <MM/DD/YY>

Due Date: <MM/DD/YY>

n Event Request Form FOR REVIEW URGENT

Attendance Request for: President Roseann Runte via Colleen LaPlante, Tory 503 FINAL DETAILS (Part B)

Dean < insert name >

Senior Volunteer < insert name >

Other < insert name >

Submitted and Approved by: <Manager’s name and title>

Event Date & Time: <MM/DD/YY, start and end time, list multiple choices where available

Event Title: < >

Event Purpose: < i.e. donor solicitation, cultivation, stewardship, qualification – with details

<list top priority outcome and objective>

Event Size: <expected number of invitees/attendees


Keynote Speaker Host Guest Other Other Details: <i.e. gift presentation

Reason for Request: <include reason for involvement & level of attendees i.e. Tier 1 donors and also if coverage from another senior executive is possible>

Event Location: On Campus Off Campus

Full Address: include specific details especially for hard to find locations, best routes, near certain landmarks>

Map attached Parking details attached Travel suggestions attached Hotel info attached

Event Organizer: <name, title> Phone: (613) 000-0000 Cell: (613) 000-0000

Participants: <include other senior executives attending and any major donors attending

See invitation list attached

Background Information attached:

Profiles Program Draft Invitation Other Other Details: <i.e. present gift>

Comments (by senior executive): include any additional invitees, suggestions, recommendations, alternative representation

Approved: Yes No Date Approved: <MM/DD/YY>
Part B: To be completed upon event approval

n Event Request Form

Senior Lead contact at event: <name, title>

Phone: (613) 000-0000 Cell: (613) 000-0000 <please ensure phone is turned on>

Dress Code: <informal, business casual, formal>


Name, title, organization:

Name, title, organization:

Student name, yr, dept., special accomplishments:

Bio/Profile(s) attached

Suggested speaking points: Brief bullet points, does not need scripted "Hello my name is"

Proposed event program: Must include arrival time, senior lead contact @arrival (i.e. who is point person & providing direction

re: timing, etc.). Example below – please edit for your event

Senior Executive Arrival/Departure / Arrival Time:
Departure Time:
5:45 – 6:15 / Guests greeted and refreshments served (name tags will be provided)
6:10 / Arrival of President/senior executive
6:15 / Opening remarks by Mr. X with key message(s) <attached synopsis>
6:20 / Keynote by Dr. Y and introduces student Z
6:40 / Student Z with key message <attach synopsis> and presentation of plaque of appreciation to Dr. Y
6:45 / Mr. X closes event and invites guests to stay for refreshments
6:50 / Photos with Mr. X, Dr. Y and student Z at podium
6:55 – 7:15 / Greet guests and senior lead contact will introduce President/senior executive to special guests Mr. A and Miss B.
7:25 / Senior lead contact will assist President/senior executive in closing conversation so she can leave for her next event
7:26 / President/senior executive departs event

NOTE: Indicate if there is a gift presentation involved

Event Menu Details:

Reception (beverages & light food) Dinner Other:

Menu: <include list of food/beverages being served>

Head Table: <include list of people, seating arrangements for table and bios for people seated at head table:

People to Connect With: <list any people senior executive is expected to connect with, include brief bio>


RSVP list Bios/background info for key attendees Other with details:

Please return in internal mail to Holly Greatrex, 510 Robertson Hall. If pick-up is required, please call x 1286
Carleton University, Department of University Advancement Confidential / 1