Questionnaire for DPOs[1] of States Parties to the CRPD
41 States Parties are obliged to present their first report to the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD Committee) before the end of this year. Annex 1 includes the deadlines for report submission for all these States.
The experience of other human rights treaty bodies shows that States do not always send their reports on time.
Based on the experience of other treaty bodies, the CRPD Committee will most likely schedule their review of States reports following the order in which they are received.
In order to ensure, as much as possible, that States reports are complemented by parallel reports from national NGOs of persons with disabilities, IDA is seeking to obtain updated information on which States are planning to submit their reports, as well as information about parallel reports being prepared by organizations of persons with disabilities (DPOs) and other NGOs. The questionnaire also seeks information on whether States Parties have taken the decision on which body will be in charge of the independent national monitoring of the CRPD.
Details of organization that has replied to this questionnaire:
Person who has filled in the questionnaire:
Position in the organisation:
Email address:
General awareness on the reporting process
- How would you define the level of awareness by Government and among DPOs/NGOs on the reporting process to the CRPD Committee?
State: High MediumLow Don’t know
DPOs/NGOs: HighMediumLowDon’t know
State report
- Do you have information from your Government that indicated that the Government is planning to submit in 2010 a report to the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities?
YesNoDon’t know
If yes, do you have any indication of estimated dates of submission?
If the answer to the question 2 is “no” or “don’t know” go to question 7.
- Which Ministry or Department of the Government is in charge of co-ordinating the report?
- Has the relevant Ministry or Department involved other Ministries or Departments in this process?
YesNo Don’t know
If yes, please give a list of other Ministries or Departments that have been involved:
- Has the Government consulted with disability NGOs in the preparation of the report?
YesNo Don’t know
If yes, can you briefly describe how this consultation has been organized and which organizations have been consulted?
- Has the Government consulted with other organizations or entities?
YesNoDon’t know
If yes, can you indicate which organizations or entities?
6. Are you aware of any challenges faced by the State in submitting the report to the CRPD Committee?
Parallel reports from DPOs/NGOs
- Is your organization involved in the preparation of a parallel report to the CRPD Committee?
- Are you aware of any DPO, NGO, or coalition of DPOs/NGOs that is preparing or planning to prepare a parallel report to the CRPD Committee?
YesNoDon’t know
If yes, could you indicate which organizations or coalition or coalitions of organizations are preparing a parallel report?
- Could you identify key challenges faced by DPOs/NGOs in the preparation of a parallel report?
Reports from national monitoring bodies
- Are you aware if a decision has been taken as to which body or bodies will be in charge of the independent national monitoring of the CRPD, in line with article 33, paragraph 2 of the CRPD?
YesNoDon’t know
- If yes, are you aware if this body is preparing a report to the CRPD Committee?
YesNoDon’t know
If yes, is this body involving or planning to involve organizations of persons with disabilities in their report?
YesNoDon’t know
Please include below any other information you would like to share with us related to the reporting process to the CRPD Committee.
Please send this questionnaire to the IDA Secretariat () by May 31st 2010.
Annex 1 List of States whose reporting deadline to the CRPD Committee is in 2010
Argentina: 2 October 2010
Australia: 17 August 2010
Austria: 26 October 2010
Bangladesh: 3 June 2010
Brazil: 1 September 2010
Chile: 29 August 2010
China: 1 September 2010
Costa Rica: 1 November 2010
Croatia: 3 June 2010
Cuba: 3 June 2010
Ecuador: 3 June 2010
Egypt: 3 June 2010
El Salvador: 3 June 2010
Gabon: 3 June 2010
Guinea: 3 June 2010
Honduras: 3 June 2010
Hungary: 3 June 2010
India: 3 June 2010
Jamaica: 3 June 2010
Jordan: 3 June 2010
Kenya: 3 June 2010
Mali: 3 June 2010
Mexico: 3 June 2010
Namibia: 3 June 2010
New Zealand: 25 October 2010
Nicaragua: 3 June 2010
Niger: 24 July 2010
Panama: 3 June 2010
Paraguay: 3 October 2010
Peru: 3 June 2010
Philippines: 3 June 2010
Qatar: 13 June 2010
Saudi Arabia: 24 July 2010
Slovenia: 3 June 2010
South Africa: 3 June 2010
Spain: 3 June 2010
Thailand: 29 August 2010
Tunisia: 3 June 2010
Turkmenistan: 4 October 2010
Uganda: 25 October 2010
Vanuatu: 23 November 2010
[1] DPOs are organizations of persons with disabilities. This includes, among others, organisations of users and survivors of psychiatry.