To: James VanVoorst, Vice President for Administration

For distribution to:

Dr. Harvey Stenger, President

All faculty, staff, and administrators

From: Personal Safety Advisory Committee

Professor Bill Ziegler, Chair

Date: 5/1/2012

Subject: Final Report of the Personal Safety Advisory Committee

Attached is the Final Report of the Personal Safety Advisory Committee in accordance with directives of the Board of Trustees of the State University of New York.

Final Report

Binghamton University

Personal Safety Advisory Committee

Table of Contents

I.  Executive Summary 4

II.  Board of Trustees Charge to the PSAC 5

III.  Committee Composition 6

a.  Faculty

b.  Appointed by the President

c.  Students

d.  Male/Female ratio

IV.  Binghamton University Security, Safety, Policies and Procedures 7

a.  Clery Act

b.  Mandatory On-line training for employees

c.  Voluntary Safety Training for Students and Employees

d.  Employee-centered reports/policies include

e.  Campus Safety Resources

f.  Emergency Alert System and Emergency Communications

g.  Other Safety Initiatives

h.  Committees/Groups/Departments that Address Campus Safety Issues

i.  Student Association chartered student groups related to safety concerns:

V.  Campus by Night 11

VI.  PSAC Log for 2011-12 12

I.  Executive Summary

The Binghamton University Personal Safety Advisory Committee met frequently during the 2011-2012 academic year.

Highlights include:

1.  Bill Ziegler, Associate Professor – Thomas J. Watson School of Engineering and Applied Science joined the committee as chair

2.  Four students joined the PSAC

3.  The academic year ended with 17 active members of which 6 are males and 11 are females in accordance the Trustees stipulation of at least 50% female

4.  PSAC meetings were held frequently throughout the year

5.  A PSAC website was launched for the first time this year and contains safety information useful to students, staff, faculty, and visitors

6.  A PSAC Log was created that tracks every concern reported to the PSAC and is available for public review on the PSAC website.

7.  The PSAC toured the entire campus twice during the year for the traditional Campus by Night review of safety concerns on campus

8.  42 concerns were logged and acted on by the PSAC. Of those, 22 concerns were directly related to Residential Life – housing

0 Open Concerns (concerns not yet investigated)

22 Pending Concerns (corrected action is scheduled)

15 Closed Concerns (corrective action was taken)

5 Long Term Recommendations (recommendations for future action)


II.  SUNY Board of Trustees Charge to the PSAC

III.  Committee Composition


CHAIR: Bill Ziegler, Associate Professor Computer Science, Director Binghamton

University Scholars Program, Faculty Master Newing College

Donald Brister, Senior Catalog Librarian, University Libraries

Colleen Hailey, Ref. Librarian/Biblio-Mgmt & Economic, University Libraries

Tony Preus, Distinguished Teaching Professor - Philosophy

Appointed by the President:

Tammara Behonick, Assistant Dean, CCPA

Dan Chambers, Deputy Chief of Police for Special Services

Tracey Debnar, Assistant to the Vice President for Administration, ex-officio

Ronnie Goldberg, Asst. Director for Access Services, University Libraries

Lisa Havtur, Administrative Compliance Coordinator, Compliance and Risk Mgmt.

Paola Mignone, Assistant Director –Hinman College, Residential Life

Beth Riley, Case Manager - Dean of Students Office

Sean Sherwood, Resident Director, Oneida Hall-College in the Woods, Residential Life

Wayne Schneider, Assistant Director of Operations, Physical Facilities


Sarah Glose: Freshman from Syracuse, NY, member of the Binghamton University

Scholars Program, intends to major in English with a concentration in creative

writing and global cultures.

Bridget Murphy: Freshman from Islip Terrace (Long Island), NY, member of the Binghamton University Scholars Program, intends to major in Psychology.

Megan Barry: Freshman from Niskayuna, NY, member of the Binghamton University Scholars Program, intends to double major in Mathematics and Economics.

Marisa Sweeney: Student Association Representative, sophomore from Baldwin, NY,

Resident Assistant, member of SOM PWC Scholars program, Double majoring in

Politics, Philosophy, and Law; and Accounting.

Male/Female (as per committee charge of at least 50% female) :

6 males and11 females

IV.  Binghamton University Security, Safety, Policies and Procedures

A.  Clery Act Information

Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (The Clery Act)

As per the requirements of the Clery Act, on an annual basis all faculty and staff are informed of the website containing information about crime statistics at the University. A copy of Binghamton University’s Annual Security Report is available by accessing the following website: . This report includes statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occurred on-campus; in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by Binghamton University; and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from, the campus. The report also includes institutional policies concerning campus security, such as policies concerning sexual assault, and other matters. This report is the responsibility of the Binghamton University Police and University Counsel – Barbara Westbrook-Scarlett

B.  Mandatory On-line training for employees

Right to Know,Sexual Harassment,Internal Controls andWorkplace Violence Prevention at:

C.  Voluntary Safety Training for Students and Employees:

Safe Zone Training: The Binghamton University Safe Zone was established to provide a visible institutional support network for gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, transgender and questioning individuals. Its mission is to create a safe, supportive and welcoming environment for all LGBTQ people. The Safe Zone initiative is consistent with Binghamton University's anti-discrimination policy and its commitment to building an inclusive community. Allies of the Safe Zone are committed to providing an environment in which every student and University employee can live and work in a community based on respect. Allies of the Safe Zone have undergone training and are supportive of LGBTQ individuals.

D.  Employee-centered reports/policies include:

• Clery Act reporting:

• Campus and Workplace Violence Prevention:

• Policy Statement on Discrimination and Harassment, Including Sexual Harassment:

·  Alcohol-Free and Drug-Free Workplace Policy. Refer to management procedure #629 for more information on alcohol and substance abuse in the workplace at

• The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) can provide information and referral assistance to faculty and staff dealing with drug or alcohol-related problems. Our EAP Coordinator, Heather Hubeny () can be reached at x76655.

• Domestic Violence in the Workplace Policy at Refer to the contact information included within the policy.

E. Campus Safety Resources

•  Campus Safety – General:

•  Environmental Health and Safety (fire, general, lab safety):

•  Campus Safety - Specific Measures and Activities:

•  Facilities Master Plan , includes many safety features

•  Binghamton University Emergency Management website at

•  Safe Ride:

•  Walking Escorts:

F.  Emergency Alert System and Emergency Communications.

RAVE alerts.

Binghamton University has an emergency communications system including use of an outdoor siren. The system utilizes the University's website, BU Alert Line, Dateline, B-line listservs, campus cable channel 42, voicemail and electronic message boards. For more information, visit

In an emergency, students, staff and faculty receive critical information through multiple official sources:

1) RAVE Alert text/e-mail messagesA text message would be sent out to all students, faculty and staff with information regarding the emergency. To register:

2) Binghamton University Website: The University home page ( is the official site of Binghamton University. This page will contain important information regarding critical incidents.

3) Outdoor Emergency Siren: This public address speaker/siren is designed to warn only individuals who are outdoors on the Vestal campus. It is not intended to be heard by people inside buildings on campus. The alert tone may or may not be followed by voice instructions. Regardless if you can comprehend the voice instructions, the default action anytime the siren is sounded is to: Take shelter in the nearest building and seek further information.

4) BU Alert Line at 607-777-7700: Calling this number will provide a recorded message with updated information regarding all emergency incidents and weather-related information for the Binghamton University campus.

5) Campus TV: Students, staff and faculty can turn their on-campus televisions to channel 42 for more information.

6) Electronic LED message boards and TV screens: The University manages a series of electronic message boards and TV screens that are placed at various locations throughout the campus. Common locations for these types of signs include the entrances to campus as well as dining facilities. These boards may be quickly 'captured' and programmed to display emergency messages whenever necessary.

7) Campus Listservs (B-Line, Dateline): E-mail messages can be sent to all students, staff and faculty with up-to-date information on the emergency and all relevant safety information.

8) Campus voicemail: All University-owned, hard-wired phones are capable of receiving voicemail messages. During an emergency incident, a recorded message containing critical information can be distributed to all campus phones.

G.  Other Safety Initiatives:

Advisory Board member, Lisa Havtur, serves as the Domestic Violence in the Workplace prevention liaison for the BU campus and works with NYSUP in that capacity. DV employee statistics are provided in a report every six months to SUNY. Lisa attended certificate training in Albany in 2009 and 2011 and coordinated the Risk Assessment site visits campus-wide in 2010 and 2011. Tied to this are two annual surveys, the Risk Assessment Survey, which is intended to solicit workplace safety concerns and input from department heads and the All-Employee Workplace Violence Survey, intended to solicit workplace safety concerns and input from ALL Employees.

H.  Binghamton University Committees/Groups/Departments that Address Safety Issues on Campus

•Affirmative Action -

•Alcohol and Other Drug Committee (AOD) - Smart Choices -

•Campus Life works to prevent drinking – see Alcohol and Other Drug Committee (AOD)

• Domestic Violence in the Workplace –

•Environmental Health and Safety (fire, general, lab safety) -

•Greek Life -

•Green Dot -

• Harpur's Ferry -


•MultiCultural Resource Center -

•New York State University Police -

•OCC/Dave Husch works with the Binghamton Coalition -

•Office of Student Conduct - •Ombudsman -

•Personal Safety Advisory Committee -

•Residential Life -

•Sexual Assault Programs – see Team20:1

•Student of Concern Committee, Chair, Dean of Students , also see Dean Of Students web page at:

• Team20:1 -

•Women's Studies -

• Workplace Violence -

• CSEA Safety/Tool Crib Safety (CSEA reps and PF reps)

I.  Student Association chartered student groups related to safety concerns:


•Powerful Unite Ladies Striving to Elevate (PULSE):

•Rainbow Pride Union:

•Right Side of History Campaign at Binghamton University:

•SHADES (trying to create a safer campus):

•Voices Against Violence:

•Women's Student Union:

V.  Campus by Night – Observations

Dickinson Community crosswalk to East Gym:

The paint is nearly completely faded,

Library North lighting:

The light in the entrance hall is out,

Campus Escort:

Provide an escort system in which a student can call a number and have someone to walk with them after dark.

East Gym - Lighting

West Gym Crosswalk - lighting
Student Wing/Lecture Hall - (indoor lighting - basement)

Newing College - lighting

Stairs between Bingham and Broome that lead down into the parking lot

Fine Arts lighting
The corner of the Fine Arts building that faces the Chenango Room

Health Services - East Access Road Crosswalk signage

Paid Parking Lot : Danger of lights falling into Parking Lot due to rotted light poles

Mountainview College:

Walkway to/from Mountainview to/from Paid Parking Lot - P-stop is missing

Hinman Tray Sledding incident – observe the area

Admissions to Clearview – no designated walkway; no designated bus stop

Science V – lighting at new construction

Science IV – Lighting on stairs across from West Gym

ITC Walkway from main campus - lighting

VI.  2011-2012 PSAC Log of Concerns and Actions

Personal Safety Advisory Committee

Log of Concerns and Status Report 2011-2012

Last update: 5/1/2012

OPEN CONCERNS (not reviewed or no solution yet):


PENDING CONCERNS (solution in progress):

Apartments Community (Susquehanna/Hillside):

Skywalk P-gate (P-gate missing)

The existing P-gate needs to be closed and an additional set of P-gates need to be installed at the bottom of the path where none currently exist.

·  Date logged in: 12/1/2011

·  Reported by (name and email contact): PSAC

·  Status and date of status (open for review, under review, work pending, closed): Pending

·  Responsible Party (name and email contact): Physical Facilities

·  Action Taken: Facilities has assured PSAC that the gate will be installed Summer 2012

Apartments Community (Susquehanna/Hillside):

Walkway to/from Susquehanna - Hillside through Lot M to/from main campus or Hinman

Facilities refers to this project as the Pedestrian/Vehicle Project for Hinman

We recommend a designated walkway through Parking Lot M to Hinman and the main campus.

·  Date logged in12/1/2011

·  Reported by (name and email contact): Casey Wall, AD Residential Life

·  Status and date of status (open for review, under review, work pending, closed): Pending

·  Responsible Party (name and email contact): Physical Facilities

·  Action Taken: Memo sent to Ms. Wall. This project is currently scheduled for Summer 2012 via Physical Facilities.

Apartments Community (Susquehanna/Hillside):

Rockland/Saratoga Parking Lot P-gate

P-gate needs to be installed across the parking lot from Glimmerglass next to the dumpster.

·  Date logged in: 12/1/2011

·  Reported by (name and email contact): Casey Wall, AD Residential Life

·  Status and date of status (open for review, under review, work pending, closed): Pending

·  Responsible Party (name and email contact): Physical Facilities

·  Action Taken: Memo to Ms. Wall. This project is currently scheduled for Summer 2012 via Physical Facilities.

College in the Woods:

P –gate needed on the walkway between CIW and Mountainview

·  Date logged in: 1/6/2012

·  Reported by (name and email contact): Tony Preus

·  Status and date of status (open for review, under review, work pending, closed): Pending

·  Responsible Party (name and email contact): Physical Facilities

·  Action Taken: This project is currently scheduled for Summer 2012 via Physical Facilities.

Dickinson Community:

Concern: Blue Light:

There is a need for a blue light on the East side of Dickinson along the road. The blue light in the woods heading from Dickinson toward the East Gym is not visible when the leaves are on the trees.