Steps for Success in Geometry Honors

Boca Ceiga High School

Teacher:Ms. Amy KrusemarkRoom: 01-058 E-mail: *email only*

Course Objective:Geometry/ Geometry Honors gives a in-depth study of geometry including: congruence and similarity proofs, constructions, trigonometry, extending to three dimensions, connecting algebra and geometry through coordinates, and circles with and without coordinates.Please refer this website for help on the standards and practice problems.

What should I already know: You should have a basic understanding of all previous math courses. Math builds on itself and every layer is equally important. Some main ideas you should be confident in are:

  • Solving multi-step equations
  • Solving quadratic equations: quadratic formula, factoring, completing the square
  • Writing and graphing linear equations
  • Operations with fractions
  • Simplifying radicals

If you earned an A or B in Algebra 1 and a passing score on Algebra 1 FSAEOC, you’re on the right track. If not, please make sure you ask for help throughout the year! Additionally, I will give tutor sessions after school for students who haven’t met the Algebra 1 requirement.

It is CRUCIAL that any student yet to meet the Algebra I requirement work outside of class to become proficient AS SOON AS POSSIBLE so that it doesn’t hold the student and the student’s group back ALL YEAR in Geometry.


You are expected to come to class prepared every day with the following items:

  1. Your Schoolwide Binder
  1. One-subject hole-punched notebook
  2. Current chapter handouts
  3. Student trackers (homework and goals)
  1. Pencils, pens, and colored pencils and/or markers
  2. Graph and loose leaf paper

Items you should have at home:

Ruler, protractor, and compass (the small ones at the dollar store are perfect)

Class Expectations:In order for our classroom to run smoothly and for all students to feel comfortable learning, there are a few thing I need from you:

  1. Be respectfulto EVERYONE in our class
  2. Be responsible by being on time and prepared for class., and following all school and district rules.
  3. Actively participate in class EVERY DAY
  4. Try your hardest and limit distractions.
  5. Phones and other electronic devices are expected to be put away during class time. There will be occasions when we will use them in class, but I will let you know. If you cannot resist the temptation, it will be confiscated.

If you choose not to meet these expectations, you are choosing to accept the consequences associated which follow school and district policies.

Grading: The county grading scale will be used. Also each grade is broken down per percentages.

90-100 A70-79 C 0-59 F

80-89B 60-69 D

  1. Tests/Quizzes(60%):

Tests will be given on topics studied in class. At least two tests will be given each quarter.

Quizzes will be given during the year. Quizzes can consist of but is not limited to current topics being covered, binder/notebook checks/quizzes, and homework quizzes.

  1. Cognitive Tutor/Homework (25%):

Cognitive Online Tutor helps reinforce topics we have covered in class and prepares you for your FSAEOC at the end of the school year. We will spend 90 minutes every other week in class on the cognitive tutor. You will be expected to work on it at home also. Please check to make sure your computer is up to date on Java. See your handout “Cognitive Tutor Help” for help with the most common issues and tech help. If all else fails for tech related issues please call their tech help line. Students are welcomed to come work on the cognitive tutor after school and use a school laptop.

  1. Binder(15%): 15% doesn’t sound like a lot, but mathematically it is the difference between a C and an A, if everything you did online and on a test were almost perfect.

Binder includes any assignments (excluding test and quizzes) completed in class. This portion of your grade also includes class participation includes following directions, listening, taking notes, actively and appropriately participating in class discussions, following class expectations, etc. Also, Cornell Notes are graded. If not done completely and properly will affect both your binder and homework grades, which combined are 40% of your grade.

  1. Midterm/Final Exam:

Midterm: Since this is an FSA course the midterm is mandatory for everyone.

Final: The FSA takes place of our final so there is no final exam. The FSA will be 30% of your final grade in this course.

What if I’m Absent:Per school board policy students will be given an equal number of days absent to make-up work. Students are responsible to obtain make-up work. If you are absent the day an assignment is due, it will be due or made-up the day you return.

In accordance to the school board policy, all tests must be made-up upon return to school and unexcused absences are to be marked on letter grade lower.

What if I need help: I want to make sure that all of my students are successful. If you need help in my class please check out:

  1. Tutoring – will be offered after school one day a week.
  2. has great videos and examples for each topic. Every Pinellas County student has access. Steps:
  • Go to
  • Sign in: r2.d2
  • Password: s._____
  1. is another great resource of videos of topics.
  2. has practice worksheets with answers for different topics

For Parents: Ways to help your student succeed

  1. Make sure your student comes to school prepared and ready to learn.
  2. Check your students’ homework tracker for completion and work shown in Cornell Notes. Also see if they any tests or quizzes coming up and to study for them ahead of time.
  3. Encourage your struggling student to get help.
  4. Regularly check your students’ grades to hold them accountable on Parent Portal.

Desired Community Supplies: If you happen to be out and want to help out the classroom I always need the following items: Hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, pencils, paper, graph paper, dry erase markers, tissues.

Test and Retest: We will be utilizing a test and retest system. Each student will have the dates of the tests and retests. If for any reason the student misses the test, the student will be required to take the retest. Each test will be broken down in sections and given a score A / B / or Needs Improvement (NI). Students that score (NI) on a section will be required to retest on that section. Additionally, if the student retests a section, they must complete the Study Guide and Test Corrections to qualify to retake a section. The purpose would be – it doesn’t make sense to retake a test, unless I have figured out what I did wrong, and how to fix that mistake so I don’t repeat the error in my thinking or computation.

Steps for Success in Geometry Honors

I have read and understand the rules, expectations, and policies for Ms. Krusemark’s class.

Student name (print):______Period: ______

Student signature: ______Date: ______

Parent/Guardian name (print): ______

Parent/Guardian signature: ______Date: ______

Parent/Guardian phone number: ______

Parent/Guardian e-mail: ______