Terms of Reference

UNICEF 3.0 Consultant

1.  Background:

Against the backdrop of a rapidly changing world, UNICEF is facing critical decisions. To effectively deliver on our universal mandate for children, we must look ahead, examine our mission and adapt our operations as appropriate. With this in mind, the Executive Director has asked a team of colleagues to produce a practical thought-piece on the contours of where the UNICEF operating model should be by 2017. An inter-divisional Working Group has been set up to support this core team. The piece should propose options, weighing pros and cons on key questions, and consider whether our current structures fit our upcoming needs. This exercise should be the basis for a systematic review at the January, 2014 Global Management Team meeting. The exercise is being referred to as UNICEF 3.0.

Several areas of focus have been identified. These include:

·  The changing partnerships landscape

·  Ways of working, including appropriate presence in countries; programming; service provider approaches; agility; etc.

·  Shared accountabilities across UNICEF Headquarters, Regional and Country Offices

·  Cross-cutting approaches: a) communication and advocacy; b) resource development

·  Governance, including whether the UNICEF Executive Board should include representatives from civil society and other groups

An e-discussion has been set up to solicit inputs and recommendations from UNICEF staff. In addition, inputs and recommendations will be solicited from external experts; thought leaders in international development; key actors from civil society, private sector and youth groups through 1-on-1 interviews and focus group discussions. Comments will inform the basis for the final draft of the practical thought-piece to be produced by December 2013.

2.  Purpose:

The purpose of the consultancy is to support the Chair of the UNICEF 3.0 Working Group to solicit, synthesize and integrate feedback from the wide-ranging discussion around UNICEF 3.0 through a set of specific tasks and deliverables, described below.

3.  Expected results:

Moderate the UNICEF 3.0 e-discussion

-  Analyse e-discussion inputs and produce regular summaries to share with the Working Group Chair and feed back into the e-discussion.

-  As needed, actively reach out to key contributors to solicit their feedback and, in consultation with the Chair, help guide the e-discussion.

-  Search for and vet relevant documents and other resources to feed into the discussion.

Conduct interviews and focus group discussions

-  Identify external experts; thought leaders in international development; key actors from civil society, private sector and youth groups who could best contribute to the various focus areas of the UNICEF 3.0 discussion.

-  Conduct one-on-one and focus group interviews with UNICEF staff and external contributors.

-  Analyse and synthesize interview results and share with the Working Group Chair.

Draft a practical think piece

-  In consultation with the UNICEF 3.0 Working Group Chair and other stakeholders, analyse and synthesize feedback from the e-discussion, one-on-one and focus groups interviews.

-  Based on the analysis, prepare the first draft of a 5-10 page practical think piece

-  Collect and synthesize feedback on the first draft from internal and external stakeholders, incorporate revisions and circulate the second draft.

-  Synthesize and incorporate feedback for third draft from a final internal meeting, planned for November, to validate the recommendations.

Integrate UNICEF 3.0 process with other on-going UNICEF processes

-  Integrate knowledge and recommendations from the UNICEF 3.0 discussion with other UNICEF processes, such as the Effectiveness and Efficiency initiative and the Organizational Management Plan.

4.  Supervisor: Liza Barrie, Chair of Working Group – UNICEF 3.0 / Programme Division

5.  Start date: 8 July 2013 End date: 31 December 2013

6.  Timeframe:

Deliverables and Tasks / Duration
(Estimated # of days) / Deadline /
Synthesis report of moderated E-discussion / 30 / 30 August 2013
Interviews and focus group discussions completed / 25 / 15 October 2013
First draft of practical thought-piece / 20 / 30 September 2013
Second draft of practical thought-piece / 15 / 29 October 2013
Third draft of practical thought-piece / 15 / 29 November 2013
UNICEF 3.0 integrated into other UNICEF processes / 10 / 31 December 2013
Other tasks, as needed / 7 / 31 December 2013


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7.  Key competences, technical background, and experience required:

a)  Graduate degree in social sciences, international relations or related field (or appropriate equivalent work experience);

b)  At least 10 years pertinent, professional work experience

c)  Excellent writing skills;

d)  Proven ability to moderate discussions and synthesize information into policy recommendations and practical guidance.

e)  Knowledge of global trends relevant to the development context and an understanding of the pros and cons of different business models in the context of development aid organizations.

f)  Ability to work independently, demonstrate initiative, and produce results.

g)  Demonstrated ability to work in a multi-cultural environment and establish harmonious and effective working relationships both within and outside the organization.

h)  Fluency in English required.

How to Apply: Qualified candidates are requested to submit a cover letter, CV and P 11 form (which can be downloaded from our website at http://www.unicef.org/about/employ/index_53129.html) to and with subject line “UNICEF 3.0” by 28 June 2013. Please indicate your ability, availability and daily/monthly rate to undertake the terms of reference above. Applications submitted without a daily/monthly rate will not be considered.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.