Wesley United Methodist Church
Sunday, January 28, 2018
Wesley United Methodist Church
Sunday, January 28, 2018
4th Sunday after the Epiphany
Sermon Series: Rise Up!
Praise and Worship
Lighting of the Flame
++Opening Hymn Together We Serve 2175 TFWS
++Call to Community LeaderCongregation
One:We gather to respond to the call of God’s love
All:Thankful that someone cared enough to share this good news with us.
One:May we be compassionate enough to share this divine presence with others.
All:Love, when shared, is not divided but multiplied.
One:Love, given away, is not diminished but expanded.
All:May our gathering beckon and welcomethose near and farto know the love of this divine presence.
++Gathering Prayer Unison
God of Awe and Wonder, Your voice called forth light from the depths of the waters. Your voice saved Isaac from the hands of sacrifice. Your voice called peoples to repentance through the prophets. Your voice called forth disciples, students of The Way that You desire for us. Your voice is still calling our name, still speaking to us. Help us to listen. Open our hearts, O God of Awe and Wonder. Open our minds to understanding. Open us, to experience the fullness of Your love and grace and majesty. In the name of Christ we pray. Amen.
A message for the Young At Heart All Children are invited to go upstairs with Miss Marilyn for Sunday School
Anthem Be Thou My Vision Traditional Irish Melody
setting by Craig Courtney
Joys, Concerns & Pastoral Prayer
The Lord's Prayer
++Hymn Healer of Our Every Ill 2213 TFWS
Scripture Readings Deuteronomy 8:15-20 & Jonah 3:1-5,10
These are the Words of Life!
Thanks be to God. Amen.
Sermon Rev. Heather Kattan
Response "Alleluia"186 UMH
Offering our Gifts & Tithes
Offertory Arioso J. S. Bach
Doxology All Creatures ofOur God and King(v 1) 62UMH
Prayer of Dedication
++Closing Hymn We Sing to You, O God 2001 TFWS
Benediction Response and Carrying the Light of the World
Postlude Wounded World that Cries for Healing Hal H. Hobson
Worship Participants
Pastor:Rev. Heather Kattan Liturgist:Lin Olsen
Greeter(s):John & Beth Howard Usher(s):Art McNeil & Visa Subrimaniyam
Choir Director:Julie Rundlett Altar Guild:Julie Tebo and Janis Snow
Accompanist:Amira AcreWorship Visuals: Rich Olsen
Office Administrator: Judy Bortolotti Church Telephone# (508) 875-3850
Sunday School/ Nursery care: Marilyn Andrews & Gabriella Bortolotti
Church Email: Website:
If you have a Pastoral Emergency
Pastor Heather's cell phone number is 508-202-1103
This week's Calendar:
*Sunday, January 28: SundayWorship Service @ 9:00am
Choir Practice @ 10:15am
*Monday, January 29: Sisters in Spirit @ 10:00 am
*Wednesday, January 31: Sweet Hour of Prayer @ 12 Noon
*Sunday, February 4: SundayWorship Service @ 9:00am
Choir Practice @ 10:15am
Family Promise Guests arrive