St. Teresa’s Church, Rathduff
Fr. Des Smith, C.C. (096) 21596 & 087 7785315
Mass Intentions from Sat. 21st Dec. to Sun. 29th Dec. 2013
Sat. 21st Dec. [V] 7.00 p.m.: Pat Durkan
Sun. 22nd Dec. 10.00 a.m.: Decd. members of the Flynn & O’Hora families
Mon. 23rd Dec. 10.00 a.m.: John & Annie Clarke, Shraheen
Tue. 24th Dec. 10.00 a.m.: Paddy & Mary Anne Murphy (Anniv.) Castlecloghans
Christmas Vigil 10.00 p.m.: Christmas Eve Mass
Wed. 25th Dec. 11.00 a.m.: Christmas Day Mass
Thu. 26th Dec. 11.00 a.m.: Teresa McAndrew (1st Anniv.) Rathduff (St. Stephen’s Day)
Fri. 27th Dec. 10.00 a.m.: Mary & William Murphy
Rehins S. Centre: 8.00 p.m.: Anthony & Sarah McNulty
Sat. 28th Dec. 10.00 a.m.: Joan Murphy, Wherrew
Sat. 28th Dec. 7.00 p.m.: Michael, John, Ellen, Tony & Jenny Holmes
Sun. 29th Dec. 10.00 a.m.: Patrick, Mary, Paddy, Noel & Josephine Hanahoe,
Margaret Casser & Billy Holmes
CONFESSIONS: Sat. 6.30 p.m. & after Mass
READERS: 25th Dec. – [V] Gerard Walsh. [10] Rachel McLoughlin.
29th Dec. – [v] Andrew Sleater. [10] Patricia Kneafsey.
E. MINISTERS: 25th Dec. - [V] Lena Healy. [11] May Earley. 29th [V] Mary Crean. [10] T.Holmes.
CHURCH CLEANERS: Group 9: Josephine Hallinan, A. Naughton, B.Flynn, Ann Coy.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: Rathduff Church, Wed. 18th Dec. 10.30 – 11.30 a.m.
Knockmore GAA Lotto: 14/12/2013: No Jackpot winner. Weekly tickets – Carmel McDonnell, Tomás Walsh, Seamus & Mary Heanry. Season – Dinny Coleman, Thelma & Rory Keane, James Hunter. Next Jackpot €7,400. Draw on Sat. 21/12. House Prize – Brendan Blewitt.
Mini-Ceilí: Every Sunday in The Mayfly Hotel, Foxford. From 8.30 p.m.
Grow Meetings: Tues. 8 p.m. in Ballina Community Centre. Confidential. 094 9026417.
Sewing/Alterations service: Please contact 085 1677445.
Conn Rangers Lotto: 16th Dec. 3. 15. 17. 26. No Jackpot winner. Season Tickets: Kevin Heffernan, Francis O’Hora, Stephen McCarron. Weekly – John J. Reape, Aoife James, Mary Weir. Next Draw in Brogan’s Bar, Knockmore, Mon. 23rd Dec.
Parish ‘Gathering’ night: Organised by Conn Rangers in Brogan’s Bar, Knockmore, on Sat. 28th Dec. 9pm. Everyone welcome incl. past & present players. Great night assured. Music, etc.
Crisis Pregnancy Support Services: Cura Cares! 1850 622 626.
Family Prayer Book: Available for sale in the Parish - €15. Can be viewed in Sacristy.
Senior Help Line open over Christmas: Ireland’s only confidential listening service for older people provided by older volunteers is open 365 days of the year from10am to 10pm. So don’t be alone! We are there. Contact LoCall 1850 440 444 (no call costs more than 30 cent).
Knock Shrine: Afternoon of prayer in honour of St. John the Evangelist on, Fri. 27th Dec. Adoration at 4.00 p.m. Holy Mass 5.15 p.m. Conducted by Fr. Tomás Surlis.
Child minder/Babysitter available in KnockmoreBallinaarea. 086-0724678.
Recent Baptisms: We welcome into God’s Family – Cillian Paul Dwyer – parents Paul & Catriona; Daire Joseph Cafferkey – parents Declan & Niamh.
Santa Claus: Arrives in boxing club gym at 4 pm TODAY (Sunday, 22nd Dec.) with disco/party, Face painting, games, photo with Santa and spot prizes galore.
Boxing: KFC are staging a Novice/Underage event in their gym Sun. 22nd at noon. Adm. is free.
Welcome Home! To all who are spending Christmas in Our Parish. May your stay be a very pleasant one. May the Infant Jesus reign in your hearts and in your homes this Christmas and bring you His gifts of Love, Peace and Joy.
Fr. Michael Flynn & Fr. Des Smith.
Fr. Michael Flynn, P.P. 094 9258108/087 2640015
Church of Christ the King, Knockmore
Fourth Sunday of Advent – 22nd December 2013
Sat. 21st Dec. [V] 8.00 p.m.: John, Lizzie & Jack Ferguson, & Margaret Cusack, Barnfield
Sun. 22nd Dec. 9.00 a.m.: Deceased members of the Legion of Mary
11.00 a.m.: For the People of the Parish
Mon. 23rd Dec. 10.00 a.m.: Jack, Lena & Joan Lacken, Thomas & Margaret Carroll
Tues. 24th Dec. 10.00 a.m.: Holy Souls
Christmas Vigil 10.00 p.m.: First Mass of Christmas
Wed. 25th Dec. 9.30 a.m.: Children’s Christmas Mass
11.00 a.m.: For the People of the Parish
Thur. 26th Dec. 10.00 a.m.: Billy Holmes (St. Stephen’s Day)
Fri. 27th Dec. 10.00 a.m.: Kevin Devine, Rathbane
Sat. 28th Dec. 10.00 a.m.: Michael O’Brien & decd. O’Brien & Comiskey families
Sat. 28th Dec. [V] 8.00 p.m.: Mary Durkan, Breaffy
Sun. 29th Dec. 9.00 a.m.: Bridget & James McDonnell, Ballinasleva
11.00 a.m.: For the People of the Parish
Penitential Service/CONFESSIONS: Mon. 23rd Dec. at 7.00 p.m.
READERS: 25th Dec. – [V] Angela Feeney. [9.30] Children. [11] Emer Walshe.
28th Dec. [V] Louise & Ciara McHale. [9] Paddy Hughes. [11] Aidan Mulvihill.
E. MINISTERS: 25th [V] M. Corcoran & J. Feeney. [9] M. Lacken. [11] M. Brogan & J. Walsh. 28th Dec. [V] P. Breslin & David Connolly. [9] J. Nallon. [11] Aidan Mulvihill & Ann McNeely.
SERVERS: 25th Dec. – [V] Louise Smyth& Lauren Smyth. [9.30] Adam Reape & Shauna Sweeney. [11] Lauren Rice & Amy McDermot. 29th Dec. – [V] Wayne Doocey & Darren Langan. [9] Rebecca & Jessica Lambe. [11] Connell Dempsey & Cain Lowndes.
CHURCH CLEANING: Legion of Mary.
COELIACS: Please contact the priest to arrange to receive Holy Communion.
Please Note: Beginning Sun. 5th Jan. 2014 there will be no 9am Mass on Sun. in Knockmore. Weekend Mass times – Sat. 8pm, Sun. 11am.
9 am Readers, Eucharistic Ministers & Servers: It would be appreciated if you could inform Fr. Flynn if you wish to be transferred to the Vigil or the 11 am Mass.
Children’s Mass: In Knockmore Church on Christmas Day at 9.30 a.m.
Recent Deaths: Please remember in your prayers - Austin Melvin, Creggane, Rehins; Michael Conlon, Scunthorpe & Attymass (brother of Tom, Pontoon); Sean Rooney, The Moorings, Ballina (father of Collette Bourke, Toneybane); Michael Monaghan, Port Talbot, Wales (brother of Cathy O’Shea, Lisaniska); Joe Clarke, Foxford; and all our Faithful Departed. May they rest in Peace.
Cáirde – Backs Chat: Available in shops locally. A nice Christmas Gift!
Knockmore Action Group Against Pylons urge last few remaining land owners to contact Seamus Melvin 087 - 2820629 regarding signing Forms of Authority.
4th Sun. of Advent: (Jesse Tree) Today we add the names of John the Baptist & Mary & Joseph. John the Baptist was sent to ‘prepare the way for the Lord’. He is the advent figure with his message: ‘Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand’. Joseph was Mary’s husband and was a descendant of David from the town of Bethlehem. Mary was chosen by God to be the mother of Jesus.
Advent Tree: This week we place the words: Stillness – in the stillness of the night Christ was born. Jesus – Christmas is the birth of Jesus. Rejoice – we celebrate the birth of Christ.
Keeping Children Safe: Diocesan Confidential phone No. 087 3664350 – if you have any concerns. Details are on the Church Notice Board.