Mr. BoothbyName______


Lecture Notes CH 24 Sec 1 and 2

Read pages 730-743 in the textbook before you begin to answer these questions. Use complete sentences!

Section I:In ______Gordon Parks, a 16-year-old ______school student, worked as a ______at a private club to pay for his ______…

1. How much were stocks increasing and what is buying on margin? Why were people doing it?

2. What happened on October 24, 1929 and what did that day become known as?

2b. Do you fear that we are headed for another stock market crash with the market as unstable as it is and investors putting more into gold (this shows there is fear in an unstable economy)?

3. When the Great Depression first began what were American businesses trying to say?

3b. What is the difference between a “Bear” and “Bull” market? What do we have today?

4. How long did the “Great Depression” last? It wasn’t that bad was it (explain)?

4b. Why is the picture on 733devastating to banks and influential is economic collapse (List the steps you come up with in your opinion)?

5. What were some of the causes of the Great Depression?

6. How did President Hoover think relief and recovery should be regained by?

Section 2:The depression made the ______of 1932-___ seem particularly ______!

7.How were the New Deal programs paid for? What was the first goal for the New Deal?

8.How was agriculture helped during the Great Depression?

9. How did reduced production actually help farmers earn more in your opinion?

10.What did the Works Progress Administration (WPA) help do?

11.Who was the first female cabinet member in American history? What year did this take place? Do you think we will ever have a female US president?