January 9, 2017

The city council met in regular session in the council chambers at 7:30 p.m.

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm by President Stoebner

Present: Varilek, Stoebner,Hale, Sandau, Schreiner, Friman and Friederich

Absent: Olson

Also in attendance: Dana Horn, Darin Ziegler, Harold Vis, Bryan Bietz, Bob Just, Tim Mehlhaffand Betty Bradley

The minutes of the regular City Council meetingDecember 5, 2016were read. The minutes then were approved.

The bills were audited. Motion by Varilek, seconded by Frimanto approve the bills, motion carried.

A & B Business IncSupplies 126.58

AFLACAccident Insurance 346.96

AmeriPrideRugs 27.01

BankWestSocial Security/Withholding 3,024.42

City Council and MayorDecember Salary 538.66

City EmployeesDecember Salary 9,213.30

City of MitchellLandfill fees 956.67

First National BankSRF Loan Payment 2,678.58

Gall's Auto RepairRepairs 65.00

Joyce MannLibrarian 184.70

JV'SSupplies 848.91

Klaudt ServiceSupplies 290.42

Lesterville Feed and GrainSalt 39.50

NorthwesternElectricity 2,696.00 Planning & Development District III 2017 Membership 1,258.00

Santel CommunicationsPhone service/internet 296.15

SD Dept. of RevenueWastewater fee 650.00

SD One CallLocates 3.36

SD Retirement SystemContribution 1,520.01

SD State Flag AccountFlags 108.63

SD State TreasurerSales Tax 280.06

Southeastern Electric Coop IncLagoon Power 279.37

Thomson WestSDCL updates 95.25

Tripp Farmers LumberSupplies 58.78

Tripp Post OfficePostage 102.00

Tripp Star LedgerPublishing 56.26

Verizon WirelessCell Phone Service 77.46

Wellmark Blue CrossHealth Ins 6,799.80

Ziegler Manufacturing & RepairRepairs 25.00

Dana Horn reported that Scheetz Imp Parkston has delivered the new rear discharge 61” deck grasshopper mower, we traded in the 2014 grasshopper with 980 hours, for a trade difference of $5540.00.

Harold Vis presented the police report and the Januaryschedule.

Finance Officer Jennifer Friederich presented a building permit application for Dale Wormstadt to build a 10’x14’ deck on the east side of his home. A variance will be needed, the council set the hearing for February 6, 2017 at 7:45pm.

Bryan Bietz now appeared before the council to let the council know that he and the Tripp Area Foundation is available to help apply for grants or help fundraise for the beautification of Main Street in conjunction with the Main Street project.

2017 Salaries: Dana Horn $15.40 per hour, Jennifer Friederich $15.25 per hour, Harold Vis $35,600.00 salary per year, Doris Higgins $16.15 per hour and Joyce Mann Librarian $200.00/month.

Moved by Hale, seconded by Sandau to appoint the Tripp Star Ledger as the official newspaper for 2017, motion carried.

Moved by Hale, seconded by Friman to designate the depository for city funds for 2017 as follows: BankWest Tripp, Putnum Funds, and SD Financial Investment, motion carried.

Motion by Friman, seconded by Schreiner to set the City of Tripp Election date for April 11, 2017, motion carried. The following are the terms that are up for election:

Alderman Ward I 2 Year Term Marie Sandau

Alderman Ward II 2 Year Term John Friman

Alderman Ward III 2 Year Term Dean Varilek

Petition Circulation begins January 27th and closes February 24th at 5:00 pm

Moved and seconded to adjourn, carried.

Michael Stoebner


Jennifer Friederich

Finance Officer