FOR THE PERIOD FROM 01.12.2017 TO 30.11.2018
(Cost of Tender Form Rs. 500/-)
Online tenders are invited for the supply of A-I Tall, A 2 ½ & A-10 Cans subscribed as “Tender opening for purchase of cans”. The tenderer shall sign on all the pages of the terms and conditions in acceptance of the same which are detailed as under:
- The cans should be suitable for packing of Sarson ka sag, Fruits & Ready to Eat Ethnic Foods as per all statutory requirements.
- Quantity required
A- I Tall cans Beaded Built up Lithographed/Printed10 lacs Approx.
With normal Ends/Easy Open as per design.
A- I Tall Plain cans beaded built up with30 lacs Approx.
Normal Ends/Easy open.
a)A2 ½ cans beaded/unbeaded built up/ 11 lacs Approx.
Easy Open/Normal ends
b) A 10 cans plain beaded/unbeaded (Normal It is a trial production
End & EOE Quantity cannot be specified.
Manager, Markfed Canneries,Village: Chuharwali, Tehsil: Adampur, Distt.: Jalandhar reserves the right to increase/decrease the quantity of cans as per actual requirement and supplier will have to supply the cans accordingly without any conditions.
3. Specifications/Dimensions
Tin plateA I Tall cans A 2 ½ cansA 10 cans
Prime ElectrolyticPrime ElectrolyticPrime Electrolytic
MR QualityMR QualityMR Quality
Thickness of Tinplate
Tin coating weightD-100/50D-100/50D-100/50
(11.2/5.6gm/m2 )11.2/5.6gm/m2 )11.2/5.6gm/m2 )
Leakage TestNo LeakageNo LeakageNo Leakage
upto 30 psiupto 30 psiupto 30 psi
Type of Lacquer
External/InternalGold LacquerGold LacquerGold Lacquer
InternalFood LacquerFood LacquerFood Lacquer
All variants of CANs be supplied in powder coating
NOTE:- Tolerance limit will be as per BIS, if any.
4. Rates:- The rates quoted should be inclusive of GST/all taxes, F.O.R. Markfed Canneries, Village: Chuharwali, Tehsil: Adampur, Distt.: Jalandhar and are valid for the period from 01.12.2017 to 30.11.2018.
5.Validity:- The offer shall remain valid for a period of 45 days from the date of opening of
6. Sampling/Inspection: Samples will be drawn from each and every consignment by the committee in the presence of supplier or his Rep.(if present) and will be sent to Markfed Package & Testing Lab., Mohali and test will be conducted by Markfed Lab. under the procedure/method in vogue. Results so conveyed by the Lab. will be binding on the supplier. Markfed reserves the right to get any other test which may Markfed may deem necessary from some reputed / accredited Laboratory at the cost of supplier. Its result shall also be binding on supplier.
7Supply Schedule: Supply schedule will be given on acceptance of tender. However the supplier in whose favour tender is awarded shall have to abide by the schedule strictly. However a minimum period of 7 days will be given for supply of the material.
8Penalty:- In case the supplier failed to supply the material as per supply schedule, penalty @1% shall be imposed on the supplier for delay of every week. In case the supplies are delayed beyond two weeks of the free period of 7 days, the contract shall be terminated and the material shall be purchased from the open market at the risk and cost of the tenderer. However, M.D Markfed reserves the right to condone the penalty in case the circumstances were beyond the control of supplier.
9Payment: The payment will be made after receipt of satisfactory Analysis report from Markfed Package & Testing Lab., Mohali or any other accredited lab as the case may be.
10Earnest Money: The tenderer shall have todeposit Earnest money for an amount of
Rs. 2.00 Lac online/E-payment mode only. No other mode will be accepted.
11Security:Successful tenderershall have to deposit security of Rs. 5 lakh (Rs. Five lakh) within 7days from the acceptance of tender. The amount of earnest money shall be adjusted in the security amount. If successful tenderer fails to deposits security within stipulated time the earnest money deposited with the tender shall be forfeited and their tender shall be rejected. No interest shall be paid by the Markfed on security deposited by tenderer. Security shall be released only after successful completion of the order and audit.
12The tenderer should be manufacturer of cans and the manufacturing facility should be located in India.
13The tenderer should have a minimum turnover of 25 Crores per annum. (Proof to be attached) with tender.
14The tenderer should have powder coating facility in his unit. Party should submit an undertaking. Facility of powder coating can be verified by Markfed at any time.
15The party should have experience of supplying the cans to the reputed concerns/units.
16Tenders received without earnest money or conditional tenders will not be considered.
17The Tenderer should have no dispute with Markfed or State Government/Center Govt.and should submit an undertaking in this regard.
18Conditional tender will be rejected.
19Agreement: Successful tenderer shall have to execute an agreement with Markfed.
20.If the date of opening of tender happens to be holiday then the tender willbe opened on the
next working day without giving any separate notice.
21.Corrigendum/addendum/corrections if any will be published on the website.
22. The department shall not be responsible if it is not possible to upload/submit the tender
online due to any fault or malfunctioning of the internet/e-tender site.
- Markfed reserves the right to accept/reject any or all tenders without assigning
- Markfed reserves the right to extend the contract period for supply of CANs on the same rates, terms & conditions etc.for another three months i.e. upto 28-02-2019 for which the supplier has no objection.
- In case of peaking problem of cans during processing then supplier shall have to rectify the same and make it saleable at his own cost, otherwise the cost of filled cans shall be debited to the supplier.
- There should not be any rusting of cans before/after processing for a period of one year from the receipt of cans. In case of rusting occurs all the expenses incurred to make it saleable shall be debited to the supplier.
- The tender form fee, E.M.D. and processing fee should be deposited online/E-payment mode only. No other mode will be accepted.
- Particulars of the Tenderer.
Sr.No. / Particulars / Remarks1. / Name of the Firm.
2. / Complete address of the firm with mobile no. / Attach proof.
3. / Name and complete address of the bankers with account no. and IFSC no. / Attach proof.
Detail of Earnest Money Deposited / Attach proof
5. / Proof showing the turn over of the tenderer for Rs.25 Crore or above. / Attach proof.
6. / Permanent account number / Attach Copy
7. / GST No. / Attach proof
8. / Proof of the Manufacturing Unit / Attach copy
9. / Attach scanned copy of Terms & Conditions of Tender Form duly signed by the Tenderer on all pages. / Attach copy
10. / List of the clients to whom the tenderer has supplied the Cans / Attach List
11. / Power of attorney in favour of the authorized person signing the tender documents / Attach copy
12. / Constitution of the Firm/Company/any other body / Attach proof
13. / An undertaking stating that party has no dispute with Markfed/State Govt./Central Govt. / Attach undertaking on their letter head.
Note:- The tenderer shall submit the self attested/ duly signed scanned copies of
abovesaid documents on line of Sr. No. 2 to 13. Otherwise tender shall
out rightly rejected and successful tenderer shall submit the original copies
of these documents in the office for verification on the demand of Markfed
29.GST NO.
The GST shall be born by the tenderer as the rates are inclusive of all taxes
There fore supplier shall deposit the GST and should specifically mention in the
invoice. The payment of GST amount shall be released to the contractor only
when the input credit is made available in the GST Portal to the Markfed.
- Arbitration Clause: In case of any dispute the matter shall be referred to Managing Director, Markfed Chandigarh for arbitration who will engage himself or appoint his nominee whose decision shall be final and binding on both the parties. The said arbitration proceedings shall be held as per the procedure of Arbitration Act under jurisdiction of Chandigarh only.
I have read and understand all the Terms & conditions of the tender and all are accepted to me. I shall abide by the same.
Name & Address of party with Seal
Contact No.______