Before the trials:

  • Notify districts of trials, including all necessary details (at least 3 weeks before the trials). To ensure districts have received your information, include a nomination form that must be returned to you even if it is a nil acceptance. If you have changed the original trial date, highlight that fact. Send a copy of the notification to the Regional Sports Officer.
  • Arrange a method of accepting student nominations.
  • Draw up a program. Ensure the starting time does not disadvantage districts travelling long distances. Once the draw has been accepted by the districts it should not be changed on the day unless there are special circumstances eg a team does not show on the day.
  • You could do a draw for the first round, playing one game at a time, so that selectors see all players. After the first round, decide on the draw for the remainder of the day, in consultation with the Northern Coach eg another full round or Possibles v Probables or part round and Possibles v Probables.
  • To ensure districts travelling long distances are not disadvantaged, trials must not commence earlier than 10.00am (including pre-trial meeting).
  • Check to see grounds/venues are prepared as per the CARA. Ensure a Curriculum Activity Risk Assessment has been completed for the venue in the current year and retained at your school.
  • Ensure equipment is available as per the CARA.
  • Ensure sufficient officials including qualified referees/umpires where possible are available to assist.
  • Arrange billets if required.
  • Organise qualified first aid personnel to be in attendance at the trials.
  • Any costs for trials should be divided among the districts competing. Prepare a budget (*Budget Form attached) and forward it to the RSO for approval. Before the trials, advise districts of the cost by sending a tax invoice to the school operating each district’s account.

During the trials:

  • Provide each selector with the selection guidelines on the reverse of this checklist.
  • Hold a meeting before trials begin to decide on the selection process and to clarify the program and rules.
  • Oversee program activities.
  • Select Regional Team.
  • Establish shadow players for team sports - Coach or Manager, preferably the former, to hold the names and make any replacements.

At the conclusion:

  • Announce the team.
  • Complete the team list form and email copies to the Regional Sports Officer, Team Coach and Manager.

Sample budget