Paws in Need Animal Rescue Society


Cat Adoption Contract

Foster animal: ______

Microchip #: ______Age: _____Sex: _____

Next Vaccine Due Date: ______Circle one: Spayed/Neutered

Vet clinic(s) while in care: ______

Adoptive Family Information:

Name(s): ______

Address: ______

City: ______Province: ______Postal Code: ______

Phone Numbers: (H) ______(C) ______(W) ______


Adopting a dog or cat is a long-term commitment. Upon signing this contract I agree to pay the adoption fee upon the date determined below. I agree to the conditions set out below and understand that failing to comply with conditions agreed upon, may result in the reclamation of the said animal by Paws In Need Animal Rescue Society volunteers, without fees being refunded.

  1. I will treat this animal humanely and provide him/her with a nurturing, safe environment.
  1. I will ensure the animal is licensed with the city or town in which I live, if required by law.
  1. I will provide this animal with any veterinary care that it may require such as annual vaccines, illnesses that arise, or as a result of being part of my life. This animal has been seen by a veterinarian and deemed healthy as of this date. I agree that the animal is in a healthy condition and accept responsibility for any pre-existing conditions this animal has outlined below, or may have in the future. Paws in Need has informed me of the animal’s current health and has taken care of any medical issues that have been identified during its time in care.
  • Medical needs of animal (if applicable): ______
  1. I agree to help this animal achieve/maintain a healthy body condition by providingnutritious food, fresh water, attention, engaging toys, and ensure the animal will receive daily physical exercise.
  1. I understand that cats require a diet consisting of wet food primarily. Dry food is appropriate as a supplement, but should not make up the majority of the cat’s diet. Diets consisting primarily of dry food are known to lead to urinary issues and the development of crystals.
  1. In nature, cats eat about 8 small meals (small animals such as mice and birds) per day. Free feeding is not recommended in households with more than one animal. A number of measured meals throughout the day is recommended so that you know how much the animal is eating and have control over how many calories are consumed.
  1. I will treat this animal with love and respect and ensure that it is not physically, emotionally or mentally abused. I understand that adult cats should not be lifted by the scruff of the neck.
  1. I understand that cats can learn using positive reinforcement based methods such as treats and rewards. I understand that the use of squirt bottles, shock mats, smacking and yelling are not acceptable training methods.
  1. I agree to keep this cat’s nails trimmed, provide him/her with scratch posts, and use pheromone diffusers to avoid issues with scratching furniture. I understand that declawing is absolutely prohibited and doing so would result in the immediate termination of this contract and Paws in Need will apprehend the animal without a refund. Declawing is inhumane and not an option.
  1. I understand that cats require gradual integration into households. They benefit from having a smaller space upon entering a home, and gradually having access to more space as they become more comfortable. Cats and existing animals will require a gradual introduction and will need their own space to feel safe during the initial introduction period. Cats may take months to accept other animals.
  1. I understand that inappropriate urination can be an indication that the cat is stressed or suffering from a medical condition. Consulting with a vet in the event of inappropriate urination, is recommended since cats are prone to developing urinary issues as a result of dietary choices, age, and genes.
  1. I will NOT abandon or rehome this animal for any reason. If for some reason I cannot keep this animal, I agree to surrender the animal back to Paws In Need Animal Rescue without a refund of any fees paid as of that date.
  1. I agree to have identification on this animal at all times, in the form of ID tag, microchip and/or tattoo.
  1. I understand that allowing cats to roam freely is unsafe and that if I choose to introduce this cat to the outdoor world, I will supervise the cat while on a leash and harness, or provide access to a catio. I will not allow the cat to roam outside, unattended.
  1. I agree not to have this animal destroyed unless advised by a veterinarian that it is the only humane optionin the best interest of the animal, and with written consent of a Paws In Need Animal Rescue representative.
  1. I understand that from this day forward all expenses related to food, toys, veterinary care, supplies, and shelter are my sole responsibility.
  1. I agree that I am solely responsible for any and all property and/or physical damages caused by this animal to any person, property, or being. Paws In Need Animal Rescue or anyone associated with Paws In Need Animal Rescue will not be held accountable.
  1. I agree to support this animal with any special needs/medical/behavioural concerns it may have as noted below:______
  1. I agree to allow a Paws In Need Animal Rescue representative to visit my home and inspect my pet/home upon request, if they so choose to do so. If, in their opinion, the animal is not receiving proper care, I will release the animal to Paws In Need Animal Rescue immediately.
  1. The adoption fee of $______has beenpaid today and is non-refundable.

Signature of Adopter: ______Date: ______

Paws in Need Animal Rescue Representative Signature: ______

To obtain veterinary records, please contact the clinic(s) noted above to have files transferred to the vet you will use in the future. Paws in Need approves the transfer of files upon the signing of this document by both adopters and a rescue representative.

To update the microchip information for your pet, please email and CC . You will need to include the microchip number, a copy of this contract, as well as your name, number, and address, along with any other updates required.