Mr Press

United States History

United States History Course Syllabus

Mr. Press

Chatsworth Charter High School

* Students and parents/guardians, please read this syllabus carefully, sign the last page and return it. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me by e-mail or leave a message by school phone.*


This course is designed to present a panorama of United States History including the key social, religious, political, and economic factors that have impacted the Western Hemisphere. Our exploration will involve reading, writing, discussion, group work, and projects in order to better students’ study skills and promote critical thinking.

We will look at period piece feature films to better understand the time we are studying. Some of these films carry an “R” rating. Scenes deemed inappropriate by the instructor will be edited out for the class viewing. Your signature below shows that you have read this course description and that you give permission for your son/daughter to view these films. All films that are being viewed consist of documentaries and shorts clips of movies to showcase historical events. Any non-documentary films that will be shown in their entirety will have permission slips given out prior to the viewing in order to gain permission for the viewing. Any students who did not have the permission slip signed prior to viewing will be sent to another class with an alternative assignment to complete.

We will be studying U.S. History using a thematic approach based on the California State Standards for Social Science:


  • Be PUNCTUAL:Be in your seat and working on the class Warm-up before the tardy bell. Tardy lockout / detention rules will apply.
  • Bring all REQUIRED MATERIALS:Students are required to have (at all times) a binder, paper, and pens/pencils for this course. You are required to have a separate History binder or History section in a larger binder.
  • RESPECT yourself, others, and property:Use professional language, speak only at the appropriate times, and listen quietly/stay seated while others are speaking.
  • Use of I pods, pagers, mobile phones, or anything electronic, noisy, or distracting is PROHIBITED unless otherwise stated by the instructor.
  • Eating or drinking in the classroom is PROHIBITED: Only closable containers of water are permitted.


  • Attendance, completion of assignments and participation contribute greatly to your grade. If you will be out for an extended time, please make the necessary arrangements so you do not miss too much work. Remember you can e-mail the instructor!
  • If you are absent on the day an assignment is due, you must bring it in immediately upon return with a verified, excused absence. For assignments given during an absence, please check the class bin and weekly agenda. If an assignment is unclear, see the instructor.
  • Turning in / picking up assignments from absences is YOUR responsibility.
  • Make-up exams and quizzes will be given during class upon your return from absence. Only verified, excused absences will be accepted for taking a make-up exam.
  • Assignments and projects may be turned in up to 1 day late for half credit.
  • If you are absent on the day your group is to present, you will not earn credit for the assignment, and you will have to do a make-up assignment to earn full credit.
  • All late work must be turned in by the following History unit or it will not be accepted.
  • All students receiving a “C” or lower will receive the grade mark: In Danger of Failing on the report card.

The Grading Scale: / Assignment value:
100% - 90%....A / Classwork/Homework: 25 - 50 pts.
89% - 80%...... B / Weekly Participation/Quizzes: 50 pts.
79%- 70%...... C / Essays/Projects: 100 - 200 pts.
69%- 60%...... D / Chapter Tests: 100 - 200 pts.
59%- 0%...... F / Final Exam: 250 - 500 pts.

*All points are subject to change during the semester without notice*


Please note that there is a Student Code of Conduct that states a student’s work must be his or her own work. Plagiarism is a serious infraction of student conduct and will be treated as such. Any student using their mobile phone or tablet device during a quiz, test, or an assignment in which a student is not allowed to use either device will receive a zero and a “U” in both work habits and cooperation on the report card.

Extra Credit:

Students will have multiple opportunities during the semester to be given extra credit on assignments, class participation, and other projects. Extra credit will be given randomly and can be taken away by the teacher at any time. (ex. Students who complete the classwork in class on time will receive 5 pts extra credit if turned in by the end of the period)

Contact Information:

For any student or parent who would like to contact me for either academic reasons or the status of the class, feel free to email me at or contact the school directly and leave a message.

Student Sign off Sheet


Please sign below to acknowledge that you and your parent/guardian have read and understand the terms of this course. Please return only this page to Mr. Press no later than a week from receiving this form. Keep the copy of your syllabus in your binder to for future referencing!

Student's Name (print) Class Period

Student's Signature Date

Parent's/Guardian Name (print) Telephone Number

Email Address

Parent's/Guardian SignatureDa