Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Attendance: Rich Conley, Bill King, Betty Ann Casale,Jerry McNalley, Marilyn Bonomo, Carl Trexler, Mike Kohler

Guests:Tony Scolieri, Kate Cervone

Approval of Minutes:A motion was made by Marilyn Bonomo to approve the meeting minutes of the March 29, 2017 Development Team and Executive Board and seconded by Betty Ann Casale. The motion passed unanimously.

Acceptance of Agenda:Agenda accepted as presented with the addition of two guests,

Guests Discussion:Tony led a discussion concerning water/drainage issues at his and Kate’s driveways and adjacent lawns. Tony also presented pictures to show the problems. There is the possibility that water is draining down the driveway from Allison Road. Rich Conley will inquire again to West Deer Township about installing catch basins or raising the curb. One drain is already installed but another may be needed. A French drain is also being put in along the sidewalk.

Manager’s Report:Carl Trexler’s report includes;

  1. The Association ended March 2017 with $24,317.01 (after payment for snow removal) in operating and $99,349.20 in reserves and $166,189.00 in the Development fund and $67,300.41 in the letter of credit fund.
  2. All payments for April are current except 5. One owner owes for March and April.
  3. Samples/pricing of address plaques for the lampposts were presented. Discussion took place regarding lamppost plaques vs. illuminating present house number boards. Illuminating would require electricity to one person’s unit meter. Carl will get 4 plaque samples and put them up on a couple of lampposts and see how they work.
  4. A quote for the renewal of the Hunt Club insurance for 2017-2018 was presented. Bill King made a motion to approve the insurance renewal premium from QBE Insurance Corporation in the amount of $26,159. The motion was seconded by Jerry McNalley. The motion passed unanimously.
  5. The water line replacements were completed for 302-308 today. The lines were replaced with plastic from the unit to within 2 feet of the curb stops in front. During the digging it was found that there were more unusual pipes sleeved. Copper piping does not need to have sleeves, it causes corrosion.
  6. The roof that needs replaced (Building 8) will be done around mid May. This expenditure was previously approved.

Clubhouse and Social Committeee: Bill King’s report includes;

  1. There are 3 rentals, 7 social events and the Brennan breakfast totaling 11 for the clubhouse scheduled till the end of 2017.
  2. A discussion took place about replacing the carpet in the exercise room. Bill will get proposals for different floor coverings.
  3. Touch-up painting where needed, will be done shortly.
  4. Holiday reservations for the Clubhouse were discussed. Possibly using a lottery for 2018 was suggested. There will be further discussion.

Pool: Marilyn Bonomo’s report includes;

  1. Pool clean-up/set-up day is scheduled for May 20, 2017 at 10:00am. Marilyn will send out an email for volunteers to help that day.
  2. There was discussion on using thin wire installed (about 10 feet high) to keep the ducks out of the pool. Will first try fishing line on fence while the pool is closed to see if it works, before purchasing the poles. If this works, 10 foot poles will be installed in each corner of the pool fence and thin wire (or fishing line) will run across the pool.

Buildings and Landscape:Betty Ann Casale report includes;

  1. Rich Casale has purchased lights/parts for replacements in lampposts. Jerry McNalley made a motion to approve the expenditure of $185.66 for these replacements and the motion was seconded by Bill King. The motion passed unanimously.
  2. 16 trees have been ordered (6 trees for each side of the clubhouse driveway and 4 further in the lawns). Carl Trexler will follow-up again with Sarver because this area does require hand digging.
  3. Landscaping issues;

-Betty Ann will get a price from Sarver for damage to lawns from delivery truck and/or snow plow for 2 units on Saddlebrook.

-Betty Ann will talk to Sarver about cutting closer to the edge of terraces in the new units.

-Betty Ann will talk to Sarver about cutting to the end of the flat spots in the rear of the new units on Saddlebrook.

-Rich Conley will talk to Brennan about reseeding the new units. There are rocks/bare spots where the original landscaping did not take.

-Betty Ann is going to buy some hoses for watering the new trees to be planted at the Clubhouse.

-Carl Trexler will check about more dirt/landscaping behind wall at building 32.

-There was a complaint about a tree on our property along MacIntyre Road blocking the view of cars coming off Allison Road. Rich Conley says it’s not the tree but the curvature of the road and that’s why we had asked for a stop sign at that intersection in the past.

Driveways and Sidewalks: Jerry McNalley has nothing to report

Finance and Budget:Betty Ann Casale’s report includes;

  1. Thanks Carl Trexler, the audit data were received. The audit will be completed before the annual meeting.

Brennan Builders:Rich Conley’s report includes;

  1. Spoke to Brennan about missing peak on one of the new buildings. Brennan will complete.
  2. Fence behind Building 22 is complete.
  3. Will begin framing on Building 31 shortly.
  4. Pads will be built up on Buildings 29 & 30 by another company since Mashuda is too busy.

Legal:Rich Conley has nothing to report.

West Deer Liaison:Jerry McNalley’s report includes;

  1. Jerry attended a meeting conducted by West Deer Township Board of Supervisors. They were discussing and voting on a development to be constructed on McIntyre Road near the Hunt Club by Richland Holdings.

-People were complaining about the bridge on McIntyre at 910 being in such decline and unable to take the extra traffic with a new development. The West Deer Board said that the bridge is going to be widened and repaired this year.

-The new development will have 35 single units and 34 double units starting at $400,000. There will be no Clubhouse and no pool.

-The survey has already been completed on the new development.

-There will be a 50 foot buffer between the new development and the Hunt Club and the trees will remain.

-The drainage system will take the water away from the Hunt Club.

-Construction may start in 2017.

-The Planning Commission did approve this project.

-Many more issues were discussed including off-street parking.

-Brennan feels that this new project will not affect our new buildings because of the price.

Other Business:

  1. The Annual Homeowners Meeting will be June 21, 2017 at 7:00pm

Next Board Meeting for the Hunt Club at Grandview Estates is Wednesday, May 17, 2017 at 7:30 pm in the Clubhouse