Jamestown/Plymouth Lab Submission Format

·  All individuals are strongly advised to make and keep an individual copy of their lab work!

1.  It will take time for all labs to be graded

2.  The lab activities, but especially those on Pocahontas will

be useful for studying for the comprehensive test.

If Working Alone-Do the following!

1.  Complete each activity {1-3}

2.  Make 2 copies

A.  keep one copy for yourself to aid in studying

B.  Neatly organize and submit 1 copy as requested.

C.  Include your name in a heading at the top of a cover sheet

* Rubric will be provided by the teacher!

If Working As a Team-Do the following!

1.  Each team must have all 3 activities completed and

activities 1+3 should be identical to those of your partner.

2.  Each team member is to keep a complete copy of the

completed Lab as a test study aid

3.  Each team is to submit 1 master copy to the teacher for

grading and the master copy is to include:

A.  Both independent/unique Letters from Jamestown on top

{Activity 2} Include name of the writer on top!

B.  Activity 1 and then 3 in order with names of all team members on top

·  Rubric will be provided by the teacher!

Name ______period _____

Jamestown Colony Lab-Quest! - Follow-Up Pilgrims/Plymouth Activity

Learning: The learners will assume cooperative roles in team pairings as a means by which to

Obj. promote enriched learning and to also incorporate the use of technology as a tool for

research and learning.

Time permitted: 2 Class periods and ______days overall

Grade Value: 2 quiz grades…1 Quiz grade for team overall effort and 1 individual writing quiz

overall lab value is also worth 5 CW/HW grades

Curriculum Standards: SWBAT

6.2  Learn Democratic citizenship through the studies of literature, art, history, philosophy and related fields.

6.4  Acquire historical understanding of social ideas and forces throughout the history of New

Jersey, the United States and the world.

6.5.  Acquire historical understanding of varying cultures throughout the history of New Jersey, the

United States and the world.

6.6  Acquire understanding of the economic forces, ideas, and institutions throughout the history of

New Jersey, the United States and the world.

6.7  Acquire geographical understanding by studying the world in spatial terms

6.8  Acquire geographical understanding by studying the environment and society

6.3 Identify and discuss early colonial government in the United States.

6.7 Use maps to identify the routes of explorers and areas settled

This lab has 3 activities associated with it and students are to complete each aspect of the lab to their fullest possible abilities. Please review/refer to the grading rubric as a means to check on what to expect on the grading of this lab quest.

Students are directed to closely follow directions:

·  Go to the websites as suggested

·  Closely read and answer the questions thoroughly as directed by prompts

·  Stay on task and focused on learning

·  Work efficiently and make all efforts neat. Typing of answers is preferred but not essential.

·  Use the media center computers appropriately and no cutting and pasting of answers

Activity 1: Gathering Historic Background on Jamestown

Ø  Go to the websites that are written below and answer the questions to the best of your ability. Context clues exist, prompts are in place to follow and the questions are written in the order that the information is presented.

ü  Divide and conquer this part of the lab. One person can complete questions 1-7 while the other person completes questions 8-15.

v  After all questions have been thoroughly completed-exchange answers with your partner but both partners are responsible for the correctness of their answers.

v  Each person is to complete the {asterisked *} reading and boiling down of the story of Capt. John Smith.

Be thorough, be detailed, be correct and use the space provided! Divide and Conquer and Share!

@ http://www.preservationvirginia.org/rediscovery/page.php? page_id=6

1. Who did King James grant a charter to and for what purpose? The Virginia, Co. to est. a satellite

English settlement in the Chesapeake Bay region of North America

How many people set sail from London? When did they leave and where were they to go? Their

instructions? 104 settlers left in December 1606 – instructed to settle in Virginia, to find gold and

to seek a water trade route to the “orient”

2. Why do some scholars believe that many of the settlers were ill-suited to settle a wilderness?

Because of the 104 settlers – very many were listed as “Gentleman” not inclined to do manual


What does more recent archaeological evidence from Jamestown suggest about at least some of the

settlers? Recent archaeological findings suggest that at least some of the “gentleman” did do

manual labor and that the artisans, craftspeople and trades people were working hard laboring

to help the colony survive.

3. When did the explorers of the Virginia Company make landfall? On May 14th of 1607

What specific location? They landed on Jamestown Island, about 60 miles north of the mouth of

the Chesapeake Bay.

Why did they land where they chose to? What were the geographic advantages that this location

offered the settlers? The island had a deep water channel – made it easier to off-load ships, was

“off the beaten path” and hidden from view from the enemy {Spanish} and was in land far

enough to not come under direct cannon fire.

4. What happened to the settlers almost from the start? They were attacked by the native Algonquian

people the Powhatan Tribe and so a fort was built!

5. Describe the fort built by the settlers? It was triangular in shape, had palisade-stockade walls,

consisted of a church, storehouses and living houses for the people. {see cover of lab}

6. What problems took a big toll on the lives of the settlers, from what did they suffer? The settlers had

to endure diseases, hunger, famine, attacks from Algonquians and the fear from attacks.

7. Which person is credited with saving the colony during this time? How? Lord De La Ware –

brought supply ships that helped the colony to survive- Capt. John Smith imposed harsh laws for

those guilty of not working for the good of the colony. Ex. No work = no food!

Which Native American is credited with helping to save the colony? Pocahontas

How was a temporary state of peace cemented between the settlers and the native Algonquin people?

Pocahontas married John Rolfe

8. In what year did the Virginians create their first representative body? 1619

It’s name? General Assembly or House of Burgesses What was its stated purpose?

To est. equal and uniform government and to provide just laws for the happy guiding and

governing of the people there inhabiting.

9. In what year did the first people from Africa arrive in Jamestown? 1619

What was their social status? Indentured Servants not “enslaved” yet

10. What event happened in 1622? Algonquians got fed up and attacked the out-plantations

#’s killed? Over 300 people were killed Due to the mismanagement and horrible results,

How did the king respond? He revoked the charter of the Virginia Co.

And by declaring the colony a Crown Colony or Royal Colony

Ø  Now go to http://www.historywiz.com/exhibits/james-starvingtime.htm and answer the following

11. How many of the total settlers died during the “Starving Time?”154 of 214 – about 9 of every 10

What desperate measures did the Jamestown settlers resort to in order to survive? Graves were

hastily prepared, ate rats, cats, horses, dogs, - 1 person killed his wife and ate of her remains –

was put to death. They ate almost whatever they could even it has been written- digging up Indian

graves and taking nourishment….

12. What only made the situation even worse? The next year, more settlers arrived – 7 more ships

carrying about 400 more people – most of the supplies went down on the 2 ships lost at sea-more

mouths to feed but no more supplies – increasing the hunger/starvation issues.

13. The Algonquin people could from time to time share food with the settlers but even they lacked extra

food during the “Starving Time”…what natural weather condition finally eased that enabled the

settlers of Jamestown to finally begin to successfully cultivate crops? Drought

14. What “cash crop” became widely grown as its appeal spread throughout Europe? Tobacco

The cultivation of this crop is what really enabled the crop to survive and later thrive!

15. When did Jamestown cease to be the capital of Virginia? Why? What became the new capital?

In 1698 the major statehouse burned down and so the capital was moved to Williamsburg.

Ø  Now do research into the names and the some of the occupations of the 1607-1608 original settlers-you can get the data @http://virtualjamestown.org/census2a.html and record the following:

Count Count Orig. Settler’s 1607 Occupations #’s in it 1st Supply Ship 1608 Settler’s Occupations #’s in it

councell / 6 / councell / 1
preacher / 1 / fueller / 1
gentleman / 48 / gentleman / 28
carpernter / 6 / refiners / 4
blacksmith / 1 / gunner / 1
sailer / 1 / perfumer / 1
barber / 1 / labourers / 21
bricklayer / 2 / tailers / 10
mason / 1 / apothecaries / 2
taylor / 1 / surgeon / 1
Drum / 1 / couper / 1
Labourers / 13 / Tobacco pipe maker / 1
Boyes / 4 / blacksmith / 1
Diverse others / Diverse others

Activity 2: A Letter from Jamestown {Separate Quiz Grade}

Now that you have carried out research into the history of Jamestown, you will have plenty of information to complete this aspect of the lab. Base your writings on what you have found out, be accurate and hit upon the ideas as bulleted below.

Setting: Imagine that it is the year 1623 and you are living in Jamestown, England’s first permanent

settlement in North America. You have not seen your family or friends back in England since

you came to Jamestown as 1 of the earliest settlers in 1607 – 1608. It has been over 13 years

since you last spoke to your family, you have been fearful of writing them because you

believe they will try to persuade you to return home. But too much time has now passed and you

have now decided that you simply have to write home and let them know first hand how things

have been going.

You are to neatly write or type {12 Font} your letter on a separate piece of paper!

·  Include a neat cover to go with it- use tech. to design it

·  perhaps Use A decorative Font Type

·  insert A Picture or 2 On the Cover-related to Your Topic!

In your letter you are to do the following:

·  Write a 4 paragraph letter to a family member

In Paragraph 1 include:

ü  Provide a nice introduction by stating your name See Census

ü  Why you haven’t written sooner?

ü  What have you been doing for a living? Explain your occupation a bit.

In Paragraph 2 include:

ü  Explain what you do in your leisure time? Think – what would people have done?

ü  What you do for fun or what you do to keep busy or helpful to others?

ü  What are some of the things that happen that you look forward?

ü  What do you miss about being home?

In Paragraph 3 include:

ü  Explain the difficulties the colonists have faced in starting their colony.

ü  How have things worked out with the farming?

ü  How have relations been with the Spanish? Describe the Fort/provide a sketch!

ü  How have relations been with your local native neighbors?

ü  Did any particularly bad events do great harm to the colony?

In Last Paragraph provide closure:

ü  Are you optimistic or not about the future?

ü  What are your hopes or what do you see happening in the future?

ü  Will your family ever see you or here from you again? Why/When?

§  Remember to end with your name

§  Remember that all letters should have a date at the top!

§  You may not exceed 1.5 pages in length.

Activity 3 Pocahontas Fiction vs. Fact Website Hunt

In this activity, students will carry out analysis of a chart that provides a breakdown of the Disney version of Pocahontas and the real, true historic facts about what happened in those early years.

Ø  Find the chart @http://Pocahontas.morenus.org/poca_main.html and read, analyze and answer the following:

·  Do this activity with your partner or alone

·  Context clues are present but you will really need to hunt for the answers.

Good Luck You Disney Debunkers!

1. In Disney Pocahontas appeared to be about how old? A young adult perhaps 17 – 21?

In real life, how old was Pocahontas? 11/12 and how old was Capt. Smith? 28

2. In the Disney version, Pocahontas wore a leather mini-dress-1 strap over the shoulder

and had a tattoo – but in real life she was a naked child who may have worn a

dress later.

3. Disney portrayed John Smith as tall, clean shaven, wore armor at times with tight pants.

In reality he was short, full bearded, wore puffy pants as was the fashion, and had armor

– the armor was correct.

4. Disney portrayed Ratcliffe as the governor in charge of the colony but the fact is that after

landing secret orders placed Smith, Ratcliffe, Wingfield, Gosnel, Martin and Kendall in charge

______on the governing council and Wingfield was the 1st president.

5. According to Disney, John Smith started exploring as soon as they landed but the fact is that he

was arrested on ship, clapped in irons and held under arrest until 1 month after landing

and not released until a month later.

6. Disney had Pocahontas meet Smith in the wilderness where they fell in love but in reality she

met Capt. John Smith only after he had been captured and under threat of execution – she was daughter