London Music Boosters
August 8, 2016 Minutes
Attendance: Jeff Gates, Amanda Tobias, Jackie Mills, Nicole King, Drexell King, Connie Bechtel, Rodney Lauer, Mike Hopkins, Mary Hopkins, Jamie Oldham, Lisa Brown, Suzy Bennett, Colleen Wolford, Zahid Siddiqi
President, Jeff Gates called the meeting to order @ 7:06 p.m.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes from the July meeting to be reviewed at September meeting.
Treasurer’s Report: Drexell King, co-treasurer, presented the account information as follows:
Beginning cash balance as of 6/7/16=$18,716.32. After deposits of $35,956.45, ending cash balance as of 8/8/16=$43,139.86. Discussed 3 outstanding checks, and the need to still pay for Urbana University band camp. Invoice for band camp not received yet.
- Discussed that online banking had been set up today for ease of record keeping. Discussed the need to pay for band camp staff, approx. $2,700.00.
- License plates for LMB trailers renewed by Zahid Siddiqi.
- Discussed that band camp staff be paid as follows, per Mrs. Fugate’s email: Amanda Tobias,asst. band director-$500.00, Marina Vancill, woodwind instructor-$300.00,Andy Collins, low brass instructor-$300.00, Brittany Wagner, percussion instructor-$300.00, Lauren Holloway, color guard instructor-$500.00, Ann Merz, color guard instructor-$500.00, Sydney Cape asst. color guard instructor-$150.00, Carly Wilder, asst. color guard instructor-$150.00.
- Discussed the need for a budget for LMB. Co-treasurers will review all paperwork given to them by out-going treasurer, Cynthia Boyd.
- Motion to approve treasurer’s report made by Connie Bechtel, second by Lisa Brown. Motion passed.
Director’s Reports:
- Band- Welcome to Ms. Amanda Tobias, new instrumental director for LCS, 5th-12th grades. Mrs. Angela Fugate taking new job as Gifted Intervention teacher @ Dayton Public Schools.
- -Band camp recap: Discussion re: paying $ to band camp staff. Jeff Gates explained to new attendees the fact that LMB had paid $5,000.00 in supplementals for teachers, when the levy did not pass & school finances not satisfactory. Request via email from Mrs. Fugate to pay band camp staff for $1,700.00, showing progress in what LMB is boosting/assisting in paying. The band camp staff that Mrs. Fugate submitted to LMB board requesting they be paid as follows: Amanda Tobias, asst. band director-$500.00, Marina Vancill, woodwind instructor-$300.00,Andy Collins, low brass instructor-$300.00, Brittany Wagner, percussion instructor-$300.00, Lauren Holloway, color guard instructor-$500.00, Ann Merz, color guard instructor-$500.00, Sydney Cape asst. color guard instructor-$150.00, Carly Wilder, asst. color guard instructor-$150.00. Related to the resignation of Mrs. Fugate during band camp, and the hiring of Ms. Tobias, Ms. Tobias suggested that Mrs. Fugate be paid for the asst. band director, (originally intended for Ms. Tobias). Discussion ensued re: supplementals usually paid at the end of each year to instrumental instructors. Rodney Lauer made a motion to approve above list of band camp staff to be paid with Ms. Tobias as band director, and Mrs. Fugate as band camp support/asst. to receive $500.00. Zahid Siddiqi seconded. Question asked re: LMB handling administrative portion, ie, paying for band camp staff vs. London City Schools paying the band camp staff. Ms. Tobias stated that her payment for her help at band camp would be included in this year’s salary for 2016-2017. Motion amended by Lisa Brown to approve the payment to all band camp staff as follows: Angela Fugate, asst. band director-$500.00, Marina Vancill, woodwind instructor-$300.00,Andy Collins, low brass instructor-$300.00, Brittany Wagner, percussion instructor-$300.00, Lauren Holloway, color guard instructor-$500.00, Ann Merz, color guard instructor-$500.00, Sydney Cape, asst. color guard instructor-$150.00, Carly Wilder, asst. color guard instructor-$150.00. Second by Rodney Lauer. Motion carried.
- Additional front ensemble music for marching band show requested from Ms.Tobias. She stated some members only had a few notes to play on some songs, & additional music would help those members be more musically involved. Ms. Tobias stated she had obtained a quote for additional music from Brent Fugate of $500.00. She asked if he could be paid for his time/work on additional music. Lisa Brown suggested she would speak with school board member to request that school board pay that $500.00 to Brent Fugate. Allow the school board right of first refusal, and if refused, then she suggested LMB to pay Mr. Fugate the $500.00. Lisa Brown motioned that Ms. Tobias make statement to school board requesting additional front ensemble music be written by Mr. Brent Fugate for $500.00, and present it to the school board. If refused by board, then LMB stated they will pay as above. Second by Colleen Wolford, 1 abstention, Rodney Lauer.
- 1st band performance of this school year- football game/Jamboree, Thurs. 8/18/16, time to report to be announced soon via remind text/facebook/website/email.
- Ms. Tobias stated that Mrs. Fugate was going to switch over the remind texting access to her soon to help ease the transition of communication.
- Jeff Gates stated that he would like to set up a meeting with the treasurers of LMB and Ms. Kristine Blind, treasurer of LCS in order to figure out financial issues/how to handle requests for payments/reimbursements. He then would like to have a meeting with the LMB treasurers and Ms. Tobias, new band director re: above. Ms. Tobias stated she wanted to be included in the first meeting with Ms. Blind as well.
- LES vocal- no representatives; no report
- LMS/LHS vocal- no representatives;no report. Jeff Gates stated he had heard that the LMS musical date was scheduled for the 1st weekend in November; not the way it was documented on music calendar presented by Mrs. Fugate in May. He stated he would as the vocal director for clarification.
Committee & Other Reports:
- Concessions:
LMS football scrimmage Weds. 8/17/16, & LMB responsible to obtain workers. Kat Marriott is working on YourVolunteer signups online that may be accessed from website.
Recycling bin to be removed before 1st football game per Mr. Eisler’s request. Lisa Brown stated she would contact someone about that.
- Wardrobe: Connie Bechtel stated all uniforms will be ready by Weds. 8/10 for band pictures.
- Communications: Connie developed a sign out sheet for uniform components to be placed in uniform room. Ms. Tobias stated she would help enforce. If an item signed out & not returned, then Connie would submit the student’s name to the co-treasurers, and request that the parents be billed. Jackie Mills/Gander Mountain donated items for LHS Band: 2 canopies, 2 grills, 1 steamer, 1 cooler. Discussed the need for a thank you letter & picture or bumper sticker to be sent to Gander Mountain, (as they requested no publicity in the local paper.) Suzy Bennett asked who was responsible to send that letter. Group decided it would fall under the responsibility of the people on the Communications committee.
Connie thanked Lisa Brown for all her help with uniforms, and for laundering all last years’ gauntlets.
Connie stated after pictures completed on 8/10/16, all uniforms will be sent out to be drycleaned.
Jeff Gates asked Mr. Browning to check on status of lights & sound for Joyce Hildebrand auditorium. Will await Mr. Browning’s return from his honeymoon & start of school for response.
- Pit crew: Colleen Wolford volunteered to be on pit crew. Discussion about importance of finding out how many band-aides were signed up for this year as a full front ensemble of instruments.
- Color guard: no report
- Administration: no representatives present, no report
- Tri-boosters: no report
- Fundraising: Discussion re: State Theatre offer to have a movie in November where LMB could charge people admission & proceeds to help fund NYC trip for students. Connie to be contact person for that event.
Suzy Bennett stated unsure of amount earned from July Bob Evans fundraiser.
Jeff Gates made 100 copies of upcoming fundraising events & passed them out at band camp parent show on 8/5/16.
Lisa Brown presented the seat cushions purchased by Darryl Brown to be sold at football games as fundraiser. Discussion ensued re: the thin nature of the intended sale price of $5.00 per cushion being too much. Group determined they would be sold for $3.00 each, and a number would be placed in the pocket of each seat cushion. The “half-time show announcer” would announce the availability of the cushions & a chance to win a free Cappy’s Pizza. Lisa Brown to talk to Cappy’s about donating several pizzas. A number would be chosen randomly from a music booster rep, and the owner of that winning # would win a free Cappy’s Pizza at the game.
Lisa Brown also presented a new London Marching Band banner purchased by the Browns to use at home & away events,hoping to save the section for LHS marching band.
- Next meeting falls on Labor Day, so meeting date changed to Mon. 9/16/16 at 7pm LHS Commons
- Motion to adjourn meeting by Zahid Siddiqi, second by Nicole King. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.