Frank L. Bowser School
“Frank L. Bowser School- where learning is the focus.”
October, 2017
Dear Parents,
Here we are, already in our second month of school. Where did September go? I guess time flies at Frank L. Bowser School when the students and staff have been working so hard.
We held our “Meet the Teacher” evening and had a terrific turnout. Thanks to all who attended!
If you were not able to attend and haven’t yet contacted your child’s teacher please reach out to receive any important information relayed that evening. It is our goal to keep communication between school and home as easy and frequent as possible.
The members of your PSSC are as follows:
Duane MacDonald - Chair Shelly Hamilton - member Brenda Mawhinney - DEC Rep
Beverly Somers - Vice Chair Aimee Jorgensen - member Pamela Smith - Home and School Rep
Jackie Allen-Ashe – member Aimee Lockie– member Jonathan Godbout- Principal
Jennifer Drake – member Angela Rollo- member
Beverly English - Teacher Rep Leslie Chase- member
Thank you to our PSSC committee for serving our school community. Our first meeting is on Thursday October 26th at 6:00 pm. PSSC training for our area will be at Riverview Middle School on October 26th at 6:30pm. We will hold a quick introductory meeting at 6:00pm at Frank L. before heading over to the middle school as a group.
Kindergarten registration will be taking place this year from October 10th – 13th at Frank L. Bowser School for children who will turn five by December 31, 2018 and who start school in September 2018. We welcome all new registrations from 9 am to 3pm at Frank L. Bowser School. If you know of a friend or neighbour who has someone to be registered, please feel free to pass on the information. Parents will need the following information with them when they come to school to register:
Medicare card Immunization Records Proof of residence Birth certificate
The FLB Home and School Association is planning another event-filled year as they work to contribute to a positive family-oriented learning environment. The committee is concerned about the lack of response from this year’s Volunteer Drive. We are very short volunteers resulting in the possibility of not being able to offer as many wonderful initiatives to our student population this school year. If you are at all able to help out with any of the wonderful things happening here at FLB, please contact the school directly to get more information. Our volunteer base presently consists almost primarily of fourth and fifth grade parents. We are looking to pass the torch within these transitional years to a new volunteer base that will serve our students for years to come. Please consider this worthwhile venue to get involved in your child’s school. The committee discusses and makes recommendations on broad educational issues relating to school performance, goals for improvement, family and community involvement, and creating an inviting school climate. Memberships are 7$ for a single membership or 10$ for a family membership. The general moto is: “Do what you can, when you can”
Further information and forms can be obtained by phoning the school office at 856-3450.
If you do plan on helping out, District policy does require a criminal record check and a Policy 701 completion certificate. A letter can be obtained at the school to waive the fee for the background check and 701 is easily completed on line.
Fourth Grade In Harmony parents and families are invited to a special ceremony where our Grade 4 In Harmony students will be receiving their new violins. This ceremony will be held on Monday October 16th 2017 from 3:00pm-3:30pm in the FLB gym and all parents and family of students involved are invited to attend.
The All World Super Play Park (AWSPP) was built by the community in 1994. Due to the materials it was constructed of, and the changes in available preservatives, it is rapidly reaching the end of its life expectancy. Your FLB Playground Committee has been hard at work developing a plan, and a budget for its replacement. We are estimating a cost of $500,000 to keep the same look and feel, while increasing accessibility and ensuring longevity of the materials it is constructed of. Your Playground Committee cannot raise these funds on its own; we need your help. Please support the rebuild of the AWSPP via your participation in our fundraising initiatives; primarily our Chase the Ace ( Not only will you be supporting this great cause, you have a chance to win our Jackpot!! We have made ticket purchasing easy, and you DON’T have to be there to win!! We are also hosting a BBQ at Sobeys on Sat Oct. 7th to raise funds; we hope to see you there.
Website:Facebook:Chase the Ace:
Allergies- Wecontinue to have students with nut allergies as well as some classroom specific situations. Your child’s teacher will have let you know at this point if there any specific concerns within their particular class group. We appreciate your cooperation by sending only peanut-free foods to school with your child and by respecting the individual situations as informed. This is especially important when bringing one or two items from a treat bag after Halloween. In addition, we request that you and your family refrain from wearing scented products for the comfort and health of our scent-sensitive children and staff.
Visitors/volunteers- Please remember to stop by the office to pick up a visitor or a volunteer badge if you enter the building for any reason during the school day. We are committed to maintaining a focused learning environment during classtime therefore we request that interruptions to learning time be kept at an absolute minimum. If your child has forgotten a lunch, jacket, etc. please drop it off at the office and we will ensure that s/he receives it.
Communication- Our school website,E-Mail and Talk Mail are our primary means of communication with parents. If you do not receive thesee-mails please send us a note with your e-mail address or phone Mrs. Saulnier, our school’s Administrative Assistant 856-3450. I encourage you all to visit our website at to stay current with news, events, advisories and relevant documents. If you require a paper copy of our school correspondence, please send a note to your child’s teacher.
Active Construction- If your child walks towards Pine Glen Rd to or from school please reinforce the message given here at school that the back of the school is still an active construction site and can be very dangerous if trespassed upon. It is our goal to help guide all walking students to use sidewalks along roads to reach where they are going and not cut through any properties between Cleveland and Pine Glen, especially the area where heavy equipment is being used and stored directly behind the school. The route will be much easier once the loops are open which include beautiful new sidewalks.
Drop off and pick up- We will continue to offer the Kiss and Drop service in front of the school until our new loop is complete off of Pine Glen Rd. We should be all set to change our process within the first couple of weeks in October. Once our new bus loops are open off of Pine Glen Rd, we will no longer permit parent drop off or pick up on Cleveland Street. Please help us in changing the culture of our drop off and pick up routine once we open our loops. This will help in ensuring the safety of all students here at our school. The St. Paul’s church parking lot is not available for drop-off or school parking; please respect this restriction. We want to remain good neighbours.
Power Hour- The Boys & Girls Club of Riverview, in coordination with Frank L. Bowser, will be offering Power Hour; a six week physical recreation program. The program is designed to promote fun and fitness and will consist of sports and activities such as soccer, basketball, skipping and much more.
The program takes place on Thursdays at noon hour in the gym. The cost to parents is $8.00 which includes all six weeks. Students who are interested in participating should return payments and signed notices to their classroom teacher. Cheques can be made payable to Boys & Girls Club of Riverview. Our fifth graders started the program during the last week of September and those participating are having a blast! If cost is a factor for the involvement of this important opportunity, please contact the school directly and arrangements can be made.
Riverview Soccer Association started their afterschool program on September 28th. Skill development sessions are Thursdays throughout a ten week period. All involved are enjoying their time with Coach Florian. More information about the program is available by contacting the association directly at
Our Home and School Association will be selling School Clothing again throughout the first weeks of October again this year. More info will be coming home in your child’s agenda. Sizing will be available during the time of the sale.
EsteyAfter School Art Enrichmentis beginning Oct 4th on Wednesdays at FLB. More information can be obtained by visiting their website at or by phone: 870-8302. Sponsorships are available if financial constraints are a factor.
The All World Super Playpark Renewal Committee will be hosting a BBQ at Sobeys in Riverview on Saturday October 7 as a fundraiser for this important initiative throughout the day. Please join us for a hotdog or hamburger in order to support!
Our Home and School Association will be holding our annual Public Book Sale again this year on the evening of October 11th. The event will be held at the Frank L. Bowser Gymnasium from 6-8 pm.
Friday, October 13th is Picture Day at Frank L. Bowser School
On Wednesday, October 25th at 4:00 pm, we will be having our “Kindergarten Kick-off” parent meeting for next year’s Kindergarten parents.
Our Home and School Association will be selling popcorn again on Oct 26th. Cost is $1 per bag. Proceeds will go towards our Playground Renewal Initiative.
Halloween is fast approaching. Once again we are keeping the day curriculum focused. We recognize October 31st as Harvest day at Frank L. Bowser School and ask that students not wear costumes. As per our provincially mandated Healthy Learning Environment Policy, please do not sendyour child’s class treats during Halloween. If you do wish to do something for the class, please contact your child’s teacher, as veggies and fruit are welcome. Following Halloween please limit treats coming to school to a couple a day. Also, please check that treats are nut free.
Important Dates to note:October 7th / Playground Initiative BBQ at Sobeys throughout the day
October 9
October 11th
October 10th – 13th
October 13th
October 16th
October 19th
October 25th / NO SCHOOL (Thanksgiving)
Annual Book Sale Fundraiser 6-8 pm
Kindergarten registration 2017-2018
Grade 4 In Harmony Violin Ceremony FLB gym 3:00-3:30
HALF DAY FOR STUDENTS, Teacher Professional Learning in the afternoon
Kick off to kindergarten parent meeting at 4pm
October 26th / Home and School Popcorn Sale/ PSSC meeting at 6 at FLB, training at RMS 6:30
November 10th / NO SCHOOL (Teacher Professional Development)
November 13 / NO SCHOOL (Remembrance Day)
Remember to keep our school peanut-free and scent-free
for the safety and comfort of our students and staff
Respectfully yours,
Jonathan Godbout Lisa Cormier
Principal Vice Principal
Frank L. Bowser Mission Statement:
“Working together with mutual respect to achieve our personal best.”