Lucchetti et al.
Study Questionnaire – English language version
a) Male
b) Female
______years old
Family Income
R$ ______(R$ - “Reais” is the Brazilian currency)
( ) 1st ( ) 7th
( ) 2nd( ) 8th
( ) 3rd( ) 9th
( ) 4th( ) 10th
( ) 5th( ) 11th
( ) 6th( ) 12th
Facts about aging (Palmore-FAQ-1) -Multiple-choice version
- The proportion of peopleover 65 who are senile (have impaired memory, disorientation, or dementia) is:
a)about 1 in 100
b)about 1 in 10
c)about 1 in 2
d)the majority
- The senses that tend to weaken in old age are:
a)sight and hearing
b)taste and smell
c)sight, hearing and touch
d)all five senses
- The majority of old couples:
a)have little or no interest in sex
b)are not able to have sexual relations
c)continue to enjoy sexual relations
d)think sex is only for the young
- Lung vital capacity in old age
a)tends to decline
b)stays about the same among non-smokers
c)tends to increase among healthy old people
d)is unrelated to age
- Happiness among old people is:
a) rare
b) less common than among younger people
c) about as common as among younger people
d) more common than among younger people
- Physical strength:
a)tends to decline with age
b)tends to remain the same among healthy old people
c)tends to increase among healthy old people
d)is unrelated to age
- The percentage of people over 65 in long-stay institutions (such as nursing homes, mental hospitals, and homes for the aged) is about:
- The accident rate per driver over age 65 is:
a)higher than for those under 65
b)about the same as for those under 65
c)lower than for those under 65
- Most Workers over 65:
a)work less effectively than younger workers
b)work as effectively as younger workers
c)work more effectively than younger workers
d)are preferred by most employers
- The proportion of people over 65 who are able to do their normal activities is about:
- Adaptability to change among people over 65 is:
b)present among about half
c)present among most
d)more common than younger people
- As for old people learning new things:
a)most are unable to learn at any speed
b)most are able to learn, but at a lower speed
c)most are able to learn as fast as younger people
d)learning speed is unrelated to age
- Depression is more frequent among:
a)people over 65
b)adults under 65
c)young people
- Old people tend to react:
a)slower than younger people
b)at about the same speed as younger people
c)faster than younger people
d)slower or faster than younger people, depending on the type of test
- Old people tend to be:
a)more alike than younger people
b)the same as younger people in terms of alikeness
c)less alike than younger people
d)more alike in some respects and less alike in others
- Most old people say:
a)they are seldom bored
b)they are sometimes bored
c)they are often bored
d)life is monotonous
- The proportion of old people who are socially isolated is:
a)almost all
b)about half
c)less than a fourth
d)almost none
- The accident rate among workers over 65 tends to be:
a)higher than among younger workers
b)about the same as among younger workers
c)lower than among younger workers
d)unknown because there are so few workers over 65
- The proportion of the Brazilian population now age 65 years or over is:
- Medical practitioners tend to give older patients:
a)lower priority than younger patients
b)the same priorityas younger patients
c)higher priority than younger patients
d)higher priority if they were from the SUS (Unified Brazilian Health System)
- The poverty rate among old people is:
a)higher than among children under age 18
b)higher than among all persons under 65
c)about the same as among persons under 65
d)lower than among persons under 65
- Most old people are:
b)employed or would like to be employed
c)employed, do housework or volunteer work, or would like to do some kind of work
d)not interested in any work
- Religiosity tends to be:
a)increase in old age
b)decrease in old age
c)be greater in the older generation than in the younger generations
d)be unrelated to age
- Most old people:
a)are seldom angry
b)are often angry
c)are often grouchy
d)often lose their tempers
- The health and economic status of old people (compared to younger people) in the year of 2030 will:
a)be higher than now
b)be about the same as now
c)be lower than now
d)show no consistent trend
Modified Maxwell-Sullivan attitudes toward the elderly scale
Attitude toward caringfor the elderly
1.I will welcome elderly patients to my practice
a) strongly agree
b) agree
c) neither agree nor disagree
d) disagree
e) strongly disagree
2. Medical care ofelderly can bedone quickly
a) strongly agree
b) agree
c) neither agree nor disagree
d) disagree
e) strongly disagree
3. Wearisome to takecare of elderly
a) strongly agree
b) agree
c) neither agree nor disagree
d) disagree
e) strongly disagree
4. Elderly need toomuch attentionand sympathy
a) strongly agree
b) agree
c) neither agree nor disagree
d) disagree
e) strongly disagree
5. Treatment of elderlyis hopeless
a) strongly agree
b) agree
c) neither agree nor disagree
d) disagree
e) strongly disagree
6. Elderly are not ableto take care oftheir own needs
a) strongly agree
b) agree
c) neither agree nor disagree
d) disagree
e) strongly disagree
7. Elderly takemedicines asprescribed
a) strongly agree
b) agree
c) neither agree nor disagree
d) disagree
e) strongly disagree
8. Treatment of elderlyis too timeconsuming
a) strongly agree
b) agree
c) neither agree nor disagree
d) disagree
e) strongly disagree
Empathy to geriatricpatients
1. I can truly empathizewith older patients
a) strongly agree
b) agree
c) neither agree nor disagree
d) disagree
e) strongly disagree
2. I understand what itfeels like to haveproblems withaging
a) strongly agree
b) agree
c) neither agree nor disagree
d) disagree
e) strongly disagree
3. Understanding my elderly patients isvaluable to me
a) strongly agree
b) agree
c) neither agree nor disagree
d) disagree
e) strongly disagree
UCLA Geriatric Attitudes Test
1. Most old people are pleasant to be with
a) strongly disagree
b) somewhat disagree
c) somewhat neutral
d) agree
e) strongly agree
2. The federal government should reallocate money from Medicare to research on AIDS or pediatric diseases.
a) strongly disagree
b) somewhat disagree
c) somewhat neutral
d) agree
e) strongly agree
3. If I have the choice, I would rather see younger patients than elderly ones.
a) strongly disagree
b) somewhat disagree
c) somewhat neutral
d) agree
e) strongly agree
4. It is society’s responsibility to provide care for its elderly persons.
a) strongly disagree
b) somewhat disagree
c) somewhat neutral
d) agree
e) strongly agree
5. Medical care for old people uses up too much human and material resources.
a) strongly disagree
b) somewhat disagree
c) somewhat neutral
d) agree
e) strongly agree
6. As people grow older, they become less organized and more confused.
a) strongly disagree
b) somewhat disagree
c) somewhat neutral
d) agree
e) strongly agree
7. Elderly patients tend to be more appreciative of the medical care I provide than are younger patients.
a) strongly disagree
b) somewhat disagree
c) somewhat neutral
d) agree
e) strongly agree
8. Taking a medical history from elderly patients is frequently an ordeal.
a) strongly disagree
b) somewhat disagree
c) somewhat neutral
d) agree
e) strongly agree
9. I tend to pay more attention and have more sympathy towards my elderly patients than my younger patients
a) strongly disagree
b) somewhat disagree
c) somewhat neutral
d) agree
e) strongly agree
10. Old people in general do not contribute much to society
a) strongly disagree
b) somewhat disagree
c) somewhat neutral
d) agree
e) strongly agree
11. Treatment of chronically ill old patients is hopeless.
a) strongly disagree
b) somewhat disagree
c) somewhat neutral
d) agree
e) strongly agree
12. Old persons don’t contribute their fair share towards paying for their health care.
a) strongly disagree
b) somewhat disagree
c) somewhat neutral
d) agree
e) strongly agree
13. In general, old people act too slow for modern society.
a) strongly disagree
b) somewhat disagree
c) somewhat neutral
d) agree
e) strongly agree
14. It is interesting listening to old people's accounts of theirpast experiences.
a) strongly disagree
b) somewhat disagree
c) somewhat neutral
d) agree
e) strongly agree
Basic knowledge in geriatrics
1) Older patient presents a progressive cognitive impairment, visual hallucinations, bradykinesia and cognitive fluctuation. The first hypothesis for this patient should be:
(A) Progressive supranuclear palsy
(B) Frontotemporal dementia
(C) Dementia with Lewy bodies
(D) Parkinson's disease dementia
2) A 75-year-old patient, with no psychiatric history, was hospitalized due to a urinary tract infection. During the hospitalization, the patient became agitated, presented visual hallucination and was disoriented in time and space. The most probable diagnosis is:
(A) Alzheimer’s disease
(B) Delirium
(C) Vascular dementia
(D) Depression with psychosis
(E) Panic disorder
3)The development of a gradual onset and continuing memory impairment, at least ONE cognitive disturbance (aphasia, apraxia, agnosia and executive functioning), social and occupational function impairment, no significant anatomical changes in neuroimaging, no infectious or metabolic disorders and the disturbance is not better accounted for by another disorder (e.g., major depressive disorder, schizophrenia).
These are hallmark characteristics of:
(A) depression
(B) Progressive nonfluent aphasia
(C) Mild cognitive impairment
(D) Alzheimer’s disease
(E) Frontotemporal dementia
4) The following are considered potentially inappropriate medications in the elderly, with the exception of:
(A) tricyclic antidepressants (e.g. amitriptyline)
(B) antihistamines (e.g. Dexchlorpheniramine)
(C) antiarrhythmic drugs (e.g. amiodarone)
(D) benzodiazepines (e.g. diazepam)
(E) Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors (e.g. enalapril)
5) The prescription of medications in the elderly must be careful because:
(A) the increase in the fat mass and the reduction in total body water are responsible for increasing the half-life of liposoluble drugs and for decreasing the distribution of hydrosoluble drugs
(B) the high liver blood flow that happens with aging increases the metabolism of flow-dependent drugs
(C) The high activity of the P450 cytochrome that happens with agingincreases the oxidative metabolism
(D) the increase of the kidney mass and renal flow with aging reduces the clearance for renally excreted drugs
6) The pharmacological treatment for Alzheimer’s disease is:
(A) Hypnotics
(B) Phytotherapeutic Drugs
(C) Anticholinergics
(D) Anti-cholinesterase drugs
(E) Antipsychotics
7) Concerning the treatment of the vascular dementia, please choose the correct answer:
(A) Gingko bilobahas a proved positive effect in the cognitive impairment
(B) Nimodipine is indicated after an ischemic event.
(C) Hydergine® (ergoloidmesylates) is recommended for the long-term treatment
(D) The use of oral anticoagulants can prevent the vascular dementia
(E) Controlling risk factors such as hypertension and diabetes is the best preventive approach
8) In the initial stages of Alzheimer’s disease, we can early observe:
(A) Gait disorder
(B) Apraxia.
(C) Aphasia.
(D) Memory impairment
(E) Sleepiness
9) The comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA):
(A) is better designed to use in non frail older persons
(B) usesmultiprofessional teams and several assessment tools
(C) does not increase the number of diagnosis
(D) does not impact the institutionalization
10) Which of the following are used in the Katz Index of Independence in Activities of Daily Living:
(A) feeding, continence and taking medications correctly
(B) bathing, dressing and taking medications correctly
(C) be oriented in time and space, changing in position and toileting
(D) financing care, cooking andfeeding.
(E)feeding, dressing and toileting