1st Grade Week 11: Chapter 11- The Church’s Guide / Unit: The Church
Catechist Preparation:
Alive in Christ- Chapter 11 The Church’s Guide pp 159A-168
Bible Verses: Psalm 143:10 Galatians 5:22-25 John 14:26
  • Recognize The Holy Spirit as the Third Divine Person of the Holy Trinity
  • Discover Jesus’ promise of the Holy Spirit to guide the Church
  • Learn that a guide helps us and shows us the way.
  • Appreciate “The Little Way” of St. Therese of Lisieux

Lesson Plan: God the Holy Spirit, the Advocate, Pentecost, Confirmation
Welcome / Symbols of the Holy Spiritcoloring sheet
space / Opening Prayer: The Lord’s Prayer with sign language (in lesson plan)
Let Us Pray p. 159 God’s Word What Do You Wonder?
Review: What is the Trinity? (count 1,2,3 then enclose with left hand), Christmas, Advent
Discover / Symbols of the Holy Spirit: see coloring sheet
“Tongues of fire” = Pentecost Dove = Baptism of Jesus
Hand of God = The Handwriting on the wall- Daniel Water or anointing = our Baptism
Cloud with light coming from it= Baptism of Jesus Light = our baptism + Transfiguration
Holy Oil of Chrism = Samuel anointing David
Song of Praise
I am a New Creation / Being a guide- Partner the students & have them stand on opposite sides of the room. Taking turns, one child covers his or her eyes, and the other child calls out directions to help their partner cross the room.
The challenge of being guided and understanding that we are led by the giving and receiving of instructions.
Invite the students to giveyousome simple directions, like raise your hand, smile, walk around the room. Then put on headphones and pretend that you can't hear what they are saying to you. Ignore them and do not follow their directions. Take the headphones off and lead discussion:
How did you feel when I ignored you?
Why didn't I follow your directions?
What happens when you don’t see or pay attention to signs and directions?
God speaks to us in many different ways.
One of those ways is through the Holy Spirit who lives in us. God, the Holy Spirit is our guide.
Put on the headphones briefly and then take them off. Point out that wearing the headphones is like tuning out or ignoring the Holy Spirit's call to us.The Holy Spirit shows us how to love and serve. If we live like we have headphones on, we can’t hear the voice of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus told the disciples He would send the Holy Spirit. Tell the story of Pentecost: Acts 2:1
The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit: Confirmation bag
  1. Piety- listening to God –sea shell
  2. Understanding- nightlight bulb
  3. Knowledge- dollhouse book
  4. Fear of the Lord- Easter chick-being afraid=being chicken
  5. Council- making good choices- penny (not flipping a coin to make an important decision)
  6. Wisdom- owl
  7. Fortitude- rock=solid, strong
Have the children check off two Gifts of the Holy Spirit that they have seen in their family.
  • Introduce the 7 Sacraments- gifts of Grace from God. - We will cover them one at a time.
Today we’ll learn about The Sacrament of Confirmation: (see below)- usually received in middle school. Receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit. We say “Yes” to God, remember when we talked about the Saints?
Pretend to anoint the students by making a cross on their forehead with your thumb, saying,
“______, be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit.” As in confirmation.
People of Faith / Saint Therese p. 162 Saint Rose of Lima p. 165
Sending Forth / Closing Prayer: Glory Be

Materials: Green = provided by CRE / Blue = on website / Purple = Optional, catechists provide