Finger Lakes District Fall 2017 Meeting Minutes
September 19, 2017
Committee Members in Attendance: Andrew Bartlett, Vicki Wilkins, Michael Huson, Linda Riek,Heather Odden, Sue O’Brien, LexieMomberger, Kathleen Hilberg, Julie Cultrara
Excused: Cathy Talbett (Vice Chair)
Introductions/new EC members: Andrew Bartlett (Director), Vicki Wilkins (Chair), Michael Huson (Treasurer), Linda Riek (Secretary), Cathy Talbett(Vice Chair), Peggy Kerr (Membership Liaison), Heather Odden (Education Liaison), Sue O’Brien (Legislative Liaison), LexieMomberger (Social Media Liaison), Kathleen Hilberg (PT Student Liaison), Julie Cultrara (PTA Student Liaison)
Welcome/Membership Matters
Peggy Kerr discussed benefits of being an APTA member and encouraged individuals to join.
Board of Directors Update:
Andrew Bartlett updated the District on State proceedings including the following:
Stated budget being posted on the Chapter website
Student SIG was passed by the BOD
Andrew also discussed PT Month and Global Day of Service with the District and asked people to send suggestions to him. Discussed open positions within the District such as the Nominating Committee and the importance of members being involved.
Informed members that the District budget was posted and that we would vote next meeting
Legislative update
Sue O’Brien reviewed passed bills (DPT protection/PTAs and Workers’ Comp- heading to Cuomo for signature; AT expansion of scope – passed Senate but by smaller majority). Download APTA Action App to get information on Federal bills. NYPTA to join by 2018, so that we can also get info on state bills and also send emails to all our reps.
Continue Education Programming
Heather Odden presented format change with optional “Go to Meeting” for next continuing education event.
Continuing Education:
Andrew Bartlett introduced the presenter, Dr. Walter Jenkins. Continuing Education Topic – Lateral Ankle Instability. 59 total attendees (27 Students, 30 PTs and 2 PTAs) resulted in $380 being raised at the event.