CHM 123 Chapter 7: 7.5 – 7.6 and 7.8 – 7.9

Electron-Dot Structure: the Octet Rule

Electron-dot structures, or Lewis structures

  shows pattern of valence electron distribution in the molecule

  useful for understanding the bonding in many compounds

  allows us to predict shapes of molecules

  allows us to predict properties of molecules and how they will interact together

Lewis theory

  the basis of Lewis Theory is that there are certain electron arrangements in the atom that are more stable

◦  octet rule

  bonding occurs so atoms attain a more stable electron configuration

◦  more stable = lower potential energy

◦  no attempt to quantify the energy as the calculation is extremely complex

  Bonding pair: two of which are shared with other atoms

  Lone pair or nonbonding pair: those that are not used for bonding

The Octet Rule

  when atoms bond, they tend to gain, lose, or share electrons to result in 8 valence electrons


◦  noble gas configuration

  Duet Rule: sharing of 2 electrons

◦  E.g H2

  H : H

  Octet Rule: sharing of 8 electrons

◦  Carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and fluorine always obey this rule in a stable molecule

◦  E.g F2, O2

many exceptions

◦  H, Li, Be, B attain an electron configuration like He

◦  He = 2 valence electrons

  Li loses its one valence electron

  H shares or gains one electron

◦  though it commonly loses its one electron to become H+

  Be loses 2 electrons to become Be2+

◦  though it commonly shares its two electrons in covalent bonds, resulting in 4 valence electrons

  B loses 3 electrons to become B3+

◦  though it commonly shares its three electrons in covalent bonds, resulting in 6 valence electrons

◦  expanded octets for elements in Period 3 or below

  using empty valence d orbitals

Rules for writing Dots Lewis structures

  use common bonding patterns

structures which result in bonding patterns different from common have formal charges

  Write the correct skeletal structure for molecule

◦  Least electronegative atom will be in the center

◦  Hydrogen will always be the terminal

  Calculate the total number of electrons for the Lewis structure by summing the valence electrons of each atom in the molecule

◦  If polyatomic ions, charges must be considered when calculating the total valence electrons

  Distribute the electrons among the atoms, giving octets (or duet for hydrogen) to as many atoms as possible

  If any atoms lack an octet, form double or triple bonds as necessary to give them octets.

  expanded octets

◦  elements with empty d orbitals can have more than 8 electrons

  odd number electron species e.g., NO

◦  will have 1 unpaired electron

◦  free-radical

◦  very reactive

  incomplete octets

◦  B, Al

  Draw a Lewis formula then assign formal charge for the following molecules and/or ions


NH4+ SO32-

Drawing electron-dot structures for molecules with one central atom and multiple bonds



Electron-dot for Radical


Expanded octet


7.8 Electron-dot structures of compounds containing only hydrogen and second-row elements


7.9 – Resonance

  when there is more than one Lewis structure for a molecule that differ only in the position of the electrons, they are called resonance structures

  the actual molecule is a combination of the resonance forms – a resonance hybrid

◦  it does not resonate between the two forms, though we often draw it that way

look for multiple bonds or lone pairs

Rules for drawing resonance

  Resonance structures must have the same connectivity

◦  only electron positions can change

  Resonance structures must have the same number of electrons

  Second row elements have a maximum of 8 electrons

◦  bonding and nonbonding

◦  third row can have expanded octet

  Formal charges must total same

  Better structures have fewer formal charges

  Better structures have smaller formal charges

Draw all possible resonance structures and a resonance hydrid

◦  NO3-

◦  SO2
