Honors U.S. History Name:

Mr. Irwin

Monday, February 22, 2016 Week 22 Period:

Lecture #19 - BECOMING A WORLD POWER 1865 - 1900

The Pressure to Expand

Key Terms:


A.  The policy of extending a nation’s authority over other countries by economic, political, or military means.

B.  The policy or principle of having and extending control over the territory of other nations; creating or maintaining an empire for the purpose of extending the influence of the country engaged in imperialism.


A.  a devotion to the interests and culture of one’s nation.

B.  Nationalism often describes a condition in which a nation’s people believe themselves, their ideals, and their goals to be superior to those of other nations.


A. To join a new territory to an existing country.

banana republic

A.  A slang term used to describe Central American nations that were being exploited during the U.S. period of imperialism of the late 1800s – early 1900s.


As America approached the twentieth century, it had, in a very short period of time, undergone tremendous change. The Industrial Revolution had helped the U.S. transform from a predominantly agricultural nation, to a nation diversified in farming, ranching, business, technology, and international trade. With industry, came job opportunities, and as the result, cities developed near industrial areas where work was plentiful. The invention of the steam engine was applied to transportation, in the form of railroad engines. This adaptation of technology motivated railroad companies to build thousands of miles of track, which served to link the country together. It also helped establish an American national identity that was rooted in capitalism and consumerism.

Upon having accomplished Manifest Destiny, two questions seem to have developed in the minds of many Americans:

1.  “How will the U.S. continue to grow and prosper?”

2.  “What should the U.S. do to develop and protect its economic interests?”

Imperialism is the thread that links these two questions.

In the mid to late 1800s, the major powers of Europe sought to increase their wealth through the practice of imperialism. By the late 1800s, much of Africa and Asia was under the control of European nations, with Great Britain leading the pack (France, Russia and Germany, being the other major European imperialistic powers). An example of the vastness of the British Empire at its peak was the quote:

“The sun never sets on the British Empire.”

In the late 1800s – early 1900s, U.S. businessmen and the companies that they represented, went abroad to Central America, and to islands in the Atlantic, and in the Pacific, to set up plantations and other types of profitable business ventures. Around the same time, U.S. government officials observed that the major powers of Europe had successfully profited from their imperialistic colonies. As the result, speeches and debates took place in our congress about the need to expand American influence beyond its borders. Many people thought that the time was right for the U.S. to follow the European lead, and that we too should grow through imperialism.

Factors That Accounted for the Spread of 19th Century Imperialism:

Economic Factors:

1. The growth of industry in Europe created an increased need for natural resources such as rubber and petroleum, which came primarily from underdeveloped regions of the world.

2. Manufacturing nations required new markets in which to sell their manufactured goods.

Nationalistic Factors:

1. An increase in nationalism among the major European powers created a climate of competition in which each of the major powers sought to grow and become stronger than its neighbors.

Military Factors:

1. Expanses in military technology produced armies and navies that were superior to those in Africa and Asia.

2. The growing European navies sought bases around the world that could be used for refueling and repair stations.

Humanitarian Factors:

1. Some imperialistic activity was encouraged by people and organizations of strong

humanitarian and religious convictions.

2. There was a belief that it was a moral duty to spread elements of Western civilization such as religion, medicine, food, law and government.

The U.S. Acquires Alaska:

In 1867, Secretary of State William H. Seward arranged for the purchase of Alaska from Russia. This was viewed as a protective move, as Seward believed that by having U.S. territory on two sides of Canada, Great Britain might abandon its interests in Canada (thinking that Great Britain would not want to have another military conflict with the U.S.).

Detractors of the Alaska purchase thought that Seward was proposing to buy a worthless frozen land, as the result, the Alaska purchase was sometimes referred to as “Seward’s folly.”

U.S. Influence in the Far East:

In 1853, Commodore Matthew C. Perry sailed into Tokyo Bay and opened trade relations with Japan. By the 1860s, the U.S. and several European nations had signed treaties for expanded trade with China.

Like the Europeans, the U.S. needed fueling stations for its navy. As the result, the U.S. annexed the (uninhabited) Pacific island of Midway, in 1867.

Hawaii Sugar:

In 1875, the U.S. signed a treaty with the monarchy of Hawaii. Under this treaty, Hawaii would be allowed to send its sugar to the U.S. without having a tariff imposed upon its product. In return, Hawaii agreed that it would not sell or lease any of its territory to a foreign power.

Grant Enforces the Monroe Doctrine:

In 1870, President Ulysses S. Grant announced that under the Monroe Doctrine, the U.S. would protect the islands of the Caribbean from being transferred to European powers.

Supply and Demand Considered:

By the late 1800s, the U.S. had developed into a strong industrial economy. America was producing goods at the highest rate ever. Unfortunately, domestic consumption of these goods could not keep up with what was being produced. According to the Law of Supply and Demand, an excess supply causes prices to fall. Falling prices are not good for the businesses that produce products. As a way to increase demand for U.S. made goods, America looked to foreign markets.

Expansionist Business & Economic Policy:

By the turn of the 20th century, Standard Oil Company and American Telephone and Telegraph were conducting business on an international level. Some American business leaders actually invested directly in the economies of other countries. In return, they sometimes received special considerations such as long-term leases on land, and exclusive rights to conduct business, free of competition. These special arrangements allowed American businesses to become the dominant element in some of the foreign economies. This was especially true in Central America, where the term banana republic was coined.

America Builds a Navy:

Between the end of the Civil War and 1882, the U.S. had done little to improve its navy. What we had in the way of ships were old and outdated. In 1890, Naval officer Alfred T. Mahan published a book titled, The Influence of Sea Power Upon History, 1600-1783. In his book, Mahan presented two important arguments:

1. The nation’s economic future would require new markets abroad.

2. The U.S. would need a powerful navy to protect these foreign markets from competing nations.

Congress responded by passing the Naval Act of 1890. This act called for the construction of a variety of ships, including battleships, gunboats, torpedo boats, and cruisers. By 1900, the U.S. had one of the most powerful navies in the world.

- End of Lecture -