Studies on Rural Planning (鄉村規劃專題)
周志龍 2013/9/27
I. Lectures
1. Basics
Pacione, M. (1984) Rural Geography. London: Paul Chapman Publishing Ltd.
2. New Ruralism
鄉村治理(rural governance)、鄉村復育(rural restoration)、後生產主義(post-productionism)
Evans, N. Morris, C. and Winter, M. (2002) ‘Conceptualizing agriculture: a critique of post-productivism as the new orthodoxy.” Progress in Human Geography 26(3): 313-332.
● Wilson, G. A. and Rigg, J. (2003) ‘Post-productivist’ agricultural regimes and the South: discordant concepts.” Progress in Human Geography 27(6): 681-707.
● Mather, A. S., Hill, G. and Nijnik, M. (2006) ‘Post-productivism and rural land sue: cul de sac or challenge for theorization?’ Journal of Rural Studies 22: 441-455.
Deybe, D. (2007) ‘Policies, research perspective and challenges on multifunctional land use.’ In Multifunctional land use. Edited by Mander U. Wiggering H. and Helming K. Berlin: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelber. Pp. 143-152.
Groot, D. Hein, L. (2007) ‘the concept and valuation of landscape goods and services.’ In Multifunctional land use. Edited by Mander U. Wiggering H. and Helming K. Berlin: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelber. Pp. 15-36.
Hagedorn, K. (2007) ‘Towards an institutional theory of multifunctionality.’ In Multifunctional land use. Edited by Mander U. Wiggering H. and Helming K. Berlin: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelber. Pp. 105-124.
Mander U. Wiggering H. and Helming K. (eds.) (2007) Multifunctional land use. Berlin: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelber.
Meyer, B. Degorski, M. (2007) ‘Integration of multifunctional goals into land use – the planning perspective.’ In Multifunctional land use. Edited by Mander U. Wiggering H. and Helming K. Berlin: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelber. Pp. 153-166.
Day, G. (1998) ‘Working with the grain? Towards sustainable rural and community development.’ Journal of Rural Studies 14(1): 89-105.
Edwards, B. Goodwin, M. pemberton, s. and Woods, M. (2001) ‘Partnerships, power, and scale in rural governance.’ Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 19: 289-310.
Gorton, M. Hubbard, C. and Hubbard, L. (2009) ‘The folly of European union policy transfer: why the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) does not fit central and eastern Europe?’ Regional Studies 43(10): 1305-1317.
Hide, K. Farsund, A. A. and Lysgard, H. K. (2009) ‘Urban-rural flows and the meaning of borders: functional and symbolic integration in Norwegian city-regions.’ European Urban and Regional Studies 16(4): 409-421.
Lowe, P. and Ward, N. (2009) ‘England’s rural futures: a socio-geographical approach to scenarios analysis.’ Regional Studies 43(10): 1319-1332.
Selfa, T. and Endter-Wada, J. (2008) ‘The politics of community-based conservation in natural resource management: a focus for international comparative analysis.’ Environmental and Planning A 40: 948-965.
Shucksmith, M. Cameron, S. Merridew, T. and Pichler, F. (2009) ‘Urban-rural differences in quality of life across the European Union.’ Regional Studies 43(10): 1275-1289.
Ward, N. and Brown, D. L. (2009) ‘Placing the rural in regional development.’ Regional Studies 43(10): 1237-1244.
Woodhouse, A. (2006) ‘Social capital and economic development in regional Australia: a case study.’ Journal of Rural Studies 22: 83-94.
3. Concept of Rural planning and policy in the West
Quality of life capital, Landscape character assessment and Rural planning policy
OECD (2003) The Future of Rural Policy from sectoral to place-based policies in rural Areas.’ France: OECD Publications.
●Alexander, A. (2006) ‘Rural policy, rural communities and the planning system.’ Town & Country Planning December : 351-355.
CAG Consultants and Land Use Consultants (2001) Overview Report: Quality of life capital, Managing environmental, social and economic benefits.
●Pezzini, M. (2001) ‘Rural policy lessons from OECD countries.’ International regional science review 24(1): 134-145.
The Countryside Agency (2000) Landscape character assessment: guidance for Scotland and England. Scottish Natural Heritage. West Yorkshire: Countryside Agency Publications.
The Countryside Agency (2001) Planning tomorrow’s countryside. West Yorkshire: Countryside Agency Publications.
4. Rural planning and policy in Taiwan
周志龍 (forthcoming)眺望台灣鄉村與規劃。
II. Literatures
1 Globalization and Development Change in Rural Region
●McCarthy, J. (2008) ‘Rural geography: globalizing the countryside.’ Progress in Human Geograhpy 32(1): 129-137.
●Woods M. (2010) ‘Performing rurality and practicing rural geography.’ Progress in Human Geograhpy 34(6): 835-846.
●Munton R. (1995) Regulating rural change: property rights, economy and environment – a case study from Cumbria , UK. Journal of Rural Studies 11 (3): 269-284.
2 Rural Development and the state
Marsden, T. (1998) ‘New rural territories: regulating the differentiated rural spaces.’ Journal of Rural Studies 14(1): 107-117.
Midmore, P. and Whittaker, J. (2000) ‘Economics for sustainable rural systems.’ Ecological Economics 35: 173-189.
●Terluin, I. J. (2003) ‘Differences in economic development in rural regions of advanced countries: an overview and critical analysis of theories.’ Journal of Rural Studies 19: 327-344.
●Newby, H. (1985) "Locality and rurality: the restructuring of rural social relations." Regional Studies 20(3): 209-215.
●Feser E. and Isserman A. (2009) ‘The rural role in national value chains.’ Regional Studie 43(1): 89-109.
●Pearce G. Ayres, S. Tricker, M. (2005) ‘Decentralisation and devolution to the English regions: assessing the implications for rural policy and delivery. Journal of Rural Studies 21: 197-212.
3 Rural form and Settlement
Lynch, K. (1960) The Image of The City. Cambridge: The MIT Press.
Musacchio, L. Crewe, K. Steiner, F. and Schmidt, J. (2003) ‘The future of agricultural landscape preservation in the Phoenix metropolitan region.’ Landscape journal 22: 140-153.
Pacione, M. (1984) “Evaluation of the settlement pattern.’ And ‘Spatial organization of settlement.” In Rural Geography Ch.1 and Ch.2. London: Paul Chapman Publishing Ltd.
4 Rural sprawl and Regulation
Pacione, M. (1984) ‘metropolitan villages.’ In Rural Geography Ch.10. London: Paul Chapman Publishing Ltd.
5 Rural population and community
Pacione, M. (1984) ‘population dynamics’ and ‘rural communities’ In Rural Geography Ch.8 and Ch.9. London: Paul Chapman Publishing Ltd.
Beazley M. and Smith, M. (2013) Community capacity building in rural areas: a first interation/issues report. University of Birmingaham.
6 Rural housing, employment and service
Pacione, M. (1984) ‘Quality of life.’ In Rural Geography Ch.12. London: Paul Chapman Publishing Ltd.
Pacione, M. (1984) ‘Housing’ In Rural Geography Ch.13. London: Paul Chapman Publishing Ltd.
Pacione, M. (1984) ‘employment and rural development.’ In Rural Geography Ch.14. London: Paul Chapman Publishing Ltd.
Pacione, M. (1984) ‘service provision.’ In Rural Geography Ch.14. London: Paul Chapman Publishing Ltd.
7 Rural Strategic Planning
Albrechts, L. (2004) “Strategic (spatial) planning reexamined.” Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 31: 743-758.
Gilg, A. W. (1996) Countryside Planning. London: Routledge.
●Curry, N. and Owen S. (2009) ‘Rural planning in England- a critique of current policy.’ Town Planning Review 80(6): 575-595.
8 Rural Land Use Planning
●Alexander, A. (2006) ‘Rural policy, rural communities and the planning system.’ Town & Country Planning December : 351-355.
Lier, Hubert N. (1998) “The role of land use planning in sustainable rural systems.” Landscape and urban planning 41: 83-91.
Van der Vlist, M. J. (1998) ‘Land use planning in the Netherlands; finding a balance between rural development and protection of the environment.’ Landscape and urban planning 41: 135-144.
Cloke, P. J. (1988) Rural Land-Use Planning in Developed Nations. London: Unwin Hyman.
Countryside Agency (2001) ‘A strategy for sustainable land management in England.’ London: Countryside Agency Publications.
Takeuchi, K. Namiki, Y. and Tanaka, H. (1998) ‘Designing eco-villages for revitalizing Japanese rural areas.’ Ecological Engineering 11: 177-197.
周志龍 (forthcoming)鄉村規劃。
9 Rural Development and Restoration in Taiwan
農委會(1981) 農村土地利用與社區發展綜合規劃研究報告。
周志龍 (forthcoming)眺望台灣鄉村與規劃。
III. 農村再生政策與計畫專題研討
1. 台灣農村再生的機會與挑戰
2. 農村再生條例與社會論爭
3. 農村再生規劃體系與問題
4. 農村再生推動機制檢討
VI. Evaluation
1 上課討論,並參與課堂問答
2 課堂準備一份先進國家農村規劃經驗之報告
3 文獻閱讀報告,並交再生投稿短文乙份,作為學期報告。