Yonkers Parking Authority

Regular Board Meeting of January 27, 2009

Resolution No: 2009-01a – Adoption of FY 2009 Budget

Moved: Michael Ramondelli

Second: Brian Nicoletti

Vote: 4-0

Yes: 4


Absent: Louis Nigrello

WHEREAS, the Executive Director is required to submit an annual Budget for the review and approval of the Yonkers Parking Authority Board, and;

WHEREAS, the proposed: FY2009 Expense, Revenue and Capital budgets are provided for the Board’s review, and;

NOW, therefore, be it resolved, that the Yonkers Parking Authority Board approve the attached FY2009 Expense, Revenue and Capital budgets.

Yonkers Parking Authority

Regular Board Meeting of January 27, 2009

Resolution No: 2009-01b– Adoption of FY 2009 Buena Vista Parking Garage Budget

Moved: Brian Nicoletti Second: Michael Ramondelli

Vote: 4-0

Yes: 4


Absent: Louis Nigrello

WHEREAS, the Executive Director is required to submit an annual Budget for the review and approval of the Yonkers Parking Authority Board, and;

WHEREAS, the proposed: FY2009 Expense, Revenue and Capital budgets are provided for the Board’s review, and;

NOW, therefore, be it resolved, that the Yonkers Parking Authority Board approve the attached FY2009 Buena Vista Parking Garage budget.

Yonkers Parking Authority

Regular Board Meeting of February 24, 2009

Resolution 2009-02- Request to Renew CTR Service Agreement

Moved: Patricia Kischak

Second: Brian Nicoletti

Vote: 4-0

Yea: 4



Absent: Louis Nigrello

WHEREAS; a service agreement was negotiated between the Yonkers Parking Authority and CTR Systems, Inc. on January 1, 2007 for inspecting and upgrading the parking and revenue control equipment within the Buena Vista Garage,

WHEREAS; the agreement has expired on December 31, 2008 and a request to renew this agreement is desired for one (1) year,

WHEREAS; the payments will be issued to CTR Systems, Inc. on a monthly basis for $1,604.00, totaling $19,248.00 for one (1) year,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Yonkers Parking Authority Board authorizes a renewal of agreement between the Yonkers Parking Authority and CTR Systems, Inc., PO Box 644442, Pittsburgh, PA, 15264 totaling $19,248.00 for one (1) year, effective January 1, 2009 through December 31, 2009.

Yonkers Parking Authority

Regular Board Meeting of February 24, 2009

Resolution No.: 2009-03 –Renewal of Ashburton Avenue Parkadrome Lease






Abstain: 4-0

Absent: Louis Nigrello

WHEREAS; a five (5) year lease agreement was negotiated between the Yonkers Parking Authority and Yonkers General Hospital (currently affiliated to St. John’s Riverside Hospital) on November 1, 1994 for its use of the Ashburton Avenue Parkadrome located at 130-144 Ashburton Avenue,

WHEREAS; the agreement has expired as of November 1, 2004 and a renewal of lease is desired,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Yonkers Parking Authority Board authorizes a renewal of lease agreement between the Yonkers Parking Authority and St. John’s Riverside Hospital (former affiliation known as Yonkers General Hospital) located at 130-144 Ashburton Avenue, Yonkers, NY 10701 effective March 1, 2009 through March 1, 2014.

Yonkers Parking Authority

Regular Board Meeting of February 24, 2009

Resolution No: 2009-04-Extension of Citibank Contract for Banking Services

Moved: Michael Ramondelli

Second: Brian Nicoletti

Vote: 4-0

Yes: 4



Absent: Louis Nigrello

WHEREAS, the Yonkers Parking Authority awarded a contract to Citibank for banking services and coin counting on February 22, 2005 under RFP no.2005-01;

WHEREAS, their services have been satisfactory, and,

WHEREAS, due to the current financial crisis it is recommended that a competitive bid not be requested,

WHERAS, the contract is due to expire on April 1, 2009,

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Yonkers Parking Authority Board that the Citibank services be continued for a period of one (1) year, effective April 1, 2009 through April 1, 2010.

Yonkers Parking Authority

Regular Board Meeting of February 24, 2009

Resolution No: 2009-05: On Street Meters-Increase

Moved: Michael Ramondelli Second: Patricia Kischak

Vote: 4-0

Yes: 4



Absent: Louis Nigrello

WHEREAS, the Yonkers Parking Authority is an independent agency, and;

WHEREAS, the Yonkers Parking Authority must generate sufficient income to finance and support its parking operations thus covering increased annual operating costs;

WHEREAS, the Yonkers Parking Authority proposes that the on-street meter rates be increased to twenty five cents ($.25) per fifteen (15) minutes comparable to other city rates within Westchester County,

WHEREAS, the free ten (10) minutes will still be in effect,

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOVED by the Yonkers Parking Authority Board that the on-street meters be increased to twenty five cents (.25) per fifteen (15) minutes, effective upon installation of new meters.

Yonkers Parking Authority

Regular Board Meeting of February 24, 2009

Resolution No.: 2009-06 – Execution of License Agreement for One Point Street Parking Facility

Moved: Brian Nicoletti

Second: Michael Ramondelli

Vote: 4-0

Yea: 4



Absent: Louis Nigrello

WHEREAS; a lease agreement has been negotiated between the Yonkers Parking Authority (tenant) and North Field Advisors, LLC (owner), 800 Westchester Avenue, Suite S432; Rye Brook, NY 10573 for the partial use of the parking facility located at One Point Street, Yonkers, NY,

WHEREAS, the term of this agreement shall commence on March 1, 2009 for one (1) dollar a year with an automatic yearly renewal unless otherwise advised,

BE IT RESOLVED, the Yonkers Parking Authority Board authorizes the execution of the lease agreement between the Yonkers Parking Authority and North Field Advisors, LLC for the parking facility located at One Point Street, under the terms and conditions of the enclosed lease which will expire on February 28, 2010 with an automatic renewal.

Yonkers Parking Authority

Regular Board Meeting of February 24, 2009

Resolution No: 2009-07- Amano Software Upgrade Renewal

Moved: Brian Nicoletti

Second: Michael Ramondelli

Vote: 4-0

Yes: 4



Absent: Louis Nigrello

WHEREAS, the Yonkers Parking Authority Board hereby approves the software upgrades provided by Amano Cincinnati, Inc.140 Harrison Avenue, Roseland, NJ 07068 for the sum of $8,646 subject to the City of Yonkers Agreement to provide the hardware.

Yonkers Parking Authority

Regular Board Meeting of February 24, 2009

Resolution No: 2009-08- Inter Municipal Services with the Bureau of Purchase and Supplies

Moved: Patricia Kischak

Second: Brian Nicoletti

Vote: 4-0

Yes: 4



Absent: Louis Nigrello

Be it resolved that the YPA Board authorizes the administration to participate and purchase from the City of Yonkers and County of Westchester bid awards.

A motion to approve Resolution 2009-08 was made by Patricia Kischak and seconded by Brian Nicoletti, Vice-Chairman. The Board voted unanimously 4-0.

Yonkers Parking Authority

Regular Board Meeting of March 31, 2009

Resolution No: 2009-09: Promissory Note for Late Permit Charges

Moved: Second:




Abstain: 4-0


WHEREAS, the Yonkers Parking Authority must secure the fees owed for services provided to support its parking operations thus covering increased annual operating costs;

WHEREAS, the Yonkers Parking Authority administration proposes that a promissory note for late payments be established for parkers utilizing all parking facilities operated by the Yonkers Parking Authority;

WHEREAS, the implementation of the promissory note will include the total fees for the time acquired for parking and an additional $10.00 late fee;

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Yonkers Parking Authority Board hereby authorizes the implementation of a promissory note effective immediately.

Yonkers Parking Authority

Regular Board Meeting of March 31, 2009

Resolution No: 2009-10: Adoption of 24 Hour Parking Policy

Moved: Michael Ramondelli Second: Brian Nicoletti

Vote: 4-0

Yes: 4



Absent: Louis Nigrello

WHEREAS, the Yonkers Parking Authority must maintain its facilities and regulate usage of its services to ensure just compensation and prohibit the use of long term storage;

WHEREAS, the Yonkers Parking Authority administration proposes that a twenty four (24) hour parking policy be established for parkers utilizing the Buena Vista Garage;

WHEREAS, the implementation of this policy will require parkers to notify the main office or security desk if they intend to leave their vehicles for long term without pre-paying or obtaining a permit;

WHEREAS, vehicles in violation of said policy will receive a violation/overtime notice equivalent to an expired meter;

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Yonkers Parking Authority Board hereby authorizes the implementation of a twenty four (24) hour parking policy effective April 15, 2009.

Yonkers Parking Authority

Regular Board Meeting of March 31, 2009

Resolution No. 2009– 11: Award of Contract for Additional Engineering and Science Services as Required by NYSDEC Record of Decision in Relation to Environmental Restoration Project at 310 Saw Mill River Road

Moved: Patricia Kishak

Second: Brian Nicoletti

Vote: 4-0

Yes: 4



Absent: Louis Nigrello

WHEREAS, the Yonkers Parking Authority is mandated to comply with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation’s (DEC) Record of Decision (ROD), incorporated by reference, for Site No. B00179-3, dated March 2008, for the site identified as 310 Saw Mill River Road, Yonkers, NY (Section 2, Block 2359, Lots 11 and 13), and;

WHEREAS, the Interim Remedial Measures (IRM) as listed in the Record of Decision (ROD), for Site No. B00179-3, states within Section 6: Summary of the Remediation Goals, Selected Remedy, and the Proposed Use of the Site, “The property owner would provide a periodic certification of institutional and engineering controls, prepared and submitted by a professional engineer or such other expert acceptable to the Department, until the Department notifies the property owner in writing that this certification is no longer needed.”

WHEREUPON, a Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Record of Decision (ROD) is issued immediate compliance is typically expected; and,

WHEREAS, in compliance with said Record of Decision (ROD), the Yonkers Parking Authority is required to monitor the site at 310 Saw Mill River Road once a year, for five years; and,

WHEREAS, HDR has provided engineering and science services in a satisfactory manner to the Yonkers Parking Authority in the past related to the 310 Saw Mill River Road site, and;

WHEREAS, Attachment #4, incorporated by reference, the proposal by Henningson, Durham & Richardson Architecture and Engineering, P.C., hereinafter known as HDR, of 711 Westchester Avenue, White Plains, NY 10604, dated August 2002 (See attached YPA Resolution No. 13-2002: Award Contract for Environmental Restoration Project Concerning RFP 2002-04) summarizes additional requested engineering and science services related to the Site, and;

Yonkers Parking Authority

Regular Board Meeting of March 31, 2009

WHEREAS, HDR’s scope of work, included in Attachment A, which was not covered in the August 2002 proposal and supplemental amendments, consists of the following tasks:

Estimated Costs per Task

Task 1: Preparation of Site Management Plan for the Site ($13,050)

Task 2: Year 1 of on-Site Groundwater Monitoring ($16,000 of which $4,730 are laboratory fees), including:

o  Sampling of the existing five (5) groundwater monitoring wells on Site;

o  Analysis of five (5) unfiltered groundwater samples (one from each well); Please see proposed modified parameters list in Attachment A; and,

o  Preparation and submittal to the NYSDEC of an Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report.

Task 3: Year 2 of on-Site Groundwater Monitoring ($16,720 of which $4,970 are laboratory fees), including:

o  Sampling of the existing five (5) groundwater monitoring wells on Site;

o  Analysis of five (5) unfiltered groundwater samples (one from each well); Please see proposed modified parameters list in Attachment A; and,

o  Preparation and submittal to the NYSDEC of an Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report.

This Scope and budget is based on a modified parameters list for Year 1 and Year 2 of groundwater sampling. HDR proposes analysis of Hydrogen as a natural attenuation parameter not to be performed during these two years of groundwater sampling. If the sampling data obtained during these first two years of groundwater sampling appears that anaerobic conditions exist at the site, the sampling and analysis for Hydrogen (which is a complex procedure) can be performed during one or more of the remaining three (3) years of required groundwater sampling.

HDR’s estimated fee for this additional Scope is $45,770 (of which approximately $9,700 are laboratory fees). However, HDR has $7,427 in YPA approved fees remaining. Therefore, HDR requests approval of an additional $38,343 for completion of this additional Scope. In addition, the remaining amount in the State Assistance Contract (SAC) for the Site is approximately $25,437. Therefore, it should be noted that approximately $15,756 of the total additional Scope fee ($45,770) will not be available for reimbursement from the NYSDEC, assuming a reimbursement percentage of 90%.

It should be noted that HDR will, at request, provide an additional Scope and budget for the remaining three (3) years required by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) for groundwater monitoring (A total of five (5) years is required per the ROD).

HDR will bill the YPA on a time and materials basis at the applicable 2009 and 2010 billing rates and field equipment daily rates.

HDR 2009 and 2010 Billing Rates for Engineering Services

Category / 2009 Rate / 2010 Rate
Project Principal / $181 / $190
Quality Control / $209 / $220
Project Manager / $123 / $129
Senior Environmental Scientist / $148 / $156
Environmental Scientist / $107 / $112
Senior Equipment Planner / $77 / $81
Equipment Planner / $69 / $73
Senior Geologist / $107 / $112
Geologist / $71 / $75
Engineer / $78 / $82
CADD / $81 / $85
Administrative Assistant / $88 / $92


(1) Billing rates valid January 1, 2009 through December 31, 2009.

(2) Billing rates valid January 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010.

WHEREAS, HDR’s bid is the only qualified bid tendered.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Yonkers Parking Authority board hereby award the contract for additional engineering and science services as required by NYSDEC Record of Decision in Relation to the Brownfields Environmental Restoration Project at 310 Saw Mill River Road to Henningson, Durham & Richardson Architecture and Engineering, P.C. (HDR).

Yonkers Parking Authority

Regular Board Meeting of March 31, 2009

Resolution 2009-12: Amendment of By-Laws

Moved: Michael Ramondelli

Second: Patricia Kischak

Vote: 4-0

Yes: 4


Absent: Louis Nigrello

WHEREAS, the Yonkers Parking Authority has reviewed the existing by-laws and;

WHEREAS, these by-laws were last revised on November 25, 2008 under Resolution 2008-13;