Teachers’ notes on the outcomes from ECM
Every child matters
Support for pupils to make effective transitions and to:
- be healthy – by helping pupils to review and assess their decision making and goal setting in relation to emotional health during transition
- stay safe – by offering opportunities for pupils to reflect on risk and behaviour during a move to a new school and afterwards if they have problems
- enjoy and achieve – by providing a strategy that allows pupils to set priorities for work and leisure in their new school
- make a positive contribution – by challenging them to plan for voluntary participation in their new school
- achieve economic well-being – by providing the opportunity to develop financial capability that reflects their increased spending power and growing maturity.
Be healthy
Ideas might includethoughts by the pupil on:
- healthy lifestyles, including exercise and diet, and what they believe
- the safe use of medicine, drugs and alcohol
- issues of crime and offending in the community
- responsible relationships and friendships
- their involvement in physical education/exercise
- stress, emotional health and behaviour problems
- whether they feel they have been given sufficient guidance on health issues
- how those with learning difficulties/disabilities feel supported.
Stay safe
Ideas might include thoughts by the pupil on:
- issues about child protection
- issues about anti-discriminatory behaviour and preventing bullying
- their experience of crime and anti-social behaviour
- attendance at school and truancy
- their perceptions of safety within school
- their understanding about what makes a victim
- what they can do to support victims of crime/bullying
- personal health and safety, both in school and the wider community.
Enjoy and achieve
Ideas might include thoughts by the pupil on:
- their attendance at school and what they enjoy doing
- how they make full and constructive use of their leisure time
- their involvement in recreational activities, including these as part of extended schools activity
- how learning motivates them to take an active role in lesson
- how they could improve their behaviour so that it is good or better
- what they need to do to raise their achievement levels at the end of each key stage
- how to cope with problems and violence at home.
Make a positive contribution
Ideas might include thoughts by the pupil on:
- how they contribute to planning learning
- the opportunities for them to contribute to the local community through active citizenship
- what helps them to be law abiding and follow rules
- the usefulness of mentoring and one-to-one support
- how they are encouraged to take a full part in key decisions affecting their lives
- reducing the extent of bullying, anti-social behaviour and discrimination in school and the wider community
- how they are involved in initiating/managing organised activities in school and voluntary organisations to which they belong.
Achieve economic well-being
Ideas might include thoughts by the pupil on:
- their engagement in learning
- the help provided in preparing for change to another class or school
- how they take responsibility for their personal development learning needs
- how they are helped to develop skills as team workers, self-managers, independent enquirers, reflective learners, creative thinkers and effective participators
- how they are helped to deal with problems before they become intractable.
June 2007e-Profiles – Teachers’ notes on the outcomes from ECM 1