Test Plan

Team Members Email Addresses

Phil Dudas

Bryan Schnebly

Sponsor: Harlan Mitchell

April 9, 2001

Unit / Integration Tests

In this section we will enumerate the components we are going to test, and indicate the requirement that the test derives from. In both of our tools, each new component requires other working components in order to function. For that reason, the tests described are unit and integration tests. The units are tested as they are integrated with previously tested and functioning units.


GUI: We will do white-box testing on each of the parts of the GUI. This is to fulfill the following requirements: Customizable text fields and menu items, easy to use.

The test of the GUI will go in the following steps:

1.  Open the CSCP.

2.  Change a field of size 4 to size 1 or 2.

3.  Add a new size 3 field next to the changed one.

4.  Make the title of this new field “Machine Type”.

5.  Make the value of the field “Manufacturing”.

6.  Make the background color green.

7.  Remove any three fields.

8.  Add three new fields in any configuration.

9.  Exit the CSCP.

DemoScript: We will test the functionality of the DemoScript class, making sure that it gets created properly from the input text file. This is for the demo requirement.

The test of the Demo Script functionality will be as follows:

1.  Open the CSCP.

2.  Run the demo1.cpd script.

3.  Go from state 0 to 1, then state 3, then state 2, looking for changing text fields and added messages, and changes in the table.

4.  Exit the demo script.

5.  Exit the CSCP.

Reader / Saver: We will test the Reader and Saver components together. This is to fulfill the requirement that the user can save a configuration and retrieve it later. The test of the reading and saving:

1.  Open the CSCP.

2.  Follow the steps to test the GUI.

3.  Follow the steps to test the demo scripts.

4.  Save the prototype.

5.  Close the CSCP.

6.  Open the CSCP.

7.  Open the saved prototype.

8.  Check that it is the same as before.

9.  Close the CSCP.

CSCPDocWriter: We will test the Document Writer to see that it produces a text file to document the custom prototype. This meets a want for the developers to have a text file describing the custom prototype, but it is not a requirement in the agreed upon proposal. This component will be tested if and when it is implemented, so there is no plan at this time.


QUI: The user interface will be tested in parts. First, the classes for the three types of questions (Radio, Checkbox, and Text) will be tested individually to ensure that they produce the correct visual representation of the question. Then, questions of each type will be hard coded into the QUI, to see that they can be added, and that question navigation works correctly:

1.  Open the SCST.

2.  Answer question 1, and press forward button.

3.  Answer question 2, and press forward button.

4.  Press back button.

5.  Change the answer to question 2, and press forward again.

6.  Answer question 3.

7.  Exit the SCST.

Parser: We will be doing white-box testing on this component to make sure that it properly reads in the question list and separates the questions into the correct format. We will also test for cases where the input file is in the wrong format. This fulfils the requirement that the survey tool be customizable. The test will go as follows:

1.  Open the SCST.

2.  Load a question list file.

3.  Navigate the questions to check that they are correct.

4.  Close the SCST.

Saver: We will be doing white-box testing on this component to ensure that the questions and answers are written out to a file in the proper format. The proper format is the same format that the parser requires of the input files. This fulfils the requirement that the survey tool be practical. Here is the test:

1.  Open the SCST.

2.  Load a question file.

3.  Answer all the questions.

4.  Save the answers.

5.  Close the SCST.

6.  Open the SCST.

7.  Open the saved answer file.

8.  Check that the answers are the same as entered.

9.  Close the SCST.

SCSTDocWriter: We will be doing white-box testing on this component to ensure that the questions and answers are printed to a text file in a readable and logical format. This fulfils the requirement that the survey tool produces a document containing the answers to the questions. The test is as follows:

1.  Open the SCST.

2.  Follow the instructions for the saver (without closing the SCST).

3.  Select write document from a menu.

4.  Close the SCST.

5.  Open the saved text document with a text editor.

6.  Check the document for correctness.

7.  Close the text editor.