website: lonestarbca.com
The following is a list of new rules and old rules our league has come up with in addition to the BCA handbook. Please read carefully and memorize them. We have new players joining our league and they need to learn the rules right. Starting with the regular session first and then playoff rules. Some rules may be the same, others are elaborated.
1). All teams are allowed up to 10 players as long as their membership of $20.00 is paid their first night of play. Any players on the roster but haven't played don't have to pay membership until he or she plays. Keep in mind, for a player to qualify for Nationals, he must play no less than 8 weeks and or 40 games within a session.
2). No team may add players after the fourth week of the session. There will be no exceptions.
3). Teams will be allowed 1 masters or 2 team masters on their roster for Thursday & Sunday, however on Tuesday Fun Night are not allowed any such type of player. Masters will have their handicaps locked in as follows: 8-ball/ 10
4). No scores for the week will be given to any team who does not pay all memberships and/or weekly dues of $50.00 for their team. Money must be current to receive scores. Any scoresheet & monies late will be deducted 2pts per player. NO EXCEPTIONS.
5). Millies, LongBranch and Buffalo Freds will be the drop off locations for scoresheets and fees. LONGBRANCH WILL BE THE ONLY PLACE TO PICK UP SUPPLIES OR SCORESHEETS. All scoresheets & fee's must be turned in by 7:00 p.m. (Tuesday play....Thursday dropoff....Thursday play...Saturnday dropoff.....Sunday play.....Tuesday dropoff). No scores will be given if your paperwork is not turned in. The league website will have all up-dated stats and league news available for downloads every Monday.
6). Start of every new year handicaps will establish. Players returning to the league for another session will use their last known handicap. Handicaps will then change weekly depending on new scores where applicable.
7. New stats for session will be ready after the 4th week as long as rosters and scoresheets are in on time. Handicap points will be updated with scores when all teams play eachother 1 time.
8). Players are allowed a maximum of 2 minute between shots. A warning will be given to the player the first time after that a foul will result in loss of turn. Please try to be considerate of your opponent and don’t take excessive time between shots.
9). Players will be allowed one (1) time out per game (Thursday & Sunday). 2 timeout are allowed per game on Tuesday. Time outs will have a limit of 2 minutes. Any team member playing or not, may coach if on the roster. There will be only one coach at the table with the player. Coach may discuss strategies with other team members as long as he is not within earshot of player. This cannot exceed the 2-minute time limit between shots. If time limit exceeds, all talk is to stop, and player must shoot. Otherwise it is a foul and loss of turn.
10). Any team needing to reschedule a match must do so at least 24 hours before scheduled match. THIS APPLIES ONLY ON AN EMERGENCY. Both teams must agree to reschedule the match before the next schedule play. This is why we have a 10 men/ women rosters. TEAMS MUST CONTACT DIRECTORS FIRST! The league must be notified of any reschedule and the make up date approved. If the home team is rescheduling, the make-up game must be played at opposing teams home, unless there isn’t room for the match. Again, this must be approved by operator. Games not played will still be responsible for weekly dues.
11). The team present at their scheduled match must wait till 8:00 p.m. before a forfeit may be called. All attempts must be made that the other team will not show up before called. Operator will then verify if team is not showing up before it is final. Please make sure teams call the operator before calling a forfeit. Only 3 players need to be present to begin a match, however some players could be in route so match can begin as long as both teams agree. Forfeited matches and make-ups are too hard to reschedule so make every attempt to play that night.
12). Checks will no longer be accepted for fees. There was too many problems last year and we decided to stop taking any.
13). Last year some teams were not informed of the cue ball for league play . The home team will have complete control over the cue ball used during league play. No other team should bring their own to use unless the home team has agreed to this.
14). Any time a team has a forfeit for a player, always put the forfeit last. If a player doesn't show will count as a non-player. The handicaps will only be used for the first 4 players on both teams. The player directly across from the forfeit on the opposing team, will not have his handicap counted. Any questions on this will be answered if asked.